similar to: Using cp -al and RSync

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Using cp -al and RSync"

2007 Oct 01
Apparently Conflicting Results with coxph
Dear List: I have a data frame prepared in the couting process style for including a binary time-dependent covariate. The first few rows look like this. PtNo Start End Status Imp 1 1 0 608.0 0 0 2 2 0 513.0 0 0 3 2 513 887.0 0 1 4 3 0 57.0 0 0 5 3 57 604.0 0 1 6 4 0 150.0 1 0 The outcome
2005 Oct 10
plot - no main title and missing abscissa value
Hi all. I have defined a plot thus: par(mar=c(5,5,4,5),las=1, xpd=NA) plot(Day, Ym1Imp, ylim=c(0,100), type="b", bty="l", main="Ym1 Expression", cex=1.3, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") #plot implant data axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21), labels=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21)) # label x axis mtext("Day", side =1, at=10, line=3, cex=1.2) # title x
2009 Oct 21
local centos repository upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4
Hi list, I run quite a few centos 5.3 servers and have a local yum repository which is working fine. Below a list of what I'm rsyncing at the moment + an extract from my / etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo file I copied the OS directory from the install media and ran createrepo on that dir. I would like to upgrade my servers to 5.4. I was wondering if I could simply replace the
2011 Feb 13
black ops multi : mouse buttons inactive
Hello there, i have a weird problem with Black ops : when i launch a multi-players session, the game menu shows up, sound works, but clicking the menu items is no-op. :( Launching a single player game, OTOH, is even worse : game freezes when displaying the "click to start" welcome message. :( In both cases I have to kill wine from the terminal to exit. It happens both in fullscreen
2004 Oct 06
metadata sent from windows based system
Hello Everybody, We develop a Windows based radio broadcast system for professional radios and we would like to implant an interface in this system to make it able to automatically update metadata of an OGG (!) stream (recorded from the radio) sent to an Icecast 2.0.2 server. We read about the curl --user admin:hackme
2020 Jan 21
Security implications of using ControlMaster
On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 12:18:52PM +1100, Damien Miller wrote: > I wouldn't say it's a lot harder to take control of current connections - > writing a ptrace-based tool that hijacked a running ssh client and > injected a one-off implant payload via keystrokes doesn't seem like > much work. * Injection of key strokes into an existing channel may be detected just because
2004 Jan 22
Equivalent between rsync -aHr and cp -al
Hi, Just a quick question. I am looking for a replacement for the command "cp -al" which has problems dealing with a massive amount of files ( Could I use "rsync -aHr" to do _exactly_ the same thing as "cp -al"? I just want to make sure before trying it. Thanks for your help. Charles --
2006 Apr 09
link-dest or cp -al?
I'm looking at updating some of my rsync scripts. For some time I've used the following inside a perl script to create my 30 day versions of backups: cp -al /backup/Current /backup/$yesterday_date rsync /source/ /Current/ --stats --recursive --archive --times --modify-window=1 --delete --ignore-errors --files-from=/var/www/html/backup/list.txt --exclude-from=/scripts/file-exclude
2013 Jun 18
rsync equivalent of 'cp -al' ?
Hello rsync people I thought I knew how to use rsync, but I can't work out how to use it to do the equivalent of cp -al dir1 dir2 where dir1 and dir2 are both local and on the same disk. In other words I want to make dir2 a copy of dir1, with every file hard-linked to its counterpart in dir1. Why not just use cp? Because I want to be able to do it as a user who has sudo
2007 Oct 31
Mobile phone codecs ...
Not strictly asterisk related, however... Here's an odd one for you.. I got a Nokia E90 and setup it's SIP client which runs via Wi-Fi (anyone know if I can make it work via GPRS/3G?) Anyway, in a fit of idleness, I thought I'd see what codecs it supports, as I couldn't find it in the manual... And it supports: ilbc g729 ulaw/alaw No GSM! How odd is that, given
2012 Apr 15
Bug#666024: rsync --link-dest can incorrectly hardlink together destination files
[please Cc: 666024-forwarded at on any replies, thanks] Please see the attached Debian bug report, which includes a helpful bug-reproducing shell script; I've confirmed this still happens with 3.0.9. Paul Slootman On Tue 27 Mar 2012, Ian Jackson wrote: > Package: rsync > Version: 3.0.7-2 > > With rsync --link-dest, if two different source files (not hardlinked
2004 Apr 12
cp -al issues
Hi, I'm having some strange issues when using cp in my rsync script. It seems there may be links breaking or something. Before running the actual rsync I run the following command in my script: cp -al /backup/Current /backup/$prevday Then I rsync from the source to /Current So shouldn't all my previous days have hard links back to the original /backup directory? Sometimes the
2020 Jan 21
Security implications of using ControlMaster
On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 11:08:51AM +1100, Damien Miller wrote: > So IMO disallowing session multiplexing is at most a speedbump that an > attacker will cross with relative ease. Speedbumps make sense sometimes, An attacker getting root on the jumphost gets immediate control of any _current_ persistent connections and new connections. Without ControlMaster it's a _lot_ harder to take
2012 Oct 12
HELP! I have installed sendmail, dovecot, and squirrel mail. The squirrel mail portion of it works just fine, but I would like to have Mozilla Thunderbird as a client. Whenever I try and connect to the server it says "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account." We do have an MX record in DNS pointing to our server. We are using Ubuntu, and have
2005 Feb 18
I have an urgent (isn't it always the way!) need to set up webmail for one of our users. I intalled Squirrelmail, added /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf and etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf/squirrel.conf to my webserver config (which is not RH stock) and ran the squirrelmail I know nothing at all about php, so am having a hell of a time diagnosing the errors, and the site knows
2012 Aug 10
Serious issue: rsync and hardlinks are dangerous...
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Rsync 3.0.9 here. I am using a rsync script like: """ rsync -z --numeric-ids -a -H --inplace --delete --delete-excluded - --stats --progress -v --itemize-changes SOURCE DESTINATION """ I detected the following issue when RSYNCing a bunch of Mercurial repositories. It is very dangerous, because it will corrupt files.
2012 Jun 09
Guild Wars 2 hangs on start
Hi, I would appreciate any help with getting Guild Wars 2 to run on Debian Linux (KDE, testing). When I hit the "Play" button on the start screen, the music starts to play but the GW2 window only shows the underlying console window. It just sits there and has to be killed manually. Specs: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ 4 GB RAM GeForce GTX 260 Nvidia driver 295.53 Wine 1.5.5 Output from
2010 Sep 29
Program unable to access network
Hello, I'm attempting to run WoW under Ubuntu 10.04 (2.6.32-25-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Sep 17 20:05:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux) using Wine version 1.2. The game installed correctly and patches correctly, however when I try to log in I am immediately get the error message "Unable to connect. Please try again later." If I boot over into Windows, it connects fine using the same
2006 Jul 29
Folder not visible - after migration ( Squirrel Mail )
Hello, We did migration from old version postfix to new version postfix (2.3). >From old dovcot 0.99 to dovcot 1.0 rc2 and we rsynched /Home of old box to new /Home 1:1 After migration we are not able to see customise the folders in squirrel mail interface. What could be the reason. Regards, Sumit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2012 Mar 04
Re: No sound in Wine 1.3.37 (tried known solutions already)
I am experiencing what appears to be this same problem. However, I am already running a self-compiled Wine, so that alone cannot be the solution in this case. I am running 64-bit Debian, tracking testing. I have compiled Wine myself, from git revision b05be807583eca27dc0a4de896ba901bac54088c ("Release 1.4-rc5."). As with the previous report, winecfg reports that it's using