similar to: Exclude not working

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches similar to: "Exclude not working"

2007 Jun 04
Exclude option not working
Hi , Hope you are doing good. I am Madhavan from India . I was trying to implement the wonderful rsync concept in my project for file mirroring. I implemented the functunality but the only problem I am facing is in the * exclude* directory option. Though I am trying to exclude the directory by giving proper syntex for exclude but I find once the whole rsync is completed the directory still gets
2005 Sep 13
exclueding two directories
Hi. I am taking backup in following : rsync -az -e ssh --delete $HOSTTOBACKUP:$SOURCE $DR_BACKUP_DIR/hourly.0 >$tempfile 2>&1 I need to exclue the following: $HOSTTOBACKUP/Dir1 and $HOSTTOBACKUP/Dir2 how can I exclude?
2008 Sep 25
Rsync 3
Hi Everyone, We want to use the rsync 3 for incremental file transfer of our File system from one box to another, however there are about a million files to be copied, so just wanted to know by any one of your's previous experience with rsync 3, will these many files get copied at first time and incrementally in the subsequent run of the crontab. Replies will be much appreciated. Thanks in
2005 Aug 23
rsync problem
Hi, My rsync is stopped working suddenly I got following in verbose and log, mkstemp failed: No such file or directory and rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(229) my rsync code : rsync -az -e ssh --delete $HOSTTOBACKUP:$SOURCE $DR_BACKUP_DIR/daily.0 >$tempfile 2>&1 the same code was working last week, what will be the problem, how to proceed to fix?
2003 Sep 02
How to avoid automatic coercion to factor?
I have a function that manipulates a list of numeric and character components of equal length and wants to return a data.frame. EG, f<-function() { a<-list(Int1=1:5,Char1=letters[1:5],Char2=letters[6:10]) b<-data.frame(a) } How can I get the columns Char1, Char2, (...CharN) returned coerced to character and not factor? It appears that I could coerce individual columns by
2007 Jun 14
rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(229)
Hi, I am encountering a error saying-rsync error: received SIGUSR1 or SIGINT (code 20) at rsync.c(229). This error was encountered after 2.5hrs of rsync. What does this exactly mean? I am pretty new the whole concept so not able to figure it out. Regards, Madhavan Chari -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2006 Jul 20
Home directories
Hi , I have a small requirement , I have a samba setup on my server with the following configuration in [homes] share : [homes] comment = Home Directories browseable = no writable = yes path = /home/%u valid users = %u root force user = %u I have added samba and linux users and done all the configuration and shares are visible in windows. When