similar to: Rsync completed successfully, but files are not identical

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Rsync completed successfully, but files are not identical"

2012 Jul 05
rsync based on checksum only
Is it possible to tell rsync *not* to use file names, date stamps, etc and only use the checksum for deciding if a file is the same? the remote machine "normalizes" a set of file names to remove all punctuation marks and forces all file names to lower case. The files themselves are unchanged. --checksum looks promising but it does not say anything about file names: -c, --checksum
2017 Jan 12
RFC: Dynamically Allocated "Callee Saved Registers" Lists
Here in an example that explains the difference. // Only declaration – No implementation // Assume that the value is returned in EAX and the arguments are passed in EAX, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI. int __regcall callee (int a, int b, int c, int d, int e); // implemented in a different module void caller() { … x = callee(1,2,3,4,5); … } What will be RegMask using IPRA register usage collector? Callee
2017 Jan 12
RFC: Dynamically Allocated "Callee Saved Registers" Lists
Hi Mehdi, I think that the subject of the RFC is misleading. The true problem that we are trying to solve is to remove returned/passed arguments from the regmask (According to the calling convention). IPRA and CC updated RegMask can’t use the same mechanism because they contradict each other. I think that the following analog will help to explain why I think that a reuse is redundant: Let’s
2017 Jan 12
RFC: Dynamically Allocated "Callee Saved Registers" Lists
Hi Mehdi, It is true that both IPRA and the proposed mechanism save RegMasks. So you might say that the data structure in the immutable pass should be reused, but this is the only similarity. Even this similarity is not exactly true. I save register masks that doesn’t use passed/returned arguments while IPRA saves register masks for modified registers. So how can they share the same mechanism?
2006 Jul 03
Time entries in rsync log
Hi, I get strange time entries in the rsync log, For example: 2006/07/02 14:56:12 [20054] rsync to upload/aspen/nhm from ( 2006/07/02 11:56:22 [20054] wrote 28 bytes read 3582404 bytes total size 32030720 The first entry in the correct time and second is strange. I checked and this is not the time on the destination. Any ideas what is the
2006 Jul 16
Connection refuse to rsync
Hi, We use rsync to share data between two remote sites. We are using rsync after configuration of the rsync.conf file. I created a module in the file with the relevant entries and permissions. The problem is that I get "connection refused ", when I try to run rsync in the following way: root@rsync1-mpg:/root# rsync rsync: failed to connect to
2008 Mar 30
Rsync on windows
Hi, It there a way to use rsync from windows server, so it will pull data on NFS through UNIX rsync server? Thanks, Oren Mark Intel - Israel Engineering Computing ISEC Data & Application Hosting (+) 972-4-865-5987 iNET: 465-5987 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Intel Israel (74) Limited This e-mail and any attachments may contain
2005 Sep 19
rsync and HP11.11 problem
Hi All, I am trying to run rsync from HP11.00 machine (source) to HP11.11 machine, as test for migration plan. The data on the source is not changing since it is snapshot of active data. Every time we try to run the following command: timex rsync -avuz --delete isynh09:/snap We get the following error: receiving file list ... done mknod
2017 Jan 11
RFC: Dynamically Allocated "Callee Saved Registers" Lists
Hi Mehdi, I wasn’t familiar with IPRA before, thank you for bringing it up. After studying it, I have to say that IPRA is a wonderful idea and is well implemented. I tried to reuse the mechanism for the last couple of days. I implemented a solution using IPRA mechanism and encountered few issues: 1. IPRA uses immutable analysis pass called “PhysicalRegisterUsageInfo”. The usage of such
2008 Oct 23
asking for root password
We are using rsync to pull backups created on our server. The command below is run as a cronjob and it works great. rsync -avu --rsh "ssh -l root" root@servername:/var/lib/mysql/backups/ /backups/mysql/ We have a new server that will replace the old server that rsync pulls backups from. On the system that is running rsync, I switched the servername in the command above to the new
2020 Nov 04
API support for placing a message for a specific user
> On 03/11/2020 02:24 Oren Yehezkely <orenyny at> wrote: > > > Hello, > > I am trying to find out if Dovecot API allows placing?a message directly in a customer's mailbox, without needing to send the email via SMTP. > > Thanks for?your help, > > Oren `doveadm save` is available from HTTP API, but seems to be missing from documentation.
2017 Nov 06
Target Specific LTO Machine Pass
Hi, I want to add Target Specific MachineFunctionPass so that it will run during Link Time Optimization. The pass is currently running in non-LTO compilation (added in addPreEmitPass). What do I need to do in order to run my pass also during LTO? Thanks, Oren --------------------------------------------------------------------- Intel Israel (74) Limited This e-mail and any attachments may
2016 Sep 22
RFC: Adding Register Calling Convention Support
Hi All, The Register Calling Convention (RegCall) was introduced by Intel to optimize parameter transfer on function call. This calling convention ensures that as many values as possible are passed or returned in registers. To use RegCall, place the keyword before a function declaration. For example: __regcall int foo (int i, int j); // Windows OS __attribute__((regcall)) foo (int I, int j); //
2009 Mar 04
Bug in by() with dates as levels?
Trying to use dates in their R-native form (e.g., POSIXct) rather than turning them into character strings, I've encountered the following problem. I create a data frame where one column is dates. Then I use "by()" to do a calculation on grouped subsets of the data. When I try to extract values from the result, I get "subscript out of bounds". The example below shows the
2006 Jan 30
Reading for area during rsync
Hi, There is an area I would like to rsync with remote site. Is there a problem reading/writing to that area during the time rsync is in progress? Thanks, Oren Mark Intel - Israel Engineering Computing Unix Server Platforms <> (+) 972-4-865-5987 iNET: 465-5987 -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and
2006 May 16
Rsync linked disk
Hi, I have a problem rsync disk that is linked in the following way: /a/b/c/d/e -> ../e We use that in order to create linked tree which has link to kind of tools we need to rsync and thus not worry on disk capacity cause we can add linked disks as many as we can. We use rsync module with chroot for security reasons as follows: [d] Path = /a/b/c/d Chroot = true The
2007 Feb 13
keep group and owner on part of the files
Hi, I use rsync daemon to replicate disks between sites. I am replicating the disks using rsync -avzx command. The thing is that I have in one site the same UNIX group but with different GID. So someone with the same UID can access the group on the source but not on the destination. Is there a way, beside aligning GID number, on both sites to after changing the group on the destination
2012 Apr 11
Settings file times only
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, I restored a filesystem by using rsync to copy directories and files from a backup volume to the newly recreated volume. All of the re-created files were given the current date and time rather than the original file's timestamp. I am sure there was a way to prevent that from happening. Is there a way to use rsync to set the timestamps
2008 Jan 25
rsync on multiple ports?
Hi all, I need my rsync to listen on port 8090 as well as on the standard rsync port. Is this possible, and if so, how does one do this? Thanks! Robert -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2008 Feb 11
backup via an intermediate drive
Hi, I have a backup server running for a media company i work with that's being moved offsite to a server house. Obviously I still want to run the regular backups but the problem is that the outgoing connection from the companies studio can not handle the amount of data that needs to be transferred. Due to this the server housing company has provided a service through which they