similar to: Feature-Request: --write-batch on destination not source

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Feature-Request: --write-batch on destination not source"

2007 Jul 29
Can Rsync handle largs exclude lists without slowdown?
Hi Let's say i wanted to exclude 100.000 files by naming them one by one in a file to be used by --exclude-from. Can rsync cope with that without bigger problems? I'm currently thinking about how i could make backing up by computer more efficient and if i exclude every single file that i can reproduce an other way, the amount of files i need to back up would be reduced by a large
2007 Aug 02
Option to not update Atime on filesystems not mounted noatime
Hi I have a single filesystem i don't mount noatime because mutt would work very good otherwise. Today, in a discussion about mkisofs, i learned that Linux since 2.6.8 supports "O_NOATIME" as an option to open. (see "man 2 open") So how comes that rsync doesn't do that and/or there is no option to switch on that behaviour? Bis denn -- Real Programmers
2008 Oct 23
asking for root password
We are using rsync to pull backups created on our server. The command below is run as a cronjob and it works great. rsync -avu --rsh "ssh -l root" root@servername:/var/lib/mysql/backups/ /backups/mysql/ We have a new server that will replace the old server that rsync pulls backups from. On the system that is running rsync, I switched the servername in the command above to the new
2012 Mar 18
word frequency count
Hi: I have a dataframe containing comma seperated group of words such as milk,bread bread,butter beer,diaper beer,diaper milk,bread beer,diaper I want to output the frequency of occurrence of comma separated words for each row and collapse duplicate rows, to make the output as shown in the following dataframe: milk,bread 2 bread,butter 1 beer,diaper 3 milk,bread 2 Thanks for help! deb
2007 Oct 17
How to save association rules generated by arules package
Hi, I have been able to generate association rules for Market Basket Analysis using the following codes: **************************************************************************** ******************************************* library("arules") rules <- read.csv("write1.csv",na.strings=c(".", "NA", "", "?"),header=TRUE)
2013 Sep 02
R dataframe and looping help
HI, You may try this: dat1<- read.table(text=" CustID TripDate Store Bread Butter Milk Eggs 1 2-Jan-12 a 2 0 2 1 1 6-Jan-12 c 0 3 3 0 1 9-Jan-12 a 3 3 0 0 1 31-Mar-13 a 3 0 0 0 2 31-Aug-12 a 0 3 3 0 2 24-Sep-12 a 3 3 0 0 2 25-Sep-12 b 3 0 0 0 ",sep="",header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE) dat2<- dat1[,-c(1:3)] res<- lapply(seq_len(ncol(dat2)),function(i)
2009 Jul 02
rsync transfer rates over ssh
This is just an inquiry about how rsync calculates its transfer speeds. I'm using rsync over ssh to pull data from our central office to another office. Our central office is connected to the internet via T1 and the other office is connected to the internet via DSL. rsync is being run at the remote office to pull data down from the central office so I expect to see transfer speeds at a
2012 Jul 05
rsync based on checksum only
Is it possible to tell rsync *not* to use file names, date stamps, etc and only use the checksum for deciding if a file is the same? the remote machine "normalizes" a set of file names to remove all punctuation marks and forces all file names to lower case. The files themselves are unchanged. --checksum looks promising but it does not say anything about file names: -c, --checksum
2006 Nov 01
extract values from a vector
Hello, I'm looking for a solution for the following problem: I have two vectors V1 <- c("apple","honey","milk","bread","butter") V2 <- c("bread","milk") now, I would like to know for each element in V1 if it's equal to one of the elements in V2 I could do: which(V1 == V2[1] | V1 == V2[2]) but what if I
2010 May 24
[LLVMdev] LatticeMico32 (LM32) backend
Hello Sébastien, Making backends to LLVM is a significant amount of work. If you want somebody to do it for you, either offer some payment or do your own coding. Keep in mind that the bread-and-butter support for LLVM comes from Apple computer so unless the next iPad will start using softcores, be prepared to pursue the other courses of action I laid out. I may be having to write a backend to
2009 Oct 27
Optional filter files
Is it possible to call rsync and tell it to use a filter file if it exists, but otherwise continue without errors? If I pass "--filter=. .rsync-filter", it will fail if .rsync-filter doesn't exist. I know you can pass "--filter=: /.rsync-filter" to search for filter files in each directory. That won't fail if there aren't any such files. But I'm only
2005 Oct 18
Legal issues for non-profit radio stations.
