similar to: Rsync 3.0.0pre4 errors with ACLs and Xattrs between OSX and Linux

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Rsync 3.0.0pre4 errors with ACLs and Xattrs between OSX and Linux"

2014 Feb 02
Bugg when using Extended Attributes flag -X
Hello, I found that using rsync on OS X can give some problems when it comes to Extended Attributes (-X flag). The server I use has Ubuntu with the filesystem XFS and I am trying to backup a OS X system to it. The problem is as far as I understand it that Linux Kernel has a liming on 64k f?r Extended Attributes and OS X don?t have this limit. Some error output. rsync: rsync_xal_set:
2020 May 12
[Bug 14377] New: rsync rsync_xal_set lsetxattr failed invalid argument Bug ID: 14377 Summary: rsync rsync_xal_set lsetxattr failed invalid argument Product: rsync Version: 3.1.3 Hardware: All OS: FreeBSD Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: core Assignee: wayne at
2007 Oct 17
xattrs on symlinks
As we all know, only osx supports xattrs on symlinks. Unfortunately, not only does osx support xattrs on symlinks, *every* symlink has, at the least, When backing up to a linux system, this results in one error message per symlink: rsync: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr("User Guides And Information","") failed: Operation not
2007 Oct 21
xattrs: Permission denied?
I've found a(nother) bug with the xattr code: kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ uname -a Darwin kiwiw.lan 8.10.0 Darwin Kernel Version 8.10.0: Wed May 23 16:50:59 PDT 2007; root:xnu-792.21.3~1/RELEASE_PPC Power Macintosh powerpc kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ echo test > bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ xattr --set broken demo bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ chmod 0444 bar kiwiw:~/x terpstra$ rsync-3.0 -aHAXSx bar
2007 Mar 31
xattrs problems on Mac OSX with resource forks
I am using the latest 3.0.0cvs protocol version 30 Capabilities: 64- bit files, 32-bit system inums, 64-bit internal inums, socketpairs, hardlinks, symlinks, IPv6, batchfiles, inplace, append, no ACLs, xattrs xattrs cvs 1.77 I installed xattr for Mac OSX Senario: $ mkdir /Users/alan/Desktop/folder1 $ echo 'Hello' > /Users/alan/Desktop/folder1/file1 $ xattr --set color blue
2011 Sep 14
[Bug 8456] New: improve --link-dest bahaviour Summary: improve --link-dest bahaviour Product: rsync Version: 3.0.8 Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: core AssignedTo: wayned at ReportedBy: toralf.foerster at
2004 May 20
two-way synchronization accross a firewall fails
machine O is outside firewall, machine I is inside (machine names changed to protect the innocent :-) firewall allows ssh connections if inititiated from I to O, but not if the other way. both machines have an /etc/rsyncd.conf of: [rt] path = /tmp/rsync_test comment = Test area O runs rsync daemon, I initiates a rsync cammnad like rsync -rvvv --delete --rsh=ssh O::rt /tmp/rsync_test
2008 Apr 01
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5365] New: --backup and --xattrs are not compatible Summary: --backup and --xattrs are not compatible Product: rsync Version: 3.0.0 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Other Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2017 Dec 18
Centos7: backup with rsync problem: "rsync: rsync_xal_set: lremovexattr(""/tmp/test/etc/fstab"", "security.selinux") failed: Permission denied (13)"
If I run this command in order to backup /etc from remote server to local dir I get a lot of this message: [root at s-virt tmp]# rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded --compress --acls --xattrs rsync://server-dati/root/etc/ /tmp/test/ -v receiving incremental file list rsync: rsync_xal_set:
2016 Dec 01
[PATCH v2 1/2] xattrs: Skip security.evm extended attribute
The security.evm extended attribute is fully owned by the Linux kernel and cannot be directly written from userspace. Therefore, we can always skip it. --- xattrs.c | 18 +++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/xattrs.c b/xattrs.c index b105392..3b72e61 100644 --- a/xattrs.c +++ b/xattrs.c @@ -255,6 +255,9 @@ static int rsync_xal_get(const char *fname,
2008 Apr 14
[PATCH] xattrs not set on locked files that already exist on target
Working with rsync 3.0.2, it appears that rsync isn't unlocking files before setting the file attributes when those files already exist. This generates error messages on subsequent such as: rsync: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr("locked_file","test_xattr") failed: Operation not permitted (1) rsync: rsync_xal_clear:
2001 Oct 18
group ownership
I am attempting to rsync data from a rsync server and set the permissions to a different gid on the client: my servers name is "rserver01" my clients name is "rclient01" here is the rysync.conf contained on rserver01: # log file log file = /var/adm/rsync_log # global options for all modules dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz uid = nobody
2006 Apr 19
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 3701] New: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr system.posix_acl_default failed: Permission denied Summary: rsync_xal_set: lsetxattr system.posix_acl_default failed: Permission denied Product: rsync Version: 2.6.7 Platform: x86 OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo:
2008 Jun 25
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5565] New: xattrs not set on locked files that already exist on target Summary: xattrs not set on locked files that already exist on target Product: rsync Version: 3.0.3 Platform: Other OS/Version: Mac OS X Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo:
2007 Nov 15
rsync error?
Hi Folks Can anyone help me with the following error - is it serious; is the file transferred; are the other files transferred? [morgan@morgansmachine ~]$ rsync -a -X -A -z -v /home/morgan/Documents morgan@'s password: building file list ... done rsync: rsync_xal_set:
2015 Mar 11
vfs_fruit: xattr imcompatible with netatalk
Hi. I'm testing samba 4.2.0 vfs_fruit on Fedora Server 22-alpha. I confirmed that ResourceFork and FinderInfo are compatible with Netatalk 3.1.7. However, EAs are incompatible. The character ":" in EA name is wrong. The EAs are not seen from clients. smb.conf: [test2] path = /export/test2 writable = yes vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr fruit:locking =
2008 Feb 12
Rsync to a Read Only file system
I think your product is awesome, but I am experiencing an unexpected behaviour. $ rsync -avviPH /Users/alan/Desktop/rsync_test\ Folder/ root@slug::Downloads opening tcp connection to slug port 873 sending daemon args: --server -vvlHogDtpre30.16i "--log-format=%i" -- partial . Downloads sending incremental file list .d..t..g... ./ rsync: failed to write xattr user.rsync.%stat for
2015 Mar 11
vfs_fruit: xattr imcompatible with netatalk
Hi HAT! Nice to meet you over here... ;) On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 11:30:45PM +0900, HAT wrote: > Hi. > I'm testing samba 4.2.0 vfs_fruit on Fedora Server 22-alpha. > I confirmed that ResourceFork and FinderInfo are compatible with > Netatalk 3.1.7. However, EAs are incompatible. > The character ":" in EA name is wrong. > The EAs are not seen from clients. >
2016 Jan 09
vfs_fruit: FreeBSD: attrname is wrong
In case of FreeBSD, the name of the extended attribute is wrong. % lsextattr user ICONandEA.txt ICONandEA.txt netatalk.Metadata "netatalk.Metadata" is incompatible to Netatalk. The first atom "org." is removed. source3/include/smb.h: /* Prefix for DosStreams in the vfs_streams_xattr module */ #define
2003 Jul 23
SIGCHLD SIG_IGN, then wait - warning messages
Rsync maintainers please review rsync bug The code in question is in socket.c in start_accept_loop. The user is getting these warning messages: