similar to: syncing multiple instances of code in same tree

Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches similar to: "syncing multiple instances of code in same tree"

2012 Sep 12
How to append the random no.s for different variables in the same data.frame
Dear R helpers, (At the outset I sincerely apologize if I have not put forward my following query properly, though I have tried to do so.) Following is a curtailed part of my R - code where I am trying to generate say 100 random no.s for each of the products under consideration. library(plyr) n = 100 my_code = function(product, output_avg, output_stdev)     { BUR_mc = rnorm(n, output_avg,
2009 Aug 26
rsync proxy
Hi all, I'm trying to write an rsync 'proxy' of sorts. The plan is that my code runs on two machines (one 'client' and one 'server') and each piece of code executes a copy of rsync, and copies move in one direction (server -> client). I have been able to run rsync on the 'server' end by calling it with -- server --sender and so on. On the client end
2005 Dec 04
Construct a data.frame in a FOR-loop
Say I have a FOR-loop for computing powers (just a trivial example) for(i in 1:5) { x<-i^2 y<-i^3 } How can I create a data.frame and a 3D plot of (i,x(i),y(i)), i.e. for each iteration Thanks, Serguei Kaniovski -- ___________________________________________________________________ ??sterreichisches Institut f??r Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) Name: Serguei Kaniovski
2008 Oct 01
Recaptcha (or other captchas)
Does anyone have any suggestions for a best practice implementation of Recaptcha (or other captchas - if you recommend going another route, I''m all ears)? I''ve found the recaptcha gem and a plugin but I don''t know which is the best implementation, and I haven''t found a thorough tutorial plus example code for either. Thanks -- Posted via
2008 Jan 30
catching errors, rspec basics
Trying to spec the following but don''t know if I''m using the right matcher. How do I spec? Plz, sugar on tops. Audience.stats - should have a stats of 80 when passed a flux of 10 - should return an error when passed a string (ERROR - 1) 1) TypeError in ''Audience.stats should return an error when passed a string'' String can''t be coerced into Fixnum
2008 Oct 15
R-help Digest, Vol 67, Issue 31
V; Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile -----Original Message----- From: r-help-request at Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 12:00:06 To: <r-help at> Subject: R-help Digest, Vol 67, Issue 31 Send R-help mailing list submissions to r-help at To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit or, via email,