similar to: rsync of STDIN to a file.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rsync of STDIN to a file."

2016 Jul 26
how to backup samba ad domain
I have one DC in Samba 4.3.9-Ubuntu Server I set the backup script and it is working properly! The restore test it is OK for me! I scheduled via CRON and the backup takes one minute only to run *#!/bin/bash* *####################################* *#* *# Samba_AD backup script* *#* *####################################* *# Stop Samba* */etc/init.d/samba stop* *# What to backup*
2010 Aug 12
tar - ssh - standard out
Hi I have a process that creates 'some data' and outputs this to standard out and i want to shift this data over ssh to a remote box without ever writing anything locally. I have been experimenting with tar to create the archive as the i dont know what the contents of 'some data' might be so i just need to capture it and output it on the other side. I have been trying with $ tar
2023 Mar 04
Trying to diagnose incomplete file transfer
At $work I have an odd situation involving incomplete file transfers, but I am unsure where the issue may be occurring. Here is the scenario. Problem: Sometimes the file transfer seems to have completed, but the file size does not match that on the remote system. Details: I transfer a number of large (>1GB) Tar-Gzipped (.tgz) files via SSH tunnels from $customer. Because of some previous
2005 Feb 04
rsync huge tar files
Hi folks, Are there any tricks known to let rsync operate on huge tar files? I've got a local tar file (e.g. 2GByte uncompressed) that is rebuilt each night (with just some tiny changes, of course), and I would like to update the remote copies of this file without extracting the tar files into temporary directories. Any ideas? Regards Harri
2015 Sep 26
Hidden files problem in R CMD check
Dear Simon, Thank you very much for your help, it did solve my problems!! Great! I have googled COPYFILE_DISABLE and found the following site which does explain the issue with tar on Mac OS X, see: Instead of doing: $tar czf xps_1.29.2.tar.gz xps I did now: $COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar czf
2015 Sep 26
Hidden files problem in R CMD check
Dear Dirk, Yes, I know, however forget for one moment R. If I use tar independent of R it still should not create these hidden files. BTW, do you know where these hidden files are stored on the Mac? Best regards, Christian On 09/26/15 23:01, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote: > > On 26 September 2015 at 22:41, cstrato wrote: > | Dear Simon, > | > | Thank you very much for your help, it
2004 Feb 25
Wide strings and LPCTSTR types
All, I was experimenting with converting LPCTSTR strings to wide strings with something like this: // Converts a Ruby string to a LPWSTR LPCTSTR AllocWideLString(VALUE rbString){ char* str = STR2CSTR(rbString); int length = (strlen(str)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR); LPCTSTR lpStr = (LPCTSTR)malloc(length); MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, strlen(str)+1,
2016 Dec 12
[PATCH] v2v: tests: avoid '..' in member names for tar
Very recent versions of tar (most probably as a consequence of CVE-2016-6321) may refuse archive members with '..', like the relative paths to upper level directories. Since these are just tests, simply copy the files in the temporary directories where tar (or zip as well) is run, so all the files are in the same directory. --- v2v/ | 9 +++++----
2010 Aug 08
paperclip save to disk and s3
I have a standard Paperclip setup that saves a file to my disk. In addition I would also like the file saved to my amazon s3 bucket. [code] after_save :copy_to_s3 def copy_to_s3 has_attached_file :photo, :storage => :s3, :s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml", :styles => { :thumb => "100x100#", :small => "750x750>"
2007 Mar 02
Off-topic: Howto decrypt OpenSSL file in Win32 environment
Hi all, I supose the subject is descriptive enough. In a CentOS server I do the next to make the daily backups: tar cfv - dir_data/ | openssl enc -e -salt -aes256 -pass pass:$PASSWORD -out backup_file.bin So I get an well-encrypted and tared file. If I want to decrypt and the file is easy in Unix/Linux environment: openssl enc -d -aes256 -in backup_file.bin | tar xfv - -C dir_what_you_want/
2008 Jan 29
Dump on remote filesystems?
