similar to: rsync+iconv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "rsync+iconv"

2006 Sep 21
rsyncing from win1251 to UTF-8
Hello! I need to sync directories from one machine to another. Source server uses win1251 (russian) codepage to store filenames. Destination server uses UTF-8. How could I avoid garbage in filenames after rsyncing? Can rsync recode filenames from one codepage to another? If no, is there any way to do this task? Thank you.
2008 Jul 29
[releng_7 tinderbox] failure on sparc64/sparc64
TB --- 2008-07-29 09:37:14 - tinderbox 2.3 running on TB --- 2008-07-29 09:37:14 - starting RELENG_7 tinderbox run for sparc64/sparc64 TB --- 2008-07-29 09:37:14 - cleaning the object tree TB --- 2008-07-29 09:37:32 - cvsupping the source tree TB --- 2008-07-29 09:37:32 - /usr/bin/csup -r 3 -g -L 1 -h localhost -s /tinderbox/RELENG_7/sparc64/sparc64/supfile TB ---
2004 Dec 16
rsync and broken symlinks
Hello! I need a suggestion. How to copy broken symlink as symlink with rsync? Example: # mkdir src # ln -s file-that-doesnt-exist src/broken-link # rsync -a src/ dst/ # ls -l src/ total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Dec 16 10:31 broken-link -> file-that-doesnt-exist # ls -l dst total 0 I want src/ and dst/ to be identical after sync. -- WBR, Yakov Hrebtov
2010 Sep 20
Russian Letters are displayed as "?????????"
Hello everyone, I have encountered the problem that when I run an application under Wine, all Cyrillic letters are shown as ?????????. To solve this problem, I've checked the similar topic Letters like ???????????? :( ( But, unfortunately it didn't quite work. Letters in the application now look
2011 Mar 23
Cyrillic works "HALF"-good with wine
Hello, here is my problem: I have Wine-1.2.2 (on Ubuntu 10.10) and I'm trying to run windows application (writted on Visual Fox Pro 9 ) my command line is: Code: LC_ALL="ru_RU.UTF-8" wine shop.exe (without LC_ALL an error "Collating squesnce RUSSIAN not fund" ) In this case wine shows normalyy most of the windows and textboxes, and the MAINMRNU. But SUBMENUS are shown
2013 Apr 09
Question on Stopword Removal from a Cyrillic (Bulgarian)Text
Hi, I bumped into a serious issue while trying to analyse some texts in Bulgarian language (with the tm package). I import a tab-separated csv file, which holds a total of 22 variables, most of which are text cells (not factors), using the read.delim function: data<-read.delim("bigcompanies_ascii.csv", header=TRUE, quote="'",
2013 Apr 09
Question on Stopword Removal from a Cyrillic (Bulgarian)Text
Hi, I bumped into a serious issue while trying to analyse some texts in Bulgarian language (with the tm package). I import a tab-separated csv file, which holds a total of 22 variables, most of which are text cells (not factors), using the read.delim function: data<-read.delim("bigcompanies_ascii.csv", header=TRUE, quote="'",
2006 Nov 03
unexpected tag -55
Periodicaly rsync terminates with folowing errors: unexpected tag -55 [receiver] file has vanished: "<filename here>" server log says: file has vanished: "<filename here>" (in userdata) writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes [sender]: Connection reset by peer (104) I'm didn't wondered with vanished file, but what is "unexpected tag" and
2008 Feb 26
rsync-3.0.0pre10 and iconv
Hello, I am trying to get rsync-3.0.0pre10 --iconv option working between two linux hosts in local network. The client host is running Fedora Core 4 (kernel 2.6.17) and is using iso8859-1 character set. LANG=en_US The daemon host is running Centos 5 (kernel 2.6.18) and is using utf-8 character set. LANG=en_US.UTF-8 Rsync is transferring files properly without --iconv switch: fc4: (connected
2013 Feb 21
Getting htmlParse to work with Hebrew? (on windows)
