similar to: send_files fails to open file not in source or dest

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "send_files fails to open file not in source or dest"

2006 Apr 26
--link-dest and file/dir transfer to remote rsync daemon
Hi NG, I want to do incremental backups to a remote server running rsyncd (because daemonless transfer via ssh often hangs!). In contrast to transfer via ssh (without remote rsyncd) this doesn't seem possible, or do I miss something? Imagine I want to incrementally backup `mydir' to the backup space `backup' on e remote server `alpha' running an rsync daemon. rsyncd on
2007 Oct 21
Taking a stab at a pure Ruby Dir.glob
Hi all, Here''s what I''ve come up with so far for a pure Ruby Dir.glob for MS Windows. It almost works. The problem right now is the [] notation, which I''m not translating properly into a regex. I haven''t started on the ''**'' notation yet either, but I figure that''s more of a control flow issue. Feel free to disagree with me and/or
2007 Mar 04
Problem using callNextMethod() in S4
Dear all, Maybe, I am doing something wrong, but using R-2.5.0 on my Intel-Mac, I have problems using function callNextMethod() in method initialize. I am loading the following code as file "testS4.R": setClass("baseClass", representation(myname = "character", mydir = "character", "VIRTUAL"),
2003 Jan 23
send_files failed to open filename ...
Hi everybody, I'm mirroring some websites with rsync (daemon on the source), and I noticed in the destination host some error messages 'send_files failed to open filenames', Actually, the concerned files are deleted on the source host, but I would like to ask : * why does rsync say these (in which phase) ? * is these messages harmful or not ? Here below my rsync command and some
2007 Jan 26
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 4357] New: Missing bounds checking in send_files could lead crash Summary: Missing bounds checking in send_files could lead crash Product: rsync Version: 2.6.9 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2004 Oct 22
rsync hangs in 'send_files starting'
Hi all, I am new to this list. I have a problem trying to mirror a cvs repository. I suspect the error happens when getting a directory containing many files. I did a test by creating 200 5k files in a directory named tmp, but It hangs after building file list. When I try to run it with -vvv: $ rsync -essh -avvvz . This is the end of the printout (before
2003 Jul 25
send_files failed to open
Help! i like to use rsync 'version 2.5.5 protocol version 26' to sync some Volumes over the Network. The Plan: At some day there will be a FileServer called 'fileserver' (the Master) and a FileServer called 'Yesterday' 'Yesterday' will always have the last night status from the 'fileserver' without any write access. So if the fileserver fails or
2013 Aug 16
Maildirmake equiv?
Since I am using dovecot I do not have courier installed, but Courier had a very handy tool for making maildir folders called `maildirmake` which I used in some automated backup scripts. How do I duplicate maildirmake in dovecot? for example: #!/bin/bash # v1.2a Testing for new dovecot install # Archive mail from folders without [0-9]{4} Maildirs # after they are 21 days old to a yearly folder
2013 May 21
R CMD check: unknown option ?--outdir==RCHECK?
Hi, I believe this is kind of a long standing bug though. In R-3.0.1, but this also happened in previous versions, the long version '--outdir' is not recognised: For `R CMD check --outdir=mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get: Warning: unknown option ‘--outdir=mydir’ But with `R CMD check -o mydir pkg_0.1.tar.gz` we get: * using log directory ‘/home/renaud/Documents/projects/mydir/pkg.Rcheck’
2002 Mar 12
problem with environment detecting
Hello! I want to detect some environment on a remote host (in C program, getenv()), but it is failed. Here is a little program which I try to run on a remote host with command: "#ssh myhost myecho" /* myecho */ #include <stdio.h> main (){ char *dir; if ((dir = getenv("MYDIR")) != NULL) printf ("environment is %s\n",dir);
2005 Jan 31
printing impossible on win98 and samba 3.0.10
Hello, i am using net-fs/samba-3.0.10 on an updated gentoo linux on x86 machine. recently i was using some older version, probably 3.0.9 i didn't change my smb.conf but now printing from windows 98 clients does not work anymore. the errormessage on win98 is (translated from german): Error when writing on \\master\stylus1160 vor printer (EPSON Stylus Color 1160): The network printer ist not
2006 Aug 01
deleting a directory
Hi, all, I'm looking a utility for removing a directory from within R. Currently, I'm using: foo <- function(...) { mydir <- tempdir() dir.create(mydir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) on.exit(system(sprintf("rm -rf %s", mydir))) ## do some stuff in "mydir" invisible() } However, this is assumes "rm" is available. I know of
2012 Feb 09
Java heap space Error while reading table from postgres database using RJDBC
Hi List, I am reading table from postgres database into R session using RJDBC, table contains 150 columns and 200000 rows. Sample code is as below, which works fine with smaller tables. ######################################################################## db_driver <- mydir$db_driver db_jar_file <- mydir$db_jar_file db_server <- mydir$db_server db_server_lgn <- mydir$db_server_lgn
2009 Oct 30
Default ACL question (EXECUTE BIT)
Hello everyone, I'm doing some tests with ACL's and even though I can create a "default" ACL for a directory (that includes "rwx" for the default owner), when I finally create a file wihin that directory the execute bit is chopped off: [joe at machine ~]$ mkdir mydir [joe at machine ~]$ setfacl -d -m u::rwx,g::-,o::- mydir/ [joe at machine ~]$ cd mydir [joe at
2012 Feb 15
Passing date as parameter while retrieving data from database using dbGetQuery
Hi All, This might be simple question, I need to retrive data for modelling from the databases. Eveytime date values changes so I countnot fix date value in the code, it is required to pass as parameter. When I pass the date as parameter, it throws error. (ERROR: column "start_dt" does not exist Position: 285) My script is as below, please guide me where am I going wrong? All parameters
2005 Aug 18
rsync Reverse lookup error on Solaris 9
Hello, I am using rsync for the first time. I have rsync 2.6.5 running on Solaris 9. It was built with gcc-2.95. We are experiencing a reverse lookup host error in rsyncd.log when the client with ip addy 180.X.XX.XX tries to access rsync on my Solaris box. 2005/08/11 14:30:13 [18092] rsync denied on module log from unknown ( 2005/08/11 14:30:54 [18094] name lookup failed for
2006 Jan 19
High volume problem: stat: no such file or directory
Hi: I have an application where there is a single file-server and approximately 500 clients that are writing a continuous stream of moderate-sized data files. We have been using samba for this, but the problem is each smbd process on the server side ends up chewing up 50-60 megs worth of memory after a while. With 500 clients that takes a good chunk of the memory away :-) I am exploring
2001 Dec 03
New package:
A new package "" is available on CRAN, to create and maintain databases that work more like the S-Plus model. Here's the official Description for (v1.2): Create and maintain delayed-data packages (DDP's). Data stored in a DDP are available on demand, but do not take up memory until requested. You attach a DDP with, then read from it and assign
2001 Dec 03
New package:
A new package "" is available on CRAN, to create and maintain databases that work more like the S-Plus model. Here's the official Description for (v1.2): Create and maintain delayed-data packages (DDP's). Data stored in a DDP are available on demand, but do not take up memory until requested. You attach a DDP with, then read from it and assign
2003 Feb 28
File opening error after 1020 files opened
Hi, I am trying to use "read.pnm" from the package "pixmap" to read more than 10 thousand image files in "mydir". > file.list <- dir( "mydir", full=T) > for( i in 1:length(file.list) ) { print(i) x <- read.pnm(file.list[i]) } In the beginning it was fine. But after reading 1020 images or so, the read.pnm function seems to crash on