similar to: Rsync: select: Bad file number

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Rsync: select: Bad file number"

2003 Feb 28
Newbie Question
Hi, This is a very simple question I realise, but I hope maybe someone can just help me out. I am trying to do a very simple thing, just transfer a file from machine A to machine B using rsync with ssh. This is what i'm typing: bash-2.03# rsync -avvv --rsh="ssh -l tdf" demofile.html This is what I get: opening connection
2009 Jan 10
how to connect to rsyncd via forwarded ssh port?
I've running a rsyncd and ssh port forwarding (-R 12345:localhost:873 backup@server) on a client because the client should not reachable but over ssh. The rsyncd should acessible because I can backup and restore files with backuppc (a wonderfull program which use perl::rsync) And I can "ssh -p 12345 backup@localhost" to this client too. If I try to connect (from the machine/user
2012 Oct 12
Problem rsyncing 450GB file to my NAS: 'connection unexpectedly closed'
Hi list! I'm trying to use rsync to do a regular remote backup of a 450GB sized container file located on my squeeze server onto a colocated QNap NAS device. Both use rsync 3.0.7. While this setup works for most files, it fails on this large file (see log below). I'm already trying to help rsync using "-P" to indicate that rsync should reuse the current copy and not trying
2002 Oct 11
Problem with checksum failing on large files
I'm having a problem with large files being rsync'd twice because of the checksum failing. The rsync appears to complete on the first pass, but then is done a second time (with second try successful). When some debug code was added to receiver.c, I saw that the checksum for the remote file & the temp file do not match on the first try, so (as expected) it repeats the rsync & the
2004 May 02
ssh+rsync to Windows
After doing a lot of reading and search this lists' archieve I'm stuck! I'm trying to run a seemingly simply rsync from my RH9 box to an XP desktop. I have rsync 2.5.7 on the RH9 and rsync 2.6.0 on XP with Cygwin. ssh is working using key authentication. Anonymous rsync to XP works from RH9. I'm trying to get the rsync to run over ssh. Here's what I've tried.
2002 May 11
modelling a particular design
Dear R- and Omega-list-members, I am trying to make statistical inference about the following design: A dependent variable y has been measured multiple times, i.e. 4 times (y1,y2, y3, y4), unfortunately suffering from some successive dropouts (i.e. the sample sizes varies for y1, y2, y3, and y4). For every y, two other variables (covariates) were also measured: x & z, and both do presumably
2003 Sep 30
problem with batch mode:
Hi! I try to use batch mode to send only the difference between two packed CDs by email over a slow line. I create the diff with: rsync -avvv --write-batch=rs where alfred:/Auslieferung/CD # l -n -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 453248121 Sep 2 16:22 -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 407416499 Sep 29 13:39 resulting
2003 Oct 01
AW: problem with batch mode:
OK. I got the rsync CVS code and compiled under Linux. That did the job, but only with --no-whole-file because of the local transfer. I then tried to read-batch... under Windows / Cygwin with the current Cygwin rsync. That didn't work - as expected. After compiling again under cygwin it worked! I can now create a diff from a new CD to the version before and send the diff files by email. On
2004 Sep 28
infinite loop in rsync daemon on Mac OSX
Hello, I've got rsync --daemon running on an OSX machine, and I have it exporting the entire hard disk as [rootpath]. On my Linux machine, I run this: rsync -avvv --delete --exclude /Volumes macbox::rootpath /mnt/bkup/macbox I redirect the output from that command to a file (nohup.out), and then tail the file, and I see that it never gets beyond the recv_file_name() stage. In about 4
2003 May 28
OSX zero file length problem
i have searched through the list archives and google, and can't find anything similar. client is running OSX 10.2.6 server is openbsd 3.2 and/or linux 2.4.x rsync on both sides is version 2.5.5. when i try to rsync a directory, all files get overwritten on the server side with 0 file length. here is an example (server is .5): [beldridg@rover]$ rsync -a -vvv -e ssh tool-etc/
