similar to: HTTP encapsulated rsync??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "HTTP encapsulated rsync??"

2007 May 02
http as a transport for rsync?
Given the increasing reliance on proxies and filtering devices, it is harder and harder to rsync across the net. Do you think we will ever be able to use http as a transport for rsync? For example, when will I be able to do this: rsync -arv http://rsync.domain.tld/webroot It would seem that this is the logical next step for rsync and is the one feature I most desparately need. What
2005 Jun 28
Running ./tools/rsync-recommended through a proxy
My computers at my office will no longer be able to connect directly to web sites etc. I will be going through a proxy server. The particular server is running squid on port 3128. I have managed to configure web browsers, ssh, apt, svn and a whole lot of other tools to use the proxy server but I haven't been able to configure rsync. My usual method of updating my copy of the R-devel
2003 Jan 15
umask for rsync
I have another small feature suggestion, it should not cause such a stir as the whole "file list" issue (I kind of wish I never said anything about it :) ). What about adding a "UMASK" setting to rsync (for use on the command line and/or perhaps rsyncd.conf)? I realize that it may be a problem/conflict with -p, but I think it could be a useful feature. -- Aaron W Morris
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from
2005 Aug 05
Problem preserving user/group names on AIX, rsync 2.6.2
I am having a bit of a problem with rsync 2.6.2 on AIX and I was wondering if this might just be the expected behavior. When using the -o and -g flags, the user and group names are NOT preserved on the receiving side, however, the UIDs/GIDs are preserved. I checked the OLDNEWS file and bugzilla, but could not find any reference to a problem like this. Vitals: -rsync 2.6.2 with security patch
2006 Jul 16
Connection refuse to rsync
Hi, We use rsync to share data between two remote sites. We are using rsync after configuration of the rsync.conf file. I created a module in the file with the relevant entries and permissions. The problem is that I get "connection refused ", when I try to run rsync in the following way: root@rsync1-mpg:/root# rsync rsync: failed to connect to
2006 Aug 06
Escape character for --exclude?
Hi-- Ok. I?ve now run into the next thing I can?t find in man, and this time, I googled as well: --exclude /afs/\* I thought you could just say: --exclude /afs/* or even --exclude /afs/ To exclude the entire afs directory. Can you explain what the purpose of the \ and * are here? Thanks again :) All My Best, Jeffrey on 8/6/06 5:00 AM, at
2002 Mar 21
Start Rsync Error
Hi, I have installed rsync-2.4.6 version on Linux Redhat 6.2 (Kernel-2.2.14-5.0), after installed I tried to test the rsh and run "rsh remotehost /bin/true > out .dat". But it failed the error message was "Permission denied". I checked the permission all was okay, I forgot the rsh/csh methods and replaced by RSYNC_PROXY. Finally, it failed again. I would like to know that
2002 Jan 19
Rsync through proxy using HTTP Basic Authentication?
Is it possible to rsync through a firewall that requires HTTP basic authentication? The RSYNC_PROXY variable seems to correctly direct the request to go through the HTTP proxy server on the firewall, but there's no way to specify a username/password combo. The error message reported by rsync is "bad response from proxy - HTTP/1.1 401 Authentication required", which is not
2003 Jan 13
Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypted to get the highest speed on Rsync?
Hello I am trying to set up a backup server running Solaris 8 with rsync 2.5.5 and ipfilter the latest version. The problem i have is i have about 16 different interfaces that are secured via ipfilter , and i tried running rsync via rsh but ipfilter would not set up a keepstate with rsh which meant i had to open up and that is not acceptable. So what i tried then was via ssh and that worked fine
2005 Aug 29
how to mirror only selected directories?
Hi, I've tried various combinations of --exclude and --include, but I can't quite get it. What I'd like to do is only mirror certain directories in a tree. For example, say a directory tree starting at /x contained under it several directories named "abc". I want to mirror only the "abc" directories and what's under them and nothing else. /x/abcdef/456
2006 Aug 23
creating secrets file
I am looking for documentation on creating the secrets file. man -k rsync on my system doesn't have any reference to how to create a secrets file. Also, didn't seem to have documentation either. Any pointers? -- -- David Bear College of Public Programs at Arizona State University
2005 Aug 13
Only rsyncing small files
Hi! Is there a possibiliy to tell rsync only to copy files less than eg 10Mb of size? I'm running a dedicated backup-server, and would like to skip backing up my downloaded iso-files. They can bee downloaded again if requeired ;-) -- Henning Wangerin <>
2006 Apr 25
cwRsync : send all output to a file
Hello I have been using cwRsync on some Windows boxes, backing up to a Linux server. I have found some issues which files being open and not being copied etc, so I decided that I would log the output from the rsync command on the Windows clients so that I can look at them. On the Windows boxes, I put the rsync command in a batch file and run that automatically each evening. However, if I simply
2007 May 04
need help
hi there, i have a rsync server running in deamon mode, with a 1000 plus clients connecting to it to retrieve files. the problem is that when the clients connects the server has many rsync processes running on it, each of which is around 3.8mb each. Basically the server is running out of memory and grinding to a halt. is there anyway of controlling this or is adding more memory the only option?
2007 Sep 05
Win32 port?
Hi Has anybody ever tried (and most probably failed) to port rsync to Win32? I know there are versions built with cygwin and there are also other Windows programs that include the rsync algorithm. But neither of them make me really happy. The cygwin version is dead slow on my AMD 3500+ and the Windows programs all make something differently, can't be scripted and/or have an unusable GUI. I
2007 Sep 09
What is the different between these rsync command
I use the following command initially for a Rsync between Windows and Linux rsync -rvu -e ssh /cygdrive/c//folder I was asked for's password. I type the password and the process continue and success. Then I change the command to (without "-e ssh") rsync -rvu /cygdrive/c//folder I was also asked
2005 Oct 21
Commercial license?
Hi there Is there a commercial license for using Rsync or the Rsync algorithm within a commercial product? I appreciate that Rsync as it stands is GNU and therefore it cannot be used in this way, but I thought that I would ask the list. I understand that it is open source, but we have an application that would benefit from something like Rsync and therefore thought we would ask the question. If
2005 Nov 01
proxying rsync through http
Hi All, I'm trying to get rsync to proxy through an apache httpd server to an rsync server. On the proxy, which has a direct connection to the internet, I've stopped the firewall and unset HTTP_PROXY and RSYNC_PROXY. I've configured the httpd to allow proxy requests as follows: <IfModule mod_proxy.c># ProxyRequests On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Deny from all
2008 Jan 25
rsync on multiple ports?
Hi all, I need my rsync to listen on port 8090 as well as on the standard rsync port. Is this possible, and if so, how does one do this? Thanks! Robert -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed