similar to: mirroring with rsync

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 80000 matches similar to: "mirroring with rsync"

2002 Sep 08
Rsync and trying to mirror Linux user areas
As root, I am trying to mirror a Redhat 7.3 Linux user area onto another Redhat 7.3 Linux box using rsync. This is using the following type of command: rsync -a -v --stats --safe-links However, rsync cannot mirror most of the user area because of the default permissions for the user areas. e.g., opendir(user1): Permission denied opendir(user2): Permission denied drwx------ 3 user1
2009 Nov 11
Vyatta ISO in DomU
A friend of mine recommended checking out the Vyatta project. I was reviewing their website and saw endorsements of their product running on both Vmware and Xen. In fact, they have a Vmware virtual image and a beta XenServer image. However, I am running a typical Debian Lenny 64 DomU installed through the repositories. According to their installation documents, it states that the ISO can be
2002 Jun 06
rsync synchronizes VERY slow
hi, I have an 20G archive of pic files which would have to be mirrored onto another server. It contains large JPEGs, around 10k files, one of the servers is located in Boston, the another is in Budapest, Hungary. I use rsync rsync://remote_box/remotedir localdir/ -zcvr --progress --size-only The issue is that the remote server sends the filelist very slow. Looking into the rsyncd process with
2008 Oct 23
rsync mirroring
Hello guys, we have a production server named prod-server we have a mirror server named storage-server . I want to mirror a downloadsite on production server to a mirror server , but i want to keep all files from production server on mirror server . More explicitly. If i will have a file named "myproduct.exe" on production server , which is allready mirrored on mirror server , and i
2007 Apr 26
rsync mirroring and hardlink issues
I'm running a mirror of several repositories that are fetched using separate rsync runs. Since some of those repositories are hosting related files, I'm using the hardlink utility[1] in order to save disk space. However, I've noticed an issue that may lead to potential file metadata inconsistencies when using hardlink. Consider the following scenario: - two repositories (rep_a and
2004 Feb 17
Erratic Trouble rsyncing between windows share and linux
I am trying to rsync between two linux boxes, but one of the linux boxes is using samba to map a share from a windows SAN onto it's file system. Rsync quit working properly when I changed the source directory from a local ext3 filesystem to the windows share mapped onto the filesystem. This setup may be kind of odd, but I need to keep user's data on the SAN and I also need the linux box to
2006 Nov 27
Turn an ext2 filesystem into a component of a mirrored RAID?
We have a CentOS 3 server with about 300GB of data on an ext2 filesystem that we need to mirror onto a new drive, which we're then going to pull out and put into a second server. A straight disk-to-disk copy (with rsync, tar, or "cp -a" doesn't much matter) manages about 75MB per minute, which would take almost three days, and the system gets very sluggish while such a copy is
2013 Nov 09
logical volume and drive names after mirroring a centos installation via rsync
I have a working CentOS5 installation on server A's first SATA drive (sda). I had an empty SATA drive on that server (sdb). I was asked to mirror the installation of server B (installed on first SATA drive, sda), also running CentOS5, to the second drive (sdb) of server A. I am unsure what should be done after mirroring to get the new system boot. What I have done already: - On server
2013 May 15
Using rsync to just -resync permissions and ownership?
G'day, I'm in the process of fixing a long broken rsync backup on a couple of servers. The old system rsync'd a Linux (CentOS 5) server onto a Opensolaris/OpenIndiana server but didn't worry about ownership or permissions, across an expensive WAN link. All the ownerships and permissions are different to the original box on the OI box. I now have a virtual CentOS 5 box that I
2001 Nov 20
Rsync: Re: patch to enable faster mirroring of large filesystems
Is there any chance this can be added into the distribution as it sounds really nifty. Another suggestion unless I have read the following - would it be useful to have a command option in rsync to generate the file list by doing the "find" and outputting into a standard format? (As this would make it less OS specific or kludgy?) Cheers, Lachlan. At 16:06 19/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
2002 Jan 31
Files getting excluded.. don't understand why?
