similar to: summary only in output

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "summary only in output"

2014 Nov 12
Problem with build and check
I am getting failure of build and check, for an Rd file that has a long argument list. Guess diagnosis: a quoted string beyond a certain point in the argument list is fatal. Example: Use the function below, create an Rd file for it with prompt(). Move the .Rd file to the man directory (no need to edit it) and try building dart.control <- function(server=c("production",
2008 Feb 25
large number of small files to move
Hello, I have a large migration of a single system going from windows to linux. We are moving 9 TB and 60 million files. I am planning on using rsync to move this data. Are there any special considerations I should have in mind when moving this much data and more importantly, this many small files? I am mounting the volumes out of fstab like this: //dss01/f$ /mnt/dss01/f cifs
2012 Feb 07
na.action in stats::factanal()
> Does factanal() force the user to use the formula interface if they > wish to specify an na.action? Short answer: yes. Long answer: The handling of na.action is a built in part of the formula processing functions, so it's automatic when dealing with a formula. There are also downstream effects on predict() and resid() that are worked out for the formula case, but aren't clear
2018 May 01
issue with model.frame()
A user sent me an example where coxph fails, and the root of the failure is a case where names(mf) is not equal to the term.labels attribute of the formula -- the latter has an extraneous newline. Here is an example that does not use the survival library. # first create a data set with many long names n <- 30? # number of rows for the dummy data set vname <- vector("character",
2002 Oct 11
Problem with checksum failing on large files
I'm having a problem with large files being rsync'd twice because of the checksum failing. The rsync appears to complete on the first pass, but then is done a second time (with second try successful). When some debug code was added to receiver.c, I saw that the checksum for the remote file & the temp file do not match on the first try, so (as expected) it repeats the rsync & the
2009 May 22
survfit, summary, and survmean (was Changelog for survival package)
> Further I appreciate your new function survmean(). At the moment it > seems to be intended as internal, and not documented in the help. The computations done by print.survfit are now a part of the results returned by summary.survfit. See 'table' in the output list of ?summary.survfit. Both call an internal survmean() function to ensure that any future updates stay in
2013 Jul 24
R base package grid does not output raster image
Hi, I don't think this is a remote desktop issue. I can run the following code by remoting into both a Windows 7 machine and a Windows Server R2 machine. I can see the results on the Windows 7 machine but not the server. > library(grid) > grid.raster(1:10/11) Best regards, Terry Terry Seaward Risk Manager T +27 21 416 1923 36 Hans Strijdom
2005 Mar 22
mkstemp fails but data still transferred
Hi all, I'm running rsync version 2.6.3 protocol version 28 on Solaris 8 and am having a problem. We have some scripts that wrap around rsync and generate a list of files to transfer from the sending system (regardless of whether that directory exists on the receiver). I was expecting rsync to fail when transferring files with a path that doesn't exist on the receiver (in fact
2007 Jun 03
Get a summary of directories recursed
Summary: How to get rsync to give me listing as it goes or a summary of where it has been working. Details: Using rsync thru rsnapshot I find it difficult to tell when reviewing logs, where things happed at. Using one level of -v and --stats I get to see the filenames of any files synced but not a mention of directories covered. Especially if no files were affected. Using more -vvv gets
2018 May 01
issue with model.frame()
>>>>> Berry, Charles <ccberry at> >>>>> on Tue, 1 May 2018 16:43:18 +0000 writes: >> On May 1, 2018, at 6:11 AM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel <r-devel at> wrote: >> >> A user sent me an example where coxph fails, and the root of the failure is a case where names(mf) is not equal to the
2012 Dec 18
yum --security not detecting security updates
Hello, We are running CentOS 5.5 on a server that is not reporting any security updates: [root at server01 ~]# yum -y --security check-update Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * extras: * updates: Limiting package lists to security relevant ones No packages needed, for security, 261
2018 May 01
[EXTERNAL] Re: issue with model.frame()
Great catch. I'm very reluctant to use my own model.frame, since that locks me into tracking all the base R changes, potentially breaking survival in a bad way if I miss one. But, this shows me clearly what the issue is and will allow me to think about it. Another solution for the user is to use multiple ridge() calls to break it up; since he/she was using a fixed tuning parameter the
2005 May 28
Log Summary
Hello every one, I would like to understand the summary of my sync log (below) <log> sent 2268 bytes received 1674253 bytes 372560.22 bytes/sec total size is 301413395 speedup is 179.79' </log> Does mean my received rate is ~ 372K/sec? Total local mirror size is ~300M? What is speedup? Thanks
2016 Jun 04
RProfmem output format
I'm picking up this 5-year old thread. 1. About the four memory allocations without a stacktrace I think the four memory allocations without a stacktrace reported by Rprofmem(): > Rprofmem(); x <- raw(2000); Rprofmem("") > cat(readLines("Rprofmem.out", n=5, warn=FALSE), sep="\n") 192 :360 :360 :1064 :2040 :"raw" are due to some
2007 Jun 24
rsync summary details...
Hi, I'm trying to figure our some of these details: sent 34108 bytes received 6913101 bytes 19487.26 bytes/sec total size is 231889639875 speedup is 33378.82 1. Is the 6913101 really in bytes? 2. What is the 231889639875 measurement? Bytes? Bits? 3. What does "speedup" mean exactly? Thanks in advance, Shai -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and
2020 Jun 16
Need help on JIT compilation speed
Hi there, I am trying to JIT a rather big wasm bytecode program to x86 native code and running into this JIT compilation time issue. In the first stage, I use MCJIT to translate wasm bytecode to a single LLVM IR Module which ends up with 927 functions. Then it took a pretty long time to apply several optimization passes to this big IR module and finally generate x86 code. What should I do to
2012 Dec 05
[PATCH] Large log output does not print newline
Hi, I think I found a minor bug in OpenSSH's log functionality: If a log message which is larger than MSGBUFSIZE=1024 and logged to stderr, then the newline (\r\n) is not printed. This is due to the fact that the newline is added after the log message concatenated with "\r\n" is snprintf'd to another buffer of the same size. If the source buffer (fmtbuf) would already fill the
2004 Jul 18
Formatting rsync output
When RSYNC runs in -v mode, I get the following output on, for example, /etc: RSYNCing /etc ... ( <--- this line is generated by the shell script) building file list ... done ./ mail/statistics mtab wrote 26720 bytes read 68 bytes 17858.67 bytes/sec total size is 4176073 speedup is 155.89 RSYNCing /root ... ( <--- this line is generated by the shell script)
2013 Feb 22
speedup is always 0.99
I'm syncing from a USB disk to my hard disk like this: rsync -vr /path/to/usb/disk/dir/ /path/to/hard/disk/dir/ But the speedup is always 0.99 which I think means it is just copying the files each time instead of syncing them. What could be wrong? - Grant
2005 Sep 25
summary nls output
Dear R user: I bulid a package, and in the package I use the function "nls" to solve some questions. If I have two sets of data, and I want to summary these two data's nls output, I write the command in the package source code like: { .......... summary(fm1) summary(fm2) } then i compiler the package and use "Install package(s) from local zip files" to install my