Hello dear R-help mailing list. Looks like the same issue in Russian: library(RCurl) library(XML) u = "" a = getURL(u) a # Here - the Russian is fine. a2 <- htmlParse(a) a2 # Here it is a mess... None of these seem to fix it: htmlParse(a, encoding = "windows-1251") htmlParse(a, encoding =
2007 Oct 07
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 5012] New: iconv: client charset used by server process Summary: iconv: client charset used by server process Product: rsync Version: 3.0.0 Platform: PPC OS/Version: Mac OS X Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy:
2011 Mar 16
[Bug 8018] New: configure doesn't find iconv library Summary: configure doesn't find iconv library Product: rsync Version: 3.0.8 Platform: All OS/Version: Mac OS X Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: core AssignedTo: wayned at ReportedBy: mike at
2007 Sep 18
DO NOT REPLY [Bug 4981] New: iconv confusion Summary: iconv confusion Product: rsync Version: 3.0.0 Platform: PPC OS/Version: Mac OS X Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P3 Component: core AssignedTo: ReportedBy: QAContact:
2010 Aug 07
iocharset, codepage issue in CentOS 5.5
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html><head><title>iocharset, codepage issue in CentOS 5.5</title> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <style type="text/css"><!-- body
2009 May 28
Please help with Cyrilic fonts
Hi I'm trying to get Rosetta Stone software working under Wine, and actually it seems fine, apart from one thing: On the Russian language lessons, the font displayed is English-type, rather than Cyrillic. That's no good! It's working fine on my VirtualBox XP setup. I have copied all the fonts from XP and Vista installations, to no good effect. I have also tried winetricks
2010 May 20
rsync and the iconv-switch
Hello all, I have problems with sending data names via rsync including german characters like ??, ?, ??. The daemon running on a SLES10. The Rsync version is: 3.0.3, Protocol version:30. My Client is a Windows XP machine with Rsync: 3.0.4 (or alternative 3.0.6), Protocol version:30. For the conversion between both machines I use the ??iconv=850,UTF-8? ? switch. chcp told me that 850 is my
2007 Sep 22
rsync build on IA64 using icc
I got numerous warnings when building rsync on IA64 (Itanium-2) using Intel C/C++ compiler (see attached). Is this expected? Thanks, Michael -------------- next part -------------- Script started on Fri 21 Sep 2007 06:14:05 PM BST ~/src$ ls -alt total 222884 -rw-r--r-- 1 mccssmb2 mcc101 0 Sep 21 18:14 build_rsync drwxr-xr-x 8 mccssmb2 mcc101 4096 Sep 21 18:14 . -rw-r--r-- 1
2008 Apr 30
Multilingual application on Mac OS X
I have installed wine package from on Mac OS X v10.5 Leopard. It works, except this program don't accept Bulgarian input. I have successfully use it on Linux with "LANG=bg_BG.CP1251 wine Diction.exe", when that locale is installed. I don't know how to achieve this on Mac. "LANG=bg_BG.UTF8 wine Diction.exe" dos
2009 Dec 20
utf8 postscript cyrillic
Dear R users, I am running R version 2.10.0 (2009-10-26). I need to prepare an eps graphic with a legend with cyrillic words. I tried setting the encoding parameter of the postscript command, but in vain, nothing seems to work. I tried with CP1251, KOI8-R, UTF-8 and Cyrillic (UTF-8 turned out to not be available under /usr/lib/R/library/grDevices/enc). All I get is ???????? in the final
2004 Mar 22
freebsd + mount_smbfs = ?
When I use mount_smbfs I receive such message: # mount_smbfs -W sbrc -U Kid -E koi8-r:cp1251 -Iradius.sbrc.local //Kid@radius/MUSIC$ /home/anonftp/.2 mount_smbfs: can't get server address `radius.sbrc.local': Resolver Error 0 (no error) mount_smbfs: can't get server address: syserr = Network is down Network is up in fact, dns server resolves name, but I receive this message