similar to: 3.0.0 test failure MacOS X 10.4.11

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "3.0.0 test failure MacOS X 10.4.11"

2008 Mar 03
3.0.1 Test Success MacOS X 10.4.11
I have also been eager to test bbouncer The latest source passes with flying colours! but make check finds some problems with xattrs if not run by sudo I have xattr in /usr/local/bin/ from the source found at: What I did: cd /usr/local/Source rsync -av --exclude=.git/ rsync:// . rsync -av --exclude=.git/
2009 May 11
Fwd: rsync on OSX for transferring files using FAT32
Hi, Which version of Mac OS X are you running? If you are on Mac OS 10.5.x then I can only suggest that you try either formating the drive to HFS + or creating a disk image with an HFS+ file system. If you are running Mac OS 10.4.x then ensure that that ACL support is enabled on the drive. The following URL contains information on how to check and enable ACL support :
2009 May 10
rsync on OSX for transferring files using FAT32
I am trying to transfer files between two OSX machines using a FAT32 formatted flash drive. I am transferring a "big" directory (7G). Basically I want to sync everyday my home and work computers for some directories. I tried many possible rsyncs (original supplied, fink 3.0.5/3.0.4 macports 3.0.5, rsync-2.6.3+hfsmode-1.2b2, 3.0.6+fileflags+crtimes) What I would really like to happen
2009 Jan 28
rsync 3.0.4, Mac OS X 10.5 and NFS: ._ files not copied?
Hello - I am having trouble getting getting rsync to work - or atleast, work cleanly. I have looked and looked, but have found no one with similar problems. So here I am: I appreciate any tips you might have, and apologize if I missed something obvious. Here is the setup: rsync host: iMac running Mac OS X 10.5.6 rsync version 3.0.4 protocol version 30 Capabilities: 64-bit files,
2008 Mar 03
Passed all tests with flying colors on Mac OS X 10.4.11 - synopsis of installation and testing
Awesome work Wayne. I have been following the various threads about running rsync 3.0.0 on MacOS X 10.4.11 and wanted to confirm that following all the various bits of advice yields a clean running rsync (as tested by backup bouncer). I am running MacOS X 10.4.11 on PPC. The following is a synopsis of my installation procedure (as gathered from the various emails in the archive) - note
2008 Mar 02
Thanks Wayne and everybody, This is a huge boost to have a modern rsync for OSX. We're all grateful. Rob D PS I did notice that we lost the bsd flags test in 3.0. It was ok in pre10.... thanks again bbouncer Verifying: basic-permissions ... ok Verifying: timestamps ... Sub-test: modification time ... ok ok Verifying: symlinks ... ok Verifying:
2010 Sep 10
include/exclude: I miss the point
Hi all, I thought I understand how include/exclude and their precedences work (I read the user guide about this), but I seem to miss something. I have 2 questions about this, separated by ====== Question 1: -------------- I want to exclude the "hidden" directories except some sub-dirs or files: .mybackup and its files) and the mozilla firefox bookmarks folder and its contents
2007 Oct 17
xattrs on symlinks
As we all know, only osx supports xattrs on symlinks. Unfortunately, not only does osx support xattrs on symlinks, *every* symlink has, at the least, When backing up to a linux system, this results in one error message per symlink: rsync: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr("User Guides And Information","") failed: Operation not
2008 Apr 09
3.0.2 get_xattr_names on sockets?
Hello, I've compiled a fresh copy of rsync 3.0.2 (version info below) on MacOSX Leopard Server 10.5.1 and am doing an rsync of the whole system like this: /bin/rsync302 -axX / /Volumes/appserv02/2008-14/ --exclude=/Network --exclude=/net --exclude=/home It works OK, but returns with a failure error code, and the following errors relating to files with sockets. rsync: get_xattr_names:
2007 Oct 21
xattrs: Permission denied?