2011 Apr 16
rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer and - writefd_unbuffered failed
Hello, i386 Platform; FreeBSD v. 7.2 O/S I am experiencing repeated rsync failures, rsyncing from a remote site to which I have no access. >From the client side I can run truss to collect system calls truss -faedD -o truss.out -s 64 /usr/local/bin/rsync -avvv --contimeout=1200 --port=33444 . >> rsynclog & >From truss.out => 44755: 4492.350089813
2004 Jun 24
rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 32768 bytes: phase "unknown": Broken pipe
Hi, on HPUX 11i with ANSI/C compiler with largefile option. below rsync is on local file system. # rsync -av /prod1/* /prod1n/ building file list ... done DW/ DW/DATA/ DW/DATA/DWCOF02.DAT rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 32768 bytes: phase "unknown": Broken pipe rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(836) rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 69
1998 Dec 02
Net help analyzing logfiles: Printer permissions in Domain
Hi! I am trying to print from an NT machine to a simple samba printer. That NT machine is the PDC and the samba box is having logins authenticated by the NT box. When I try to access the printer with my own username, it works fine. As soon as I have the account that is destined to do the printing print, it can't log in. I have included my smb.conf file and two log excerpts - one successful,
2004 Jul 22
Strange behaviour rsync pull from sun to ppc linux, Integer overflow - attempted 64 bit offset
Hi, I am running rsync on an embedded linux (ppc) like this: rsync -avvv sun::file-system/ /rsyncexperiment Where sun is a solaris machine that has rsync: rsync version 2.5.7 protocol version 26 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Andrew Tridgell and others <> Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, no IPv6, 64-bit system inums,
2002 Nov 26
printer list from cups without restart?
Hi, while using cups as a print system and sharing all the printers with samba to windows clients, is it possible to 'view' a newly created printer in the browse list without restarting smbd ? (samba 2.2.7) Holger
2002 Aug 31
Crash with Cygwin version
Anyone else have this problem? ??? **** If I rsync a directory from a cygwin PC (invoked on the PC) to a unix server through ssh, the first time all works fine, then if I do it again and there are no copys it crashes on the PC. If I touch one file on the PC so it copys at least one file then all is OK. I have the latest cygwin installed with freshly installed win2000 build 5.00.2195, and
2006 Aug 16
ActionWebService: XMLRPC Server Multicall possible?
Hi all, I have a question concerning ActionWebService XMLRPC servers: Is it possible to send multicall requests to the Web service? I tried to use multicall and get the error message: no such method ''system.multicall'' on API [MyAPI] In Changeset 2021 there is the following commit message: add ''system.multicall'' support to XML-RPC. boxcarred methods must
2005 Mar 11
tc filter rules matching source IP and route?
Hi, I''m trying to set up a tc filter rule matching the following conditons: source ip is and only packets shall be matched going out on the internet connection. My first try was "protocol ip u32 match ip src ! match ip dst" but obviously tc doesn''t like the NOT ... ;-) I also tried the route classifier, but it cannot be
2019 Aug 19
Segfault with error 4 in doveadm-server
I set up dovecot on two servers with replication enabled. The replication is over a vpn connection. I get massive segfaults from doveadm-server every few minutes. dmesg: doveadm-server[30030]: segfault at 0 ip 0000557fa16d2e62 sp 00007ffdcaafec50 error 4 in doveadm-server[557fa16a3000+41000] [486397.225636] Code: 40 03 4c 8d 3c c3 48 8d 44 24 18 48 89 44 24 08 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 49 8b bc 24
2011 May 16
Simulating correlations with varying sample sizes
Hi there, I would like to draw 10 correlations from a bivariate population - but every draw should be done with a different sample size. I thought I could to this with a loop: r=numeric(10) #Goal vector N = c(1000,100,80,250,125,375,90,211,160,540) #Sample size vector for(i in 1:10) { data <- mvrnorm(n=N,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=matrix(c(1,.3,.3,1),2)) r[i] <- cor(data[,1],data[,2]) }