I have a couple C5 systems I want to back up. My plan is to, one way or another, back them up to a C5 machine in my office. I have samba installed on the systems to back up, the machines are mounted on the system in my office, and a tape library hanging of the system in my office. I was hoping to perform a simple /sbin/dump of the remote systems. I put together a script for another
2015 Jun 01
GlusterFS 3.7 - slow/poor performances
Dear all, I have a crash test cluster where i?ve tested the new version of GlusterFS (v3.7) before upgrading my HPC cluster in production. But? all my tests show me very very low performances. For my benches, as you can read below, I do some actions (untar, du, find, tar, rm) with linux kernel sources, dropping cache, each on distributed, replicated, distributed-replicated, single (single
2003 Nov 08
malloc errors? out of memory with many files on HP-UX
Hi, folks. I've started getting these errors from rsync, and any help would be appreciated: >ERROR: out of memory in string_area_new buffer >rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util.c(115) >ERROR: out of memory in string_area_new buffer >rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util.c(115) >ERROR: out of memory in
2011 Jun 17
rsync out of memory in flist_expand
Hi, I have been using rsync for years to perform my backups, but since a few days it crashes with an "out of memory" error. I am running Ubuntu 11.04/x86_64, which ships rsync-3.0.8, and I have also tried with the git version. I can see the following messages: [generator] expand file_list pointer array to 524288 bytes, did move [generator] expand file_list pointer array to 1048576
2002 Mar 10
Hungarian codepage problem using smbmount
Dear Samba Developers, Dear Urban, This was my original letter. I hope you get it correctly this time. Maybe it was too big, now I reduced the size of this letter. My goal is to make a Linux fileserver up and running with automatic archiving functionality in a mixed Windows 2000 - Linux network and since the beginning of February I could not solve my problem, so I write to you hoping that you
2005 Jun 29
Again, the error in rsync prototocol
Hello list, I am doing something really simple. It worked twice and now fails for an unknown reason. I am on MacOSX (Tiger) and I am simply making a backup of a volume on an external Firewire drive. Here is the command I am using (which went fine for the first 2 rsyncs). I tried to stop some processes, I looked into the drives directory tree but nothing seemed bad. Any idea?
2008 Aug 19
rsync hangs after aborting a process
Greetings. In testing an rsync backup script I'd created, I made a mistake and aborted the running script with a ctrl-C keyboard interrupt. The command that was running at the time was as follows: ${RSYNC_CMD} -aNHAXx --protect-args --fileflags --force-change --rsync-path="/usr/local/bin/rsync" <username>@<>:${CPY_SRC} ${CPY_DEST} The expected data
2007 Aug 27
rsync out of memory at 8 MB although ulimit is 512MB
Hello again, I encountered something amazing. First I thought there is not enough memory allowed through ulimit. ulimit is now set to (almost) 512MB but rsync still gets out fo memory at 8MB. Can anyone tell me why? That's my configuration: rsync version 2.6.2 from AIX 5.3 to SuSE Linux 9 (also has rsync 2.6.2) ulimit -a (AIX) ulimit -a AIX (source): -------------------------
2009 Aug 20
Creating a list of combinations
Dear R Users, I have 120 objects stored in R's memory and I want to pass the names of these many objects to be held as just one single object. The naming convention is month, year in sequence for all months between January 1986 to December 1995 (e.g. Jan86, Feb86, Mar86... through to Dec95). I hope to pass all these names (and their data I guess) to an object called file_list, however,
2007 May 29
Building XEN with different config PROBLEM
Hello. Up to version 3.0.4, I did the following to get two xen kernels (dom0 and domU) with my own config: wget make xen make tools make docs make linux-2.6-xen0-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig make linux-2.6-xen0-build make linux-2.6-xen0-install make linux-2.6-xen0-dist make linux-2.6-xenU-config CONFIGMODE=menuconfig make