similar to: don't delete existing files...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "don't delete existing files..."

2005 Oct 26
Fast question...
Hi everyone! Does anyone use, rsync, under windows, without Cygwin? When I type something like this: rsync -auvlHI --delete --partial --modify-window=2 --log-format=" %t %o %l %f " --stats -vv -e "ssh -o ForwardX11=no -vv -i "e:/program/sinc/.ssh/sinc_rsa" -l USER" "e:/program" SERVER:dir_dest rsync answer me with: ssh: e: no address associated with name
2005 Sep 22
Return value ???
Hi! Is it normal to get different return codes from the same rsync command (except for the verbosity option)?? The directory where we want to rsync don't permit write operations (so we should get an "Permission denied" (23) code. Note that we "rename" the file to file2 in the destination directory. We just type: > rsync -a file server:dir_without_permisions/file2
2005 Aug 23
log remote
Hi, Is there any way to log the output of rsync when running through ssh? I mean, when i run rsync, from local to server, with -rsh option, I get local output from rsync. The problem is that i need to keep and analyze this information in servers side.. How can i get this information? I know i can send the file with the output during the synchronitzation, but i think there should be a better way
2012 Oct 03
Difficulties in trying to do a mixed effects model using the lmer function
Dear people of the help list I am drying to analyze my data using the 'lmer' function and I keep having problems. This is the model: > fm1<-lmer(dbh~spec+scheme+(1|Plot),data=d, REML=FALSE). I analyse tree size (dbh) of 3 different species (spec) and 3 planting schemes (scheme). I have 5 plots, which I hope to model as a random factor. (However, the subsequent output is based on
2007 Nov 14
no applicable method for "names"
hi, after installing R-2.6.0 the function "names" doesn't work anymore on my windows xp machine. for example for a simple vector i get > z <- 1:3 > names(x) Error in UseMethod("name"): no applicable method for "names" ... instead of NULL. the same is true for lists and dataframes. attr(z, "names") is a workaround, but i don't want to
2008 Feb 05
Hi there, I want to generate different samples using the followindg code: g<-sample(LETTERS[1:2], 24, replace=T) How can I specify that I need 12 "A"s and 12 "B"s? Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2007 Jun 13
Removing Inf and Inf values from a fata frame
Hi, I have a csv file with empty values, when I apply the different functions (mean, std, etc.) I create a new data frame, the empty values generate Inf and -Inf values. How can I remove those Inf and -Inf values from the new data frame? I already specified na.rm in the mean and std functions, but the values are still there. Thank you, Judith
2007 Jul 02
Substitution of Variables
Hi, I need to run a script under the variable (that comes from a csv file) that is assigned to another variable. This is very a simplified version of what I want to do: data<-read.csv('name.csv') names(data)<-("VA","VB","VC") v<-VA mn(v) Thank you in advance, Judith
2008 Feb 26
Multiple lines with a different color assigned to each line (corrected code)
Sorry, I just realized I didn't type in the correct names of the variables I am working with, this is how it should be: plot(1,1,type="n") for (i in summ$tx) { points(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) lines(summ$timep[summ$tx==i],summ$mn[summ$tx==i]) } Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________
2008 Feb 27
Add a rectangle behind a plot
Hi there, I found one reference to add a reactangle behind a plot using plot(...,add=T), I tried this but didn't obtain the desired result. If a I have the following code: plot(x,y) rect(xleft, ybottom, xright,ytop,col='green) The rectangle appear on top of the plot. Any help will be greatly appreciated, Judith
2009 Aug 25
Regular expression to define contents between parentheses
Hello dear R-helpers, I haven't been able to figure out of find a solution in the R-help archives about how to delete all the characters contained in groups of parenthesis. I have a vector that looks more or less like this: myvector<-c("something (80 km/h, sd) & more (6 kg/L,sd)", "somethingelse (48 m/s, sd) & moretoo (50g/L , sd)") I want to extract all
2012 Feb 06
Reordering levels of a factor when the factor is part of a data frame
Hello R-users,    I have a data frame whose names of columns I don't know a priori, but the user of my code will know them. The user is supposed to save the name of the column that will need some reordering of the levels of the factor later on. The name of the column will be saved in an object called: variab the data frame is called df. If I try to the do following:
2004 Dec 09
Scatterplot question
Dear list members, I have a probably simple question concerning scatterplots: I want to draw a plot with one X but several Y columns, so that every group of samples gets a different symbol. My table looks like this: X Y1 Y2 Y3 1 1 2 3 3 5 4 7 5 9 6 11 7 13 8 15 Simple in Excel or StarOffice, but how do I do it in R? Thanks a lot Judith
2008 Feb 21
R console closes on its own
Dear R-experts, I am running a script that has the following structure: windows(height=5.5,width=8) dat<-read.csv("myfile.csv") names(dat)<-c('a','b','c','d') dat<-dat[,1:4] xyplot(dat$a~dat$b) Then I usually save the plot as a PDF (from the menu in the R console). I can save the PDF twice in a row; but at the third time, right when I
2008 Apr 23
Replecing empty values with a letter (continuation)
Sorry, I hit the send botton by accident. Here is my code so far: dat<-read.csv('myfile.csv', na.strings="") dat[]<-'N' But it doesn't replace the <NA> for the letter 'N'. I am using R v 2/7/0, running it under Windows XP. Thank you, Judith
2007 Dec 03
Ordering the levels of a vector
Hi, I have a vector in a data frame that looks something like this: day<-c('Day -1','Day 6','Day 10') This vector specifies the order in which several panel will appear in a lattice plots. But the order in which such plots will appear will be the following: Day -1, Day 10, Day 6. Which makes sense, but I cannot name the Days like this: Day -01,Day 10, Day 06,
2008 Jul 15
What package to use to create a GUI
Hello dead R-experts, I work on x86_64-suse-linux and I am using R 2.7.1. I created several scripts that will be used by several people that are not familiar with R. I would like to create a GUI to call the scripts that the users would choose to run, also, the GUI should allow them to choose the directories where their raw data resides, the scripts will be fed with such raw data. My
2007 Jun 06
Removing vertical line in Tinn R editor
Hi, I haven't been able to figure out how to remove a vertical line that appears when I open an r file. How can I do this? Thank you, Judith ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.
2007 Oct 10
caTools package
Hi, I tried to install the caTools package manually from the main R Project website and I get the following error message when typing library('caTools') Error in library("caTools") : 'caTools' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0? What am I doing wrong? Also, why is this package not available in the list of packages for direct installation from the R
2008 Aug 22
grep, gsub and metacharacters
Hello, I have an expression that I want to substitute for something else. myvector<-c("ajkhfkiuwe","Variable(kg/min)") if I use the following code to extract "variable(kg/min)" and substitute it for "va" gsub(myvector[grep("var", myvector, ignore=T)], "va", myvector) grep identifies the element of the vector that matches my