similar to: owner and group

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "owner and group"

2006 Jul 07
Rsync over samba mounts (bad file descriptor)
Hello everyone I am trying to do incremental backups using rsync and SSH. I have a windows server with two shares on it that I want to sync remotely to another machine. [----------------] | windows server | [----------------] [----------------] | FreeBSD server | [----------------] [----------------] | SuSe server | [----------------] I have two samba mounted shares on the BSD server,
2006 May 10
Rsync via ssh hangs on same file repeatedly
Hi all, I'm having problems with an rsync via ssh process hanging during transfer. The basic problem, (gory details to follow): I've set up a machine on my LAN to act as the receiver and have two (soon to be more) remote servers transferring files via a script. It seems as if certain files are causing the transfer to hang. These are different files on each of the sending machines,
2005 Apr 26
Need Help with rsyncd.conf
What do this uid =0 anfd gid = 0 mean? Can it pose any security issues. Thanks, VC [root] path = / auth users = XXX secrets file = /usr/local/etc/rsyncd.secrets uid = 0 gid = 0 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
2007 Sep 15
File changed during save....
hi! i want to use rsync for backup to central storage. from emc networker i know some nice feature - it`s telling about "changed files during save" - i.e. i know which files have changed their contents while being backed up. for example you can see if shutdown of some oracle database was forgotten and that database was backed up online accidentally. what`s the rsync equivalent to
2005 Oct 19
Initialising a mirror
Dears, I would like to mirror data from 2 servers connected together via VPN over ADSL lines (dwn 2Mbps/Upld 512Kbps). I'm sure rsync is one of the best tool to keep these data in sync but how should I use it to initialise the mirror? I'm currently testing the solution with 10Gb of data to keep in sync. But on my lines it would take more than 40 hours to initially create the
2009 Jun 02
Difference between rsync -r S1 S2 T and cp -r S1 S2 T
The manual says rsync can be used as an improved cp command. If S1 and S2 are (local) source files or directories and T is an (local) existing directory, is it safe to think that $ rsync -r S1 S2 T does the same thing as $ cp -r S1 S2 T , assuming no trailing slashes in S1, S2? -- View this message in context:
2005 Aug 14
Is it possible for source and destination to be server
Is it possible to run rsync with both source and destination on the remote server? such as rsync -ar -e ssh ---------------------------------------------------------------- This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
2005 Sep 22
Running 'rsync' as root misses files
Hi all, I was wondering, I run (inside another program) 'rsync' as 'root' using '--files-from'. It seems to error though on files with permissions where 'everyone' does not have read permissions (ie: permissions of '0640'). Is this the normal behaviour for 'rsync' could I be missing something? Thanks!
2006 Apr 27
Filename too long
This is the rsync version I am using. rsync version 2.5.5 protocol version 26 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Andrew Tridgell and others <> Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, IPv6, 64-bit system inums, 64-bit internal inums I have a file with a looooong name which I rsync from PC1 to PC2. (redhat-9) I am getting the
2006 Jun 07
Windows rsync
Hi there I am new to rsync so be gentle Ok i install cwRsync and i used the script that came with it but just added my filename and remote computer. right now it says rsync -r -delete /c/backup/ i also tried it with rsync -r -delete /cygdrive/c/backup/ and rsync -r -delete /cygdrive/c/backup/ the error
2006 Jun 26
some errors
Just wondering what could cause the following errors: rsync: read errors mapping "/sys/block/loop4/dev": No data available (61) rsync: send_files failed to open "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/Promise_Old_IDE/new_id": Permission denied (13) ERROR: sys/block/ram2/stat failed verification -- update retained. rsync: read errors mapping "/sys/block/ram2/stat": No data available
2009 May 14
rsync to SAMBA mount or NTFS tutorial?
Will someone please tell me where to go, and how to get there to get rsync running to mounted windows shares or mounted NTFS volumes? I'm doing OK with rsync-ing to EXT3 mounted volumes but the others still perplex me. I look forward to hearing from you, Dale -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2009 Jul 01
How to get first level folder names with rsync commands?
Dear List, I set up a NetBackup destination on my server. And I backup test1 to NetBackup/test1, test2 to NetBackup/test2. Now I wanna know how many folders that have been backuped. It should be 2 folders, with the name of test1 and test2. But I don't know if there is any way to do so? Any advice and help is well appreciated. Thanks. -- Daniel Li
2006 May 23
ignoring file times - but still examining content
Hello. I would like to transfer files which have changed on another box. The rsync man page says: --size-only ..This is useful when starting to use rsync after using another mirroring system which may not preserve timestamps exactly.. Which is my situation. My problem is that the size-only switch (clearly) ignores files with different content, but that have the same size. I'd like to
2005 Nov 10
rsync local copy saves ower:group remote copy sets to rsync.conf owner:group
Using sudo and rsync to perform migrations of source from test to prod When the rsync 'source' 'target' are both on the local server the owner:group is maintained from the source When the copy is 'source' local 'target' remote the owner:group changes to the value specified by uid:gid in the rsyncd.conf I want the 'target' to always change to uid:gid
2009 Jul 08
rsync Windows to opensolaris or linux
I know this subject has been covered a fair bit here but I'm getting confused with the vast array of possible options I've seen in various cmdlines posted here, and the vast (and sometimes confusing) rsync manual. Can someone show me the simplest case to allow rsync to push data from a windows XP or vista machine onto an opensolaris host using rsync on cygwin? What options are commonly
2005 Aug 01
How to preserve ownership with rsync over SSH
Hello everybody, I am discovering rsync and I have a problem about preserving ownership and permissions. I want to mirror a web tree with rsync over ssh. I set up a module on my rsync server and on the rsync client, I use the options -o and -p in order to preserve ownership et permissions. The file are transffered via rsync but on the rsync server the files are owned by the user used to connect
2005 Apr 23
I already used --recursive
In /usr/share/doc/rsync/README.gz: BUG REPORTS ----------- If you have web access then please look at... Well what if you don't have web access? You don't mention what to do then. "Send bugs to" probably. OK. Will do. Here's one now: $ rsync -avz var/lib/apt/diet.lists receiving file list ...
2005 Jul 10
destination directory problems
I am having a problem getting my files backed up to the location I want to from a WinXP client going to a Debian rsync server. The following is sending asm/ to /home/robert/backup folder. rsync -avz /cygdrive/d/asm robert@ My understanding of the rsync man page is that this is supposed to send asm/ to what the path that is defined in rsyncd.conf, mine is defined as /backup.
2006 May 12
random file corruption on NTFS
Hi, We are using Rsync version 2.6.8 protocol version 29 on a winNT box to backup a linux (RedHat 9.0) box (same version of rsync) and everynight a different file on the NT server is reported as being corrupt, there are no errors in the rsync logs on either side. NT Event log records: Event Type: Error > Event Source: Ntfs > Event Category: Disk > Event ID: 55 > Date: 12/05/2006