similar to: ASCII colors in MOTD

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "ASCII colors in MOTD"

2003 Aug 09
[Bug 623] ssh, ssh-keygen and possibly others do not honour $HOME Summary: ssh, ssh-keygen and possibly others do not honour $HOME Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 3.6.1p2 Platform: All OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: ssh AssignedTo: openssh-bugs at
2001 Sep 16
openssh-2.9p2: --with-pid-dir does not work?
Hello! I was trying to configure/install the latest openssh-2.9p2 with some not very traditional layout and the configure script didn't make it properly. I was trying to: ./configure \ --prefix=/opt/openssh \ --sysconfdir=/etc/opt/openssh \ --with-pid-dir=/var/opt/openssh/run \ --with-ssl-dir=/opt/openssl But instead the MakefileS read: ...
2007 Nov 16
R det
Hi, Which R function I should use to obtain determinant of a matrix with real(and complex) numbers? Kalin --------------------------------- Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Aug 16
Home directories on AD/Samba
I just set up our Samba-Server to athenticate over Active Directory (Win 2003). But there is one thing that bothers me: There are no home-directories for the domain users, that waere added to the linux passwd database (EXAMPLE.COM+user1 can be authenticated, but has no home on the Linux-box). If I create a share home, nobody can open it, because it cannot be found. Only if I set the path option,
2003 Jul 21
URGENT! brandly new Wildcard E400P for sale at $1000
A brandly new E400P 128 channel PRI, you can find more information on the Digium's site. The card was not used before, I sell it cause our company just don't need, we use Cisco AS5300. I can offer you the PCI PRI at $940 if bought in the next 2 days, I can send it to you via FedEx or DHL express. Please email me for more details! Regards, Kalin ----------------------------- IPPN Networks
2004 Apr 18
Problem with Linux clients of Samba member server in Active Directory environment
Hello Everyone, I've started Samba server, that is joined to Active Directory structure in my office. I'm not starting winbind yet, and now I have some unix accounts, which are mapped to their corresponding Windows Active Directory accounts via /etc/samba/smbusers file. I use Kerberos client for authentication of Windows AD users. On Windows clients, I have no problems with logging to this
2006 Feb 03
dhclient in 6.0
hi all... again... i sent this message to general questions but nobody got excited about it. i just installed 6 on my t30 laptop. brand new. when trying dhclient i get: DHCPDISCOVER on fxp0 to port 67 interval 5 this trys 6 times then this shows up: No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in present database - sleeping. i run a tcpdump while requesting a lease and for
2014 Jul 16
Allow for passing Ctrl-C and don't mix stderr with stdout
I have been losing my mind over this problem, so any ideas are welcome. When running non-interactive jobs on remote machines, I want output to stderr and to stdout to remain separate in two streams just as if they were run locally. I also want jobs running remotely to die when I press Ctrl-C just as if they were run locally. At first glance these do not seem to be mutual exclusive, but when you
2002 Oct 10
Win95 Issue
For some reason I'm getting Access denied errors when I try to execute a .bat file that resides on a samba share (from a Win95 command prompt). The drive is mapped as x:\ & for the sake of testing, the directory has been recursively set to 777 (chmod). Command prompt output: x:\> x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\build_sharc_fta.bat Access denied -
2003 Apr 09
Configuring for outbound calls with PRI on T100P
I run a SIP-only shop with a 23 channel PRI and single T100P. Here are my configs: /etc/zaptel.conf: span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs bchan=1-23 dchan=24 loadzone = us defaultzone=us /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf [channels] context=default switchtype=dms100 signalling=pri_cpe pridialplan=unknown rxwink=300 ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks usecallerid=no hidecallerid=no callwaiting=no
2002 Sep 25
Win95 .bat Issue
For some reason I'm getting Access denied errors when I try to execute a .bat file that resides on a TRU64 samba share, from a Win95 command prompt. The drive is mapped as x:\ & for the sake of testing, the directory has been recursively set to 777 (chmod). Command prompt output: x:\> x:\r235\src\ntprpst\sharc\mta\src\build_sharc_fta.bat Access denied -
2007 Dec 07
regression tests for unlink and wildcards fail - Solaris 10 SPARC / Sun Studio 12 (PR#10501)
Full_Name: Jim Brown Version: 2.6.0 / 2.6.1 OS: Solaris 10 (SPARC) Submission from: (NULL) ( I have been able to successfully compile version 2.5.1 using the Sun Studio 12 compilers on Sun Solaris 10 (SPARC). All tests using "make check" pass with a status of OK. However, the following section of "reg-tests-1.R" fails when I attempt to test after a build of
1998 May 12
Checking remote servers
I''d like to hear some suggestions about securely administering a system remotely. Here''s the application: a project is going to scatter some server machines around the US. The server machines will be running Linux, with the only network servers being a custom application. Ignoring the separate question of physical security, how can I remotely check the system''s
2009 Apr 27
[Code study]should we remove if (motd && *motd) section?
Dear List, I'm confused when we will run into "if (motd && *motd)"? As I have found that Globals is set 0 during initialization, and I didn't find anywhere else assign the value. If so, should we remove this section? Or there might be some where I missed? Please correct me, if I'm wrong. Thanks in advance. clientserver.c #line 147~160 > if (!am_client) {
2007 Jun 21
Network issue in RHCS/GFS environment
Hello folks, This thread is long, please pay more patients for your kindly reading. 1. Set up Storage-Cluster. Cluster --------- node1: eth1 -- Connect to Storage eth2 -- Access IP eth0 -- HeartBeat CentOS4.4(kernel 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp) cman-kernel-smp-2.6.9-45.8 cman-devel-1.0.11-0 cman-kernheaders-2.6.9-45.8 cman-1.0.11-0 GFS-6.1.6-1
2009 Oct 09
[LLVMdev] fudging the top-level Makefile
On Oct 9, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Stuart Hastings wrote: > > On Oct 8, 2009, at 5:18 PM, Mike Stump wrote: > >> On Oct 8, 2009, at 4:52 PM, Stuart Hastings wrote: >>> Currently, to get LLVM to build "Apple-style," it's necessary to >>> copy two files (utils/buildit/GNUmakefile and utils/buildit/ >>> build_llvm) into the top-level directory.
2000 Aug 04
/etc/motd printed twice on Irix 6.5.
Precedence: bulk Hello all, I tested openssh-2.1.1p4 briefly on 64-bit Irix 6.5 system. I noticed that when I log on, /etc/motd is printed out twice in the row. This does not happen with SSH.COM's ssh. UseLogin is disabled. Works fine in Linux and FreeBSD. Anyone else (Irix users?) notice anything like this happening? -- Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties
2004 Apr 06
No motd, lastlog, stored pam messages displayed
Hi while testing a new pam module i found this problem: System: Linux 2.4.18/OpenSSH 3.8p1 client/server The output from do_login() in session.c (motd, lastlog, stored pam messages) isn't displayed when Privilege Separation is enabled. I added a fflush(stdout) as the last line of do_login(), now it works. Frank
2004 Jun 29
Debian bug #236814: sshd+PAM: MOTD isn't printed when privsep=no
Hi. If sshd is configured to use PAM and UsePrivilegeSeparation=no or you are logging is as root, any messages returned by PAM session modules are not displayed to the user. (Even when the config file has privsep=yes, logging in as root disables privsep anyway since there's no point, so it behaves the same way as privsep=no). I think I've figured out why: when privsep=no,
2002 May 10
Parsing output, separating motd and module-list
I'm working on a frontend to rsync, and I've got a problem. It's easy to get a list of files and directories from a specific path on an rsync server. But from the root, I've found it very difficult to get a list of modules. I cannot see when the modt stops, and when the list begins. Can anybody help? -- Mvh. Niels Andersen