similar to: Timestanp question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Timestanp question"

2001 Jul 10
Codeweavers install problem.
Hi... trying to install Codeweavers-wine-20010305, which is the latest stable build I understand. It configures and then informs me that it'll compile but that building without the Xpm development files won't work. Sure enough... they were right...<grin> So I go get the latest Xpm stuff and they turn out to be libxpm4-3.4 and libxpm4-devel-3.4. Got them in .src.rpm and
2007 Mar 10
Newbie question.
I'm just starting to learn about rsync. My use is to backup one hard drive to another (newer) hard drive. I've read through the man file, the rsync site, several googled posts, and have read this forum for a few days, and I still have some questions. The initial copy over was simply 'cp $SOURCE $DESTINATION &'. Then I figured out that rsync was what I needed to update the
2018 Sep 20
future time stamps warning
Dear developers, Upon CRAN submission I have bumped into "future file timestamps" warning that I can't solve. I have updated the package as usual, and all checks go through in my system. CRAN reports the following warning however. * checking for future file timestanps ... WARNING Files with future time stamps: DESCRIPTION NAMESPACE The build log is at
2010 Mar 08
Time stamps
I am new to SAMBA and I have what I'm not even sure is an issue. I am aware of the difference in time stamps between *nix and Windows. What I don't understand is this: I used touch to modify the time stamps of a large number of files on the file server from the server side to match the time in the file name. They were video files from my Digital Video Cam and the import program used
2011 Oct 07
Handling Time in R
Dear all, I would like to ask your help regarding handling time stamps in R. I think first I need a reference to read about their logic and how I should handle them. For example, this is a struct I have str(MyStruct$TimeStamps)  num [1:100, 1:6] 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 ... MyStruct$TimeStamps[1,] [1] 2011.000   10.000    6.000   16.000   23.000   30.539 the last field contains
2018 Sep 20
future time stamps warning
Time stamps are correct and my system time is correct. I am now tried to use Sys.setFileTime() to update time stamps as proposed. This does not help. The windows and debian builds give different reports on the time stamp issue.
2013 Feb 11
Inserting rows of interpolated data
Dear help list - I have light data with 5-min time-stamps. I would like to insert four 1-min time-stamps between each row and interpolate the light data on each new row. To do this I have come up with the following code: lightdata <- read.table("Test_light_data.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",") # read data file into object "lightdata" library(chron) mins <-
2004 May 14
Since we've been debating the merits of start or end timestamping... i'm curious why the page doesn't have both stamps ? That would solve the problems for all parties wouldn't it ? It's not like the overhead is huge... less than 0.1%... so on the average audio file thats 5 megs.... it's a 5k increase, which pretty much insignificant. Even on a 1gig video file it's
2011 Oct 15
function for handling time
Dear all I have the following time stamps (in the following format) MeasurementSet$TimeStamps        [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]   [,6]   [1,] 2011    7    2   13   43 48.718   [2,] 2011    7    2   13   43 54.281   [3,] 2011    7    2   13   43 59.843   [4,] 2011    7    2   13   44  5.390   [5,] 2011    7    2   13   44 10.859   [6,] 2011    7    2   13   44 16.375   [7,] 2011    7    2   13   44
1999 Mar 04
Timestamp problem
Hello, Please forgive this message if it has already been discussed, but I could not find the answer to my question in the archives or any documentation, so I joined this list. I'm running Samba 2.0.3 on Red Hat Linux 5.2 with all update RPMS installed and Kernel 2.2.2. I have compiled Samba and the Kernel from their respective source tarballs. I used the --with-smbmount switch with
2011 Mar 24
Millisecond TimeStamps
I am wondering if there is a good way to work with data that is indexed in time, via timestamps with a resolution in milliseconds. As I understand it, the POSIX classes have a resolution i n terms of seconds, and will not process fractional seconds from a string. Is this correct. I realize that this may be a little unclear. Here is what I am trying to do: A data frame with a time series
2015 Apr 26
The easiest way to restore timestamps of files?
Please, is possible (with rsync) re-create files timestamps? I mean something like choosing a "-T" in the program mirror- from it's man page e.g. there: "Do not do any file transfers just force the time-stamps of any local files to be reset to be the same as the remote files. Normally only used when initialising a
2012 Jul 31
TimeStamps to seconds
Dear all, I am having a matrix that stores data information in the following format. > roofPart1$TimeStamps[1:5,]      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]   [,6] [1,] 2011    7   21   15   25 20.609 [2,] 2011    7   21   15   25 23.265 [3,] 2011    7   21   15   25 26.000 [4,] 2011    7   21   15   25 28.671 [5,] 2011    7   21   15   25 31.343 I would like to be able to report some simple statistics
2003 Jun 12
A/V sync in Theora
Hi, I've been thinking about how a Theora encoder could be integrated into mencoder or transcode and I'm not sure whether I understand the A/V sync strategy of Theora/Vorbis correctly. When transcoding from some video format (ie MPEG2 or DivX), at least some images of the video stream will have time stamps, as well as the fragments of the audio stream. Or at least time stamps can be
2005 Nov 03
Wintertime/summertime difference - Samba servers show wrong time ?
When the Central European Time was last switched back to standard, at 03:00 last Sunday, the October 30th, a process died on one of my Windows clients with a mysterious "unknown error". When it was restarted it just went merrily on with its task. Luckily it wasn't part of a life support system. I found out that the immediate cause was how file timestamps were interpreted/presented
2011 Oct 10
Merge Data by time stamps
Dear all, I have some device measurements and the time stamps I get from it have the below format: MyStruct$TimeStamps[1,] > [1] 2011.000   10.000    6.000   16.000   23.000   30.539 I can convert them easily with ISOdate() to a number and do the calculations I need. One of my problems is that I want to gather my measurements to piles of duration (let's say) 5 minutes. Afterwards I will
2010 Oct 08
Why do these keep showing up?
2010-10-08 14:37:29 imap <hmarie at>: Error: Mailbox Removed: Expunged GUID mismatch for UID 1257: ceb413227b55e8aa14cf86ec86f2b652 vs 32b06aa8bc66762bbd6af15228072949 I keep getting a bunch of these, which turn out to be "customer cant delete messages from folder X". I just deleted all dovecot indexes (find -name dovecot* -type f -delete) from all users this morning
2007 Jan 04
problem with plot() and POSIXt dates
Hy all, I'm plotting graphs using plot() function, they are on X axes POSIX dates: "POSIXt" "oldClass" "POSIXct" "POSIXlt" I can't figure out why sometimes it prints the month and days and sometimes it prints the unix timestamp. It appens usually when the xlim is short like only some days. xlim is settled as a POSIXt like this "2006-12-30
2011 Jan 18
Semi-Regular Time Series with Missing Values
Hi, I'm trying to make a ts object that has both NA values and a frequency other than 1 (so I can use stl). I've tried all permutations I can think of, but cannot get the desired (expected?) results. The values live in x and the corresponding semi-regular time stamps are in t: > library('zoo') > z = zoo(x,, frequency=24) > zzr = as.zooreg(z, start=0) > zr
2011 Nov 08
skip on error
Dear all, I have a different data sets and I am doing some calculations over time, For that every data set is split into junks based on the time stamps so one data set has like 10 timestamps. There is also the case that one data set has less than 10 timestamps. In my code I was doing the following lapply(Datasource,analysis_for_one_data_source)