similar to: Rsync problem : stops unexpectedly

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Rsync problem : stops unexpectedly"

2009 Jul 15
Rsync stops in the middle of a transfer
Hello. My problem is Rsync stops when I use it between 2 of my servers (2 NAS Synology) ( named "*.22*" and "*.6*" ). For example : _ Rsync run correctly between my server "*.22*" and ".6" ( in the 2 directions ) _ Rsync run correctly between my server ".6" and "*.8*" ( in the 2 directions ) _ Rsync *doesn't run* correctly between my
2006 May 18
Feed 2 tables with one Form
hi all, i have a form with several datas given by the user : name, adress , tel etc... When the user press "create" i call an action called "create_stagiaire" which create his account but i also want to feed another table named "demandes" where which i feed with a date given by the user. In my form this date field is writen like this : <%= date_select
2003 Oct 01
R-1.7.1 for Redhat 9
Dear, I have problems with installing R-1.7.1 for Redhat 9. When I applied `./configure' and `make', I get the following error: make check make[1]: Entering directory `/volume1/scratch/jallemee/R-1.7.1/tests' make[2]: Entering directory `/volume1/scratch/jallemee/R-1.7.1/tests' make[3]: Entering directory `/volume1/scratch/jallemee/R-1.7.1/tests/Examples' make[4]: Entering
2010 May 31
Working example of logical storage pool and volume creation?
Hi all, Does anyone have a working example of creation of a logical storage pool and volume? I'm hitting a wall getting logical volumes to work on RHEL 6 beta. There's a single drive I'm trying to setup (sdc) as a libvirt managed logical storage pool, but all volume creation on it fails. Here's what I'm finding so far: Prior to any storage pool work, only the host
2015 Nov 06
Hierarchical local mount
Hello everyone! I have to implement the functionality of mounting all VM disks/partitions. E.g. if a VM has 2 disks of 2 partitions each (I get it from virt-filesystems), I want to get the following structure on host node after mount: mnt/ ------hdd0/ -------------volume1/ -------------volume2/ ------hdd1/ -------------volume1/ -------------volume2/ I'd like to use guestmount due to
2017 Aug 09
gluster under the hood
Hi, I am using glusterfs 3.10.3 on my CentOS 7.3 Kernel 3.10.0-514. I have 2 machines as server nodes on my volume and 1 client machine CentOS 7.2 with the same kernel. >From Client: [root at CentOS7286-64 ~]# rpm -qa *gluster* glusterfs-api-3.7.9-12.el7.centos.x86_64 glusterfs-libs-3.7.9-12.el7.centos.x86_64 glusterfs-fuse-3.7.9-12.el7.centos.x86_64
2016 Jun 19
rsync script for snapshot backups
Hey guys, i tried to create a simple rsync script that should create daily backups from a ZFS storage and put them into a timestamp folder. After creating the initial full backup, the following backups should only contain "new data" and the rest will be referenced via hardlinks (-link-dest) This was at least a simple enough scenario to achieve it with my pathetic scripting skills.
2015 Nov 06
Re: Hierarchical local mount
On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 04:16:21PM +0300, Maxim Perevedentsev wrote: > Hello everyone! > > I have to implement the functionality of mounting all VM disks/partitions. > > E.g. if a VM has 2 disks of 2 partitions each (I get it from > virt-filesystems), I want to get the following structure on host > node after mount: > mnt/ > ------hdd0/ > -------------volume1/ >
2019 May 17
Moving home directories to another location leads to NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED listing
I have a server and just finished building my raids. One of the partitions is supposed to house my home folders which I then want to share with my windows computers. Before I begin migration of all my data I created a user to test if I can move my home folders from /home/<user>over to the path /mnt/volume1/homes/<user>. The move worked without problems through usermod -m -d
2015 Nov 10
Re: Hierarchical local mount
On 11/06/2015 05:08 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote: > On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 04:16:21PM +0300, Maxim Perevedentsev wrote: >> Hello everyone! >> >> I have to implement the functionality of mounting all VM disks/partitions. >> >> E.g. if a VM has 2 disks of 2 partitions each (I get it from >> virt-filesystems), I want to get the following structure on host
2009 Jul 01
How to get first level folder names with rsync commands?