I've found a(nother) bug with the xattr code: kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ uname -a Darwin kiwiw.lan 8.10.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.0: Wed May 23 16:50:59 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.21.3~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ echo test > bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ xattr --set broken demo bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ chmod 0444 bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ rsync-3.0 -aHAXSx bar
2019 Feb 08
persistent generic device for tape changer
> Am 08.02.2019 um 00:13 schrieb Ron Loftin <reloftin at>: > > On Thu, 2019-02-07 at 22:29 +0100, Helmut Drodofsky wrote: >> Hello Ron, >> >> sounds good. I have 2 tape changer. I persume, udev creates the same >> link for both. >> >> Can I modify >> SYMLINK+="changer-$env{ID_SERIAL}" >> >> The serial
2006 May 20
problem to backup some folder - folder empy
hi my script to backup my home folder BDIR=/home/$USER EXCLUDE=exclude.txt OPTS="-a -r -v -p -t --del --exclude-from=$EXCLUDE --progress" BACKUPDIR=/media/dvdrecorder rsync $OPTS $BDIR $BACKUPDIR my exclude file + .kde/ + .kde/share/ + .kde/share/apps/ + .kde/share/apps/kmail/*** + .kde/share/apps/kwallet/*** + .kde/share/apps/konqueror/*** + .kde/share/apps/kabc/*** - .** when i
2016 Oct 03
On implementing zero-overhead code reuse
Hi Kynn, Thanks for expanding. I wrote a function like yours when I first started using R. It's basically the same up to your "new.env()" line, I don't do anything with environmentns. I just called my function "mysource" and it's essentially a "source with path". That allows me to find code I reuse in standard locations. I don't know why R does not
2008 May 08
LaTeX in system()
Dear list, I want to run latex from an R script: system("latex mysource.tex") or: texi2dvi("mysource.tex", pdf = TRUE, clean = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, texi2dvi = latex) but latex does not seem to be on the search path: /bin/sh: line 1: latex: command not found. Although 'printenv PATH' tells me that the usr/texbin is looked for executables:
2011 Dec 13
Mac OS X : "get_xattr_names: llistxattr("some/path/here", 1024) failed" error
Hi, I'm trying to make a small script to get rid of Apple's TimeMachine. The aim is to backup the files of my company. I setup a MacMini with a lot of storage attached to it. The MacMini connects every once in a while to our data server (XServe) through SSH and pulls the files that need to be saved (I'm using the --link-dest option to limit the amount of files transferred, and to keep
2008 Nov 18
Rsync, what are the max transfer limitations ?
What is the maximum transfer rate allowed for rsync? I mean the limitations? I can't get more than 50Mbit speed in my gigabit lan, with rsync server or with ssh. ftp transfers reach >400Mbit , so it is not a lan or nic problem. Maybe it has something to do with my cpu limitations? or the limitations for rsync is the 50Mb/s? Here is my rsyncd.conf if it helps > # by gourgi > max
2008 Jan 24
Making rsync compile under Mac OS X 10.3.9 with extended attributes
Somebody knows if it's possible to compile rsync (version 3 would be great, but can be 2.6.x) under Mac OS X 10.3.9 with extended attributes? Under OS 10.3.9 the Apple shipped rsync have not yet the -E argument option. RsyncX have a double free bug that is annoying. "Q" rsync 2.6.6 with extended attributes binary only works on 10.4 and above. I have tried to compile rsync
2016 Oct 03
On implementing zero-overhead code reuse
Thank you all for your comments and suggestions. @Frederik, my reason for mucking with environments is that I want to minimize the number of names that import adds to my current environment. For instance, if module foo defines a function bar, I want my client code to look like this: import("foo") foo$bar(1,2,3) rather than import("foo") bar(1,2,3) (Just a personal
2010 Jul 13
[LLVMdev] Debugging docs wrong? !1 = metadata !{ i32 524329, ;; Tag metadata !"MySource.cpp", metadata !"/Users/mine/sources", metadata !3 ;; Compile unit } !2 is the Compile Unit, right? !3 is also wrong. -- cheers, --renato Reclaim your digital rights, eliminate DRM, learn more at
2001 Jun 16
Compilation of my own sources
Hello community, Just one tiny question : all source files provided for download come bundled with Makefiles. My problem is : what makefile do i use (or what g++ compilation command line) if i want to compile my own sources ? I mean that g++ mysource.cpp doesn't work. Thank you Sekine --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: