similar to: Full replication

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Full replication"

2005 Jun 19
Exclude file type
Hello all, Is it possible to exclude a file type for a specific sync? Also, we had an issue where rsync locked mail files during copying. Any way to avoid it? Both questions apply on a Windows system. Thanks!
2005 May 12
Inheriting security permissions from target directory with Cygwin
I am trying to upload a directory structure with rsync via ssh from one domain to another. I would like the target files (which may or may not already exist on the target machine) to assume the security permissions of the target directory they are placed into, since the target machine lies in a different domain. Currently, when I upload these files they seem to assume some strange random
2004 May 10
cwRync and Windows permissions
Hi all, I'm rsyncing a windows 2003 client to a windows 2003 server using the cwrsync installation package. The trouble is that the permission rights set by rsync on the destination server are very restrictive and don't allow another application to access the files. I'd like to change that. However, the GID and UID parameters in the rsyncd.conf file don't seem to manage that.
2004 Oct 18
rsync bug recreating
If this is not the correct place to post this I apologize. I am having a problem with rsync not setting the correct permissions on the rsync'd files. I have rsync 2.6.3 running on a Windows 2003 server using cygwin. I rsync the fedora core 2 updates to my server for internal use. The problem is after the rsync, the file is no longer accessible to anyone and the other rsync'd
2009 Jun 23
opening URL for writing
Dear List, Sharepoint sites are used more and more often by researchers as a platform to share all the information in a joint research project. Typically, they can be accessed only by a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) URL. We are investigating whether it is possible to read and write data to Microsoft Sharepoint sites using R. We have managed to open a read-only connection to read
2006 Feb 14
SSO with IIS?
I have a customer that I''m developing a solution for on RoR. They have IIS today and use Sharepoint for their intranet. Is it possible to have some kind of single sign-on between these systems? So when a user is logged in to ther Sharepoint she will also be logged in to my rails-app? We haven''t decided yet on what to deploy rails on so I''m open to suggestions... If we
2012 Nov 20
MS Sharepoint 2010 configuration fails with Samba/Openldap PDC
Hello, I hope this is the right mailing list for troubleshooting. My environment is: -CentOs 6.3 x64 -Samba as PDC -OpenLdap -Bind I followed this very nice tutorial to set-up the environment as PDC: <> &p=samba&f=4 And actually almost everything is
2007 Jul 24
File/Folder Ownership - Cygwin/Rsync - Is it possible to get around rsync taking file ownership?
Case point: 2 Servers (both with Windows Server 2k3 & cygwin). Running ssh on the destination server. Problem: The rsync user will take ownership over any files copied over from the source server. This takes ownership away from the administrators group, thus disallowing inherited permissions. Is there any way around not taking ownership away from the administrators group and giving it to the
2012 Jan 21
linux kernel 3.2.x gentoo maclist
how to make this work, its seem to me that netfilter is changed more or less someplaces that shorewall do not support, using 4.4.27 shorewall and shorewall6 suggestion welcomed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try before you buy = See our experts in action! The most comprehensive online learning library for Microsoft developers is just $99.99!
2012 Mar 12
CentOS6/RHEL6 - net.nf_conntrack_max not applied
2012 Jan 18
virtual serveres
I am in the process of building a new machine to replace several older servers. I am considering running several virtual servers on one box, all linux for host and virtual machines using VirtualBox. Is it possible/advisable to configure shorewall on the host to act as a firewall for the virtual machines, each having one or more static public IP address? Any pointers, suggestions and/or
2013 Sep 16
Rsync rules for Shorewall
Hi folks, I''m having an issue with rsync between my firewall and an internal box. It seems to be a shorewall issue (or correctly speaking, an issue with my shorewall config) because if I disable shorewall my rsync works fine. And I just can''t find it documented anywhere what I need to do. I have rules like this : root@userver:/etc/shorewall# grep -i Rsync rules
2013 Aug 31
ERROR: Log level INFO requires LOG Target in your kernel and iptables
Hi, I have 2 Debian testing boxes running a very similar setup (both running the latest aptosid kernel); on one of them, since the iptables/libxtables10 packages have been upgraded from to 1.4.20-2, shorewall-init can''t start shorewall anymore and for this reason ifupdown also fails triggering firewall up. Shorewall can be successfully started later on, and ifupdown starts
2009 Oct 16
can't write to a shared file
I have ubuntu 8.04 very simple files serving running XFCE. I have two files that are shared, these are accessed by several computers running XP. Problem is one of the files will not allow me to write to from the XP mach. this happened after I deleted that share from the smb.conf file and re-entered it. The other file is still fine. I have cut and past the smb.conf file. Can someone tell me what I
2018 Feb 14
Is it possible to lower the domain and forest functional level
I don't know exactly, but there were problems with indexes ( as the user said ). We did not try with the current release and our manager wants to go back to Microsoft :-( Our samba version is 4.7.5. I've been able to go one step further. We first were not able to join a Windows 2008 R2 as a domain controller because it was asking for adprep. I found the missing datas in the ldap and added
2001 Jul 11
[PATCH]: Cygwin: Allow sshd to switch user context without password
Hi, the following patch checks if OpenSSH is running under a Cygwin version >= 1.3.2 which allows switching user context without password. Otherwise sshd allows changing the user context only if password authentication is used as it was before. Corinna Index: openbsd-compat/bsd-cygwin_util.c =================================================================== RCS file:
2018 Feb 14
Is it possible to lower the domain and forest functional level
Hi Denis, We are using the latest version of sharepoint. samba-tool domain level show : Domain and forest function level for domain 'DC=removed,DC=com' Forest function level: (Windows) 2008 R2 Domain function level: (Windows) 2008 R2 Lowest function level of a DC: (Windows) 2008 R2 I did not have to change the revision attributes by hand. I think the MSAD2K3 was an upgrade from MSAD2K.
2008 May 27
IE6 + Office2003 in same wine instance?
It seems as though both ies4linux and CrossOver force you to have a "win98" wine instance (bottle?). But Office 2003 only seems to work on win2000 instance and up. Can someone confirm this? What would be great -- if both of these apps could get together for the nasty ActiveX stuff. Sharepoint I guess requires all this for it's fully operational (non-degraded) usage. Does
2004 Nov 23
User NONE using rsync in Windows server
Hi, I'm using rsync with cygwin to synchronize two windows servers. I've got files in server side with full permisions to Administrator user, but when i synchronize it with another windows server, the file placed in client side has a new group called NONE with read , write and execute permisions. I'm using the following line to call rsync: rsync -zvvvr --perms --owner --group
2008 Jul 19
OT Astricon/Digium Beach Ball Mailing
Just an FYI for Digium. I received a mailing today from you guys which was nice. The price of mailing was ~$1.60 and inside was an inflatable beach ball. Cool, but I tried to blow up the beach ball and the the seam where the part opens to inflate the ball was not connected to the ball whatsoever, so it went right in the trash. I wonder if the sick heat had anything to do with it, was mine just