similar to: Copy all local filesystems, but ignore NFS mounts?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Copy all local filesystems, but ignore NFS mounts?"

2004 Oct 14
mbox and maildir
Is it possible to mix maildir and mbox formats with dovecot? For example, I would like ~/mail to be in maildir format yet keep the inbox (/var/mail/%u) in mbox format. If so, how may I go about this? Or am I stuck not being able to create subdirectories in ~/mail? Cheers, Shane
2004 Jun 02
Advice on converting from Mbox to Maildir?
Does anyone have advice or pointers on good documentation on how to convert a system from using the Mbox format to using Maildir? I recently upgraded to Fedora Core 2 from Fedora Core 1 and discovered that UW-IMAP was gone. So I switched over to using Dovecot. So far so good. But I would like to convert my system to start using the Maildir format. How easy is this to accomplish? Can I keep
2006 Jul 24
It'd be pretty cool if rsync supported use of O_DIRECT on platforms that support it, with or without my odirect package: I say this because rsync is sometimes used to move a mountain of data, just once. So there's little point in rsync toasting one's buffer cache. I gather there's something like O_DIRECT on windows too, but it's
2004 Nov 19
[Fwd: Re: [Evolution] evo confused when searching message bodies on large folders?]
Is this possibly a problem with dovecot Maybe it's been fixed in a later release? Might it be a security issue? Thanks! -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Not Zed <notzed at> Subject: Re: [Evolution] evo confused when searching message bodies on large folders? Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2004 08:11:15 +0800 Size: 3444 URL:
2004 Jun 03
1 imap flag update issues
Hi, there is an issue left in which (I think) is a problem with imap status flags. It shows up in two places: (1) When new mail is delivered to the inbox, the last read mail changes to "unread". (2) When you move mails from the inbox to another folder with Mozilla (1.6 on win32, Linux, NetBSD), they are not removed from the inbox, effectively performing a copy instead of a
2004 Jun 15
flat file mailbox formats
I've tried to write the new mbox code in a way that it could be moved into generic flat-file library with mbox-specific code being implemented on top of that. The code would be useful for all formats that require modifying message headers to store the metadata. How many such are there? I suppose all such formats could be implemented by separating mails into 3 logical parts: - header
2003 Sep 26
On purpose slow copy support?
I'd like to use rsync on a production box that has a great deal of memory-cached filesystem in use at all times. Is there any way, or any other tool, that will do a "slow" copy? purposefully not busting the cache by copying things as fast as possible? "nice" does not work, of course, as that is a cpu scheduling control. What I want is basically lowest-priority or
2005 Aug 04
specifying ssh port #?
Perhaps this is a lame question, but... is there a way to pass an SSH port # to rsync? At least one way I can do it is to use a small shell wrapper around ssh and pass the port # thru the environment. Just wondering if there is an easier way that I magically can't find. The reason for this is primarily because I find myself having to copy files between some local host and some remote host
2011 Dec 28
incremental backup to nas server
Hi, I like to use rsync for backup from Desktop to my nas server. - I can setup an cron job at the server, so rsync starts on the server side to backup from my desktop to the server. But what if I shutdown my Desktop? Can rsync handle interruptions in a good way or is there a better solution? Thanks in advance, Dirk
2005 Jul 29
Samba permissions
I am working on my permissions and something does not quite make sense to me. Here is what I have set. /DIR (Unix permissions are 3777) Then in samba I have the following [dir] path = /DIR read only = no valid users @teach @student create mask 3660 directory mask 3770 Then from a windows workstation, I create a new directory inside 'dir', and call it 'teach'. The
2005 Jul 29
Samba, VPN, and Mac OSX 10.4.2
We're having an odd problem with connecting to Samba shares over a VPN with a Mac client. We have several Mac clients connecting to a Samba 3.0.10-1.fc2 installation. Prior to upgrading them to Tiger, everything worked fine both local and over an IPSec VPN. After upgrading to Tiger, they still work fine when on our LAN. But if they try to connect to a share over the VPN, Finder hangs.
2018 Mar 25
Rsync between 2 datacenters not working
You could try using an automounter, like autofs, in combination with sshfs. It'll be slower, possibly a lot slower, but it should be more reliable over an unreliable connection. I've been using: remote -fstype=fuse,allow_other,nodev,noatime,reconnect,ServerAliveInterval=15,ServerAliveCountMax=40,uid=0,gid=0,ro,nodev,noatime :sshfs\#root at\:/ BTW, I'm not sure
2016 Apr 12
mount bind problem
On 04/12/2016 05:37 AM, Sylvain CANOINE wrote: > > > ----- Mail original ----- >> De: "????" <tadao at> ?: "centos" >> <centos at> Envoy?: Mardi 12 Avril 2016 08:17:13 Objet: >> [CentOS] mount bind problem > >> I have set on fstab /home with 'mount bind' but it seems like bind >> is not
2002 Jan 01
Error connecting from XP Pro
Hello List, I have been trying to connect from an XP Pro box to the samba (2.2.2 from RPM on RH7.2) machine. I am trying a simple (!) configuration with just a WORKGROUP setup. XP sees the the box running samba (in the My Network Places) but cannot see anything below that. I get "\\BLACK is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource ..." Checking the
2014 Jan 01
Changing permissions on existing backup source
Hello, I have a system that currently uses rsync (via rsnapshot) with --link-dest enabled to backup our mail store... If I change the permissions on the source maildirs, will this cause everything to be transferred again? Meaning, will rsync see everything as 'modified', thus creating a new copy of the entire mail store on the backup target? Or will the newest backup directory just
2012 Jul 13
rsync hanging after working reliably for years on one of my shares
Howdy all, I'm using rsync in conjunction with backuppc and have been backing up this share without incident for almost 3 years and it has decided to go and hang on me. Other shares on the same machine sync fine with identical settings, and nothing has changed on the backup end other than some routine dist-upgrades to keep update on security patches. I checked the apt cache and no rsync
2004 May 28
dovecot and nfs
I configured dovecot on a Fedora Core 2 system - the version that comes with FC2. I was using it with a RHEL 3 NFS server. Dovecot would again and again get stuck trying to grab an fcntl lock, even though I specified that it should only use dotlocks in dovecot.conf. Sometimes it would segfault (leaving things locked?). Often there would be two dovecot imapd processes for the same user.
2004 Sep 07
large blocksize for transferring files from one filesystem to another on the same disk?
Is there any way of increasing rsync's block transfer size for when you need to transfer data from one filesystem to another on the same disk? Using a large blocksize tends to decrease track to track seeks. If I put a large dd or something in between two tar's in such a situation, I see over double the throughput on an AIX system (1M vs 64K). Thanks. -- Dan Stromberg DCS/NACS/UCI
2004 Oct 24
rsync recopying files it shouldn't?
We've been using this version of rsync: rsync version 2.6.2 protocol version 28 Copyright (C) 1996-2004 by Andrew Tridgell and others <> Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, no IPv6, 64-bit system inums, 64-bit internal inums ...with these options: /usr/local/bin/rsync -a --stats --progress --block-size
2001 Dec 10
ext3 mounted as ext2
Hi, Also I do have some problems mounting an ext3fs which gets just mounted as an ext2fs. (Yeap, I looked a little bit around in the mailling list and found similiar problems which haven't help me ;-( ) I have a root ( /) and a /mnt partition. both are converted via tune2fs -j into a journaled fs. my fstab looks like this: /dev/hda1 / ext2 defaults