Dear List, I set up a NetBackup destination on my server. And I backup test1 to NetBackup/test1, test2 to NetBackup/test2. Now I wanna know how many folders that have been backuped. It should be 2 folders, with the name of test1 and test2. But I don't know if there is any way to do so? Any advice and help is well appreciated. Thanks. -- Daniel Li
2011 Jun 10
Rails 3.1 RC4 with jruby-1.6.2 and stream-renderer missing constant Fiber
I just followed the railscast to have streaming. calling the http://localhost:3000/users ends up with following error: [INFO] NameError (uninitialized constant ActionView::StreamingTemplateRenderer::Fiber): [INFO] /home/kristian/projects/sandbox/rails3.1/rails3.1-test5/ target/rubygems/gems/actionpack-3.1.0.rc4/lib/action_view/renderer/
2009 Apr 10
linux Rsync + windows rsync + unexpected connection close
Hello all I cannot sync my windows box with my linux box because of the following error. rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [receiver] I run rsync version 3.0.4 ( protocol 30) on both machines (cwRsync binaries on windows). i sync over ssh. Ssh command works fine from windows. Same rsync command from the linux box works fine. Only the rync command from windows
2024 Jan 03
Files exist, but sometimes are not seen by the clients: "No such file or directory"
Hello all, We're having problems with files that suddenly stop being seen on the fuse clients. I couldn't yet find a way to reproduce this. It happens every once in a while. Sometimes you try to ls some file and it can't be found. When you run ls on the parent directory, it is shown on the output, and, after that, you can access it. I'm mentioning ls, but the problem also
2008 Oct 16
(no subject)
Hello everybody. I have a strange problem with cifs and Samba share. I have a Qnap NAS server (TS-109) and I would like to have a private share where I could keep my stuff and access them through Windows and Linux. But I have an odd problem and I can't tell what's wrong. I can write new files on a share, I can update them but I can't write on special occasions. And because of this
2013 Feb 18
Directory metadata inconsistencies and missing output ("mismatched layout" and "no dentry for inode" error)
Hi I'm running into a rather strange and frustrating bug and wondering if anyone on the mailing list might have some insight about what might be causing it. I'm running a cluster of two dozen nodes, where the processing nodes are also the gluster bricks (using the SLURM resource manager). Each node has the glusters mounted natively (not NFS). All nodes are using v3.2.7. Each job in the
2006 Mar 13
R_alloc problem (Mac OSX)
Hello. I'm having difficulties getting R_alloc() to work. The test platform is a 64-bit Mac running R 2.2.1 installed via a .dmg file obtained from the R site. Details are given below, in a level of detail that I hope is appropriate. My eye was particularly drawn to line #2 in the gdb 'where' output, but line #1 seems sensible so I may just be displaying my ignorance by
2006 Mar 15
R_alloc problem on Mac OSX (PR#8683)
Full_Name: Dan Kelley Version: 2.2.1 OS: Mac OSX Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm having difficulties getting R_alloc() to work on a 64-bit Mac running R 2.2.1 installed via a .dmg file obtained from the R site. Details are given below, in a level of detail that I hope is appropriate. My eye was particularly drawn to line #2 in the gdb 'where' output, but line #1 seems
2011 Oct 12
CVbinary - Help
Hey, I need some help. I want to obtain a cross validation for a regression model (binary response) but I got an error with CVbinary. Well I did this: fit <- lm(resp ~ PC1 + PC2 + PC3 + PC4 + PC5 + PC6 + PC7 + PC8 + PC9+PC10+PC11+PC12+PC13+PC14+PC15+PC16+PC17+PC18+PC19+PC20+PC21+PC22+PC23+PC24+PC25+PC26+PC27+PC28, data = dexp.cp, family=binomial()) CVbinary(fit) Error in sample(nfolds, m,
2008 Aug 22
Problem using rsync for backing up on to a NAS
Hi, I have a problem that was already discused in the german archlinux forum and couldn't be solved. Because of this I was asked to use the rsync mailing list. So here I am ;b I'm using the following script to backup my data to a Network Attached Storage that has an ext3 formated hdd that is mounted via NFS script: This script works fine for /home but