Of course we all know these groups would certainly not appreciate the audible distrobution of their bread and butter. However, I assume your scope is only within the U.S. , whereas personaly in Canada. Our laws governed a right to freedom of information in regards to online content. More or less, if you find it online it must be public content (unless that's been changed by now, I haven't
2011 Jan 04
Fwd: Announce: telepathy-ring 2.1.1
This should probably go to the dev list but I think developers and users both need to see the progress. A year or two, I posted about ofono right at their launch. It seems they have come a long way and Digium or other VoIP platforms may want to make alliances with ofono. It is not a joke project or vaporware. It is backed by Nokia and Intel. It looks like with a little
2011 Jan 18
[OT] As service network suggestion
Greetings, I tried to throw this idea open in the ILUG-BOM group. some discussion took place. I was wondering if Centos can have such support network that can take care of all the "Centos support for money".discussions/decisions. Thanks for current and further indulgence. With warm regards and season's greetings, Rajagopal Mumbai, India PS: I understand Some central European
2013 May 19
Any plans for a 3.1.0 release(-date)?
Hi If i'm reading git right(git log v3.0.9..) the development branch that will eventually result in 3.1.0 is nearly 5 years "in the making". Personally i'm anticipating the fallocate support, as XFS is great at preallocateing (fallocating even a several gigabyte big file only takes milliseconds) which reduces fragmentation especially when the copy operation takes time.
2009 Feb 03
SAS language to R :interview
Dear List, Please find a frank interview with Phil Rack, creator of Bridge to R ( from both SAS and WPS interfaces). For those unaware of WPS- it is basically a SAS language compiler (read SAS code,writes SAS code,Reads and writes SAS datasets) ,priced at 660 $ a licence ( or estimated 10 times cheaper than Base SAS. The UK based WPC held, WPS doesnt have advanced statistical facilities like
2005 Aug 14
Panel data handling (lags, growth rates)
I have written two functions which do useful things with panel data a.k.a. longitudinal data, where one unit of observation (a firm or a person or an animal) is observed on a uniform time grid: - The first function makes lagged values of variables of your choice. - The second function makes growth rates w.r.t. q observations ago, for variables of your choice. These strike me as
2009 Jul 28
Possibly bug in rsync-3.0.6 when spaces are there in destination path
The below command works perfectly and it creates "test file" on destination host. rsync -avz /tmp/test\ file destination:/tmp/ sending incremental file list test file sent 91 bytes received 31 bytes 27.11 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 The below two command doesn't work. The rsync creates "test" file on destination host in both of below cases. 1. I want to
2012 Aug 29
Destination file is larger than source file
We are using the standard -av switch. And both filesystems are the same - UFS. /opt/rsync/bin/rsync -av -e "ssh -l root" --delete --exclude-from=/var/scripts/exclude --password-file=/var/scripts/transfer.passwd <username>@<source host>::<source dir>/ /<destination dir> Source system <source host>:<source dir># du -sh * 1K nohup.out 20G
2010 Jun 26
All a column to a data frame with a specific condition
Hi, folks, Please first look at the codes: plan_a=c('apple','orange','apple','apple','pear','bread') plan_b=c('bread','bread','orange','bread','bread','yogurt') value=1:6 data=data.frame(plan_a,plan_b,value) library(plyr) library(reshape) mm=melt(data, id=c('plan_a','plan_b'))