I am trying to use rsync along with find to quickly copy changes to mirrors for some web sites. The basic idea is: 1 look for files newer than X >> export-file 2 rsync --include-from=export-file remote-server:/remote-path Simple enough. Unfortunately, I can't get this to work. Step 1 works well enough. However, when I use rsync it appears that rsync is excluding the files I added
2017 Oct 20
openssh-5.3p1-123.el6_9.x86_64.rpm for CESA-2017:2563 not available in centos6 repo
The patch for CESA-2017:2563 announced at is only available in the centos 6.9 repo. It is missing for the generic centos-6 repo at Typically this repo contains all the latest patches for the latest minor release, but it's missing the new version of openssh. I
2007 Sep 22
Using rsync with the iriver T60
I was about to ask how to get this to work, but I think I might have solved it with another last look down the documentation before I clicked on the send button. I have an annoying little problem known as the iriver T60 audio player. It plays Ogg files from my PC perfectly well, but only in the same order in which it thinks they were copied onto its flash memory. It makes no attempt to sort
2017 Oct 21
openssh-5.3p1-123.el6_9.x86_64.rpm for CESA-2017:2563 not available in centos6 repo
Thanks for the quick and helpful replies. Also, thank you for pointing out that I should have been looking in updates, not os. That makes perfect sense, but I got hung up on the fact that it was missing from os. Anyway, that led to me discovering that on one of my internal mirrors the updates repo hadn?t synced in a couple months, which was ultimately the cause for the missing package in that
2007 Oct 10
Local mirroring of the CentOS repos
I figured I try if I can mirror the base and updates repos locally. There's no tutorial for that, only one about creating your own repo of packages which is not the same. So, I just mirrored all the stuff with wget and changed the baseurl in the repo files and hoped that's enough. Works. So easy you don't need a tutorial. *But* I then realized that the updates directory contains
2003 Nov 03
Mirroring cvs archives
I have started mirroring various cvs archives such as gcc, but I have started wondering/worrying about the validity of doing this. If the cvs archive is busy and potentially subject to many accesses during the rsync process, is the mirrored copy going to be valid/consistent? Any information/help greatly apprieciated Andrew Walrond
2002 Aug 06
Mirroring 2 IDE Drive Linux
I have 2 drives in a Linux 7.1 server , 1 primary and 1 secondary. I am trying to clone to the secondary slave drive and be take the primary out and change the slave to primary and boot from it. The problem I am having is that it the copied drive will not boot, It is not getting the lilo boot and config properly. When I try to boot the copied drive , it boots to a Blank screen with an
2004 Jan 20
Compiling problems with SuSE
> -----Original Message----- > From: Uwe Klein [] > Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 9:14 AM > To: > Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Compiling problems with SuSE > > > > From: Dustin Knuttgen on Sunday, January 18, 2004 11:47 PM > > > > > We tried to use SuSE initially and had no luck compiling zaptel
2012 Dec 27
Broken rsync mirroring for PuppetLabs APT repo
Hi, I have sent this mail to and received no answer, so I''m posting here as well; I hope somebody at PuppetLabs will be able to help. I have a local mirror of which has been broken for at least a few days: the apt/dists/ subdirectory only contains symlinks to non-existent files. [mirror@excellent dists]$ ls -l total 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 mirror mirror 29
2011 Jan 10
ZFS root backup/"disaster" recovery, and moving root pool
Hi everyone I am currently testing Solaris 11 Express. I currently have a root pool on a mirrored pair of small disks, and a data pool consisting of 2 mirrored pairs of 1.5TB drives. I have enabled auto snapshots on my root pool, and plan to archive the daily snapshots onto my data pool. I was wondering how easy it would be, in the case of a root pool failure (i.e. both disks giving up the