similar to: Exclude Syntax Question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Exclude Syntax Question"

2016 Feb 15
Multiple protocols for transport in PJSIP
Is it possible to use serveral protocols for a single transport section in pjsip.con? In sip.conf you could use transport=udp,ws,wss so you cound use webrtc along with your phones but if I try: [transport-udp] type=transport protocol=udp,ws,wss bind= I get an error that transport-udp is not found. Do I need a dedicated interface for WebRTC? [Feb 15 12:42:10] ERROR[3308]:
2016 Feb 15
Multiple protocols for transport in PJSIP
On 2/15/16 12:50 PM, Joshua Colp wrote: > Carlos Chavez wrote: >> Is it possible to use serveral protocols for a single transport section >> in pjsip.con? In sip.conf you could use transport=udp,ws,wss so you >> cound use webrtc along with your phones but if I try: >> >> [transport-udp] >> type=transport >> protocol=udp,ws,wss >> bind= >
2004 May 20
two-way synchronization accross a firewall fails
machine O is outside firewall, machine I is inside (machine names changed to protect the innocent :-) firewall allows ssh connections if inititiated from I to O, but not if the other way. both machines have an /etc/rsyncd.conf of: [rt] path = /tmp/rsync_test comment = Test area O runs rsync daemon, I initiates a rsync cammnad like rsync -rvvv --delete --rsh=ssh O::rt /tmp/rsync_test
2006 Jul 26
Branching on 'grep' returns...
Greetings, all. I'm fiddling with some text manipulation in R, and I've found something which feels counterintuitive to my PERL-trained senses; I'm hoping that I can glean new R intuition about the situation. Here's an example, as concise as I could make it. trg<-c("this","that") # these two work as I'd expected. if ( grep("this",trg) ) {
2017 Aug 22
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
Failed? What was the error message? Cheers, Bert Bert Gunter "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along and sticking things into it." -- Opus (aka Berkeley Breathed in his "Bloom County" comic strip ) On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Stephen O'hagan <SOhagan at> wrote: > I'm trying to use boot.stepAIC for
2017 Aug 22
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
The error is "the model fit failed in 50 bootstrap samples Error: non-character argument" Cheers, SOH. On 22/08/2017 17:52, Bert Gunter wrote: > Failed? What was the error message? > > Cheers, > > Bert > > > Bert Gunter > > "The trouble with having an open mind is that people keep coming along > and sticking things into it." > -- Opus (aka
2017 Aug 22
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
SImplify your call to lm using the "." argument instead of manipulating formulas. > strt <- lm(y1 ~ ., data = dat) and you do not need to explicitly specify the "1+" on the rhs for lm, so > frm2<-as.formula(paste(trg," ~ ", paste(xvars,collapse = "+"))) works fine, too. Anyway, doing this gives (but see end of output)" bst <-
2017 Aug 23
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
It seems that if you build the formula as a character string, and postpone the "as.formula" into the lm call, it works. instead of frm1 <- as.formula(paste(trg,"~1")) use frm1a <- paste(trg,"~1") and then strt <- lm(as.formula(frm1a),dat) regards, Heinz Stephen O'hagan wrote/hat geschrieben on/am 23.08.2017 12:07: > Until I get a fix that works, a
2017 Aug 22
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
OK, here's the problem. Continuing with your example: strt1 <- lm(y1 ~1, dat) strt2 <- lm(frm1,dat) > strt1 Call: lm(formula = y1 ~ 1, data = dat) Coefficients: (Intercept) 41.73 > strt2 Call: lm(formula = frm1, data = dat) Coefficients: (Intercept) 41.73 Note that the formula objects of the lm object are different: strt2 does not evaluate the formula. So
2010 Aug 18
Plotting K-means clustering results on an MDS
Hello All, I'm having some trouble figuring out what the clearest way to plot my k-means clustering result on an my existing MDS. First I performed MDS on my distance matrix (note: I performed k-means on the MDS coordinates because applying a euclidean distance measure to my raw data would have been inappropriate) canto.MDS<-cmdscale(canto) I then figured out what would be my optimum
2017 Aug 22
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
I'm trying to use boot.stepAIC for feature selection; I need to be able to specify the name of the dependent variable programmatically, but this appear to fail: In R-Studio with MS R Open 3.4: library(bootStepAIC) #Fake data n<-200 x1 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x2 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x3 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x4 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x5 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x6 <- runif(n, -3, 3) x7
2004 Sep 21
SFTP is prompting for password
Hi, I am facing a problem in migrating to SFTP from FTP for an unix based application. I have got 2 m/c, SRC (Source) m/c and TRG (Target) m/c. For SFTP connectivity, I created a Public-Key (ssh-keygen -t dsa) in src_usr1(user-id) at SRC m/c . Which created the necessary identification file (id_dsa & andthen, I copied the into the file authorized_keys in
2017 Mar 12
WebRTC - Transport Issues.
Hey all. I have webrtc up and running with asterisk 11. All is going well with TLS now working. At least I hope it is using TLS and wss. Based on what I am seeing I have UDP, WSS listed in the Allowed transports, but every time I connect the Primary transport shows WS.. Why is this? Am I actually running ws in wss mode? Prim.Transp. : WS Allowed.Trsp : UDP,WSS Def. Username:
2017 Aug 23
boot.stepAIC fails with computed formula
Until I get a fix that works, a work-around would be to rename the 'y1' column, used a fixed formula, and rename it back afterwards. Thanks for your help. SGO. -----Original Message----- From: Bert Gunter [mailto:bgunter.4567 at] Sent: 22 August 2017 20:38 To: Stephen O'hagan <SOhagan at> Cc: r-help at Subject: Re: [R] boot.stepAIC
2012 Jan 14
Error: unexpected '<' in "<" when modifying existing functions
Hi. I am trying to modify kmeans function. It seems that is failing something obvious with the workspace. I am a newbie and here is my code: myk = function (x, centers, iter.max = 10, nstart = 1, algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong", + "Lloyd", "Forgy", "MacQueen")) + { + do_one <- function(nmeth) { + Z <- switch(nmeth, { + Z
2014 Jun 11
WSS over Asterisk
Hi, Have anyone tried using SIPML5 to connect to Asterisk over wss? I'm having the error as shown below Connecting to 'wss:// <wss://>' SIPml-api.js?svn=224:1 ==stack event = starting SIPml-api.js?svn=224:1 __tsip_transport_ws_onerror SIPml-api.js?svn=224:1 __tsip_transport_ws_onclose SIPml-api.js?svn=224:1 ==stack event =
2015 Jan 14
WSS Socket Configuration
Hi Alexey, This is what works for me: [http.conf]: tlsenable=yes ; enable tls - default no. tlsbindaddr=144.x.y.z:8089 ; address and port to bind to - default is bindaddr and port 8089. tlscertfile=/etc/asterisk/keys/mycert.pem ; path to the certificate file (*.pem) only. tlsprivatekey=/etc/asterisk/keys/mycert.pem ; path to private key file (*.pem) only. Date: Tue, 13 Jan
2013 Sep 12
SIP over WSS connection : mask error
Hi, I use chrome and sipml5 to connect to asterisk webrtc interface using TLS. The wss connection seems ok and the SIP REGISTER sent from chrome to asterisk and the SIP response received. In the response, I get a "failed: A server must not mask any frames that it sends to the client" error msg and chrome terminates the ws connection. I've checked the asterisk debug logs, and the
2016 Feb 18
Asterisk 13 and WebRTC. Is wiki page still valid ?
Thank you much for yor reply. 2016-02-18 13:30 GMT+01:00 Simon Hohberg <simon.hohberg at>: > Hi Oliver, > > On 02/18/2016 12:10 PM, Olivier wrote: > > Hello, > > I'm trying to have my first calls with WebRTC. > My server has asterisk 13.7.0. > > I'm following the instructions from the wiki [1]. > So I'm using [2] live demo from
2008 Nov 23
Latin Hypercube with condition sum = 1
Hi I want to du a sensitivity analysis using Latin Hypercubes. But my parameters have to fulfill two conditions: 1) ranging from 0 to 1 2) have to sum up to 1 So far I am using the lhs package and am doing the following: library(lhs) ws <- improvedLHS(1000, 7) wsSums <- rowSums(ws) wss <- ws / wsSums but I think I can't do that, as after the normalization > min(wss) [1]