similar to: Rsync Minimalist: --include only does "add_exclude"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Rsync Minimalist: --include only does "add_exclude""

2005 Jan 17
Rsync Minimalist: --include
Try to use include list: --include-from=includes.txt I can ssh into rh8 machine and can rsync to machine not using includes file. When I use the include file --include-from=includes.txt + /aBackup/ - /* What I get is: receiving file list ... done wrote 50 bytes read 283 bytes 60. total size is 3021 speedup is 9.07 There are 4,396,416 bytes in the folder... Help...
2003 Jan 30
smbclient -c commands
Hello, Has anyone else run into the problem where smbclient only processes the commands before a space in the "command string" (-c) field but not the rest? My NON-WORKING example: # smbclient '\\server\Documents' -d 0 -U abackup -E -c 'archive 1;recurse;du' Password: Archive level is 0 It processed the "archive" (returning what archive level it's at
2002 Nov 11
Regular Expression support
I have added regular expression support using a POSIX implementation. The patch (against 2.5.5) is attached. The implementation is simple and follows the same mechanism that is implemented for normal searches. I added these command line arguments: --rexclude=PATTERN exclude files matching regexp PATTERN --rexclude-from=FILE exclude regexp patterns listed in FILE --rinclude=PATTERN
2001 Sep 12
Using RSync with NT/98
Hello, I'm trying to get RSync to work between an NT workstation and a Win98 workstation. Has anybody gotten this to work? I know my NT workstation is set up correctly because I am able to RSync between two NT workstations. But when I try to RSync between an NT and Win98 workstation I get a "pipe failed on do_recv" with an RSync exit status of 10. My NT workstation is set up to
2002 May 08
I have some rsync defined as a server on one of my production systems and use to to sync out various configuration files for services running on the box (dhcpd, dns named.conf files & the like). Both ends are Compaq Alpha/Tru64 5.1 systems running rsync 2.5.5. I'm having a fit trying to include certain files in specific subdirectories under the main path; one such example is below:
2004 Jan 27
Differentiating debug messages from both sides
Some of the debug messages that rsync outputs (when verbose >= 2) can occur on both sides of the connection. This makes it hard to know which program is saying what. Some debug messages deal with this by outputting a "[PID]" string at the start of the message. Unfortunately, the startup message that tells us which pid is which is only output when verbose >= 3, so there's a
2003 Dec 02
include directory, exclude contents
I'm using a simple client/server backup pull model rsync -a --delete -e ssh --exclude-from=$exclude path/$client.exclude \ ${client}-rsync:/ $path/$client but can't seem to find the right 'exclude' combination to fetch certain directories but not their contents. Unfortunately this was found during a recent major restore where the excluded directories had to be manually
2002 Nov 10
bug with symlinks
Hello, I am mirroring the debian tree using rsync. I realised following bug. Version: 2.5.5-0.2 on Debian GNU/Linux. Rsync did not correct old symlinks. # ls -l debian-non-US/dists/ total 60 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 17 2001 Debian2.2r7/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 28 2001 Debian3.0r0/ drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 10 02:30
2003 Jan 09
--exclude and --delete-exclude problem
Hi. I'm trying to accomplish the following ; 1) First, I did a rsync for a file, like this /usr/bin/rsync -lptgoD --delete --rsh=/usr/bin/ssh -R --delete-excluded -vv root@* /tmp/localhost/daily.0 If I did a ls -la to the destination dir (/tmp/localhost/daily.0/usr/local/src/README) I take ls -la /tmp/localhost/daily.0/usr/local/src/ total 60 drwxrwsr-x 2 root
2001 Sep 30
Exclude sets generated with -C
Hi guys, I recently stumbled across what I think is an rsync bug. The problem was I was trying to rsync from one CVS checkout, to another, and was using rsync -Cavz to do the job. In this CVS module, there happens to be two sub-directories with the names of "core" and "tags" respectively, which were ignored, since these names matched the default CVS ignore list. When rsync
2004 Sep 27
Re: Mail Delivery (failure
ERROR: There is no such list DELIVERY here. SOLUTION: Send a message to with a subject of 'info' (no quotes) for a list of available mailing lists. -- Sincerely, the Minimalist
2006 Feb 04
Trying to mount with minimalist smb.conf
I am trying to mount a share on a remote machine using a miminal smb.conf as suggested in the Samba HOWTO. Nmbd and smbd are running on the target machine. The calling machine (server?) has the name of the target (linda2) in /etc/smbshares. When I try to mount I get the error message: Got a positive name query response from ( ) Connecting to at port 445
2003 Nov 20
minimalist rsync on windows
Hi, Is the rsync-minimalist still supported for windows? I am using Windows XP Home. I am testing, to get a solution for a client. The minimalist looked very nice--a cygwin.dll and an rsync and an ssh.exe. However, I can connect with ssh, but not with rsync over ssh using these files. I have also tried plink from putty with this rsync. I gather from a lot of the messages that the consenus is
2006 Mar 30
Mongrel and capistrano
Hello list, I discovered mongrel just a few days ago and it already won me overlighttpd for deployment of my future project, so my honestcongratulations to author. My question though is, how one could use capistrano with mongrel (orvice versa) to automate deployments. Since mongrel is plain HTTP anddoes not use fastcgi, will it need to be restarted after each checkouton deployment server like
2002 May 22
rsyncd listing of directories
I just took a look at the 2.5.5 codebase to see how easy it would be to write a little driver script that downloads a big directory tree from an rsync daemon the chunky way (get a list of a module's subdirectories and do the transfer by subdirectory). The reason for doing this is obvious when you have large directory trees, as is the case for many of us. Unfortunately the way list_only is
2001 Aug 31
Weird file permission behavior
We're having a problem trying to set up rsync to sync between a couple of sites. This is NetBSD 1.5.1_ALPHA on the remote end (eftp) and 1.4.1 on the local end. The rsync versions appear to be identical, as shown in the output. Here is the full command being used: rsync -r -C --exclude .snapshot -e /usr/pkg/bin/ssh -vvv --delete \ /service/eftp/ And
2004 Jan 17
--delete-sent-files (AKA --move-files)
Yes, it's time once again to return to the subject of moving files. With the recent changes to the communications code between the receiver and the generator, there is now a non-clogging channel that we can use to signal the sender when a file has been successfully transferred, which allows us delete the original for all transferred files. I have in the past waffled on whether this feature
2004 Apr 09
include/exclude bug in rsync 2.6.0/2.6.1pre1
As mentioned on the rsync home page, the --files-from=FILE option in rsync version 2.6.0 is a useful option that allows one to "specify a list of files to transfer, and can be much more efficient than a recursive descent using include/exclude statements (if you know in advance what files you want to transfer)". However, --files-from does not help one implement the --rsync-exclude=FILE
2010 May 12
.vimrc File Disappeared and Saw vimrc and .viminfo Files in My Home Directory
Hi, I'm not sure what's going on ;-( updated a .vimrc file in my home directory with some customized settings last week. I'm looking at my home directory now, that .vimrc file disappeared for no reason and I saw a file called vimrc and .viminfo in the home directory. Of course, it didn't take my customized settings when I used vim. Is that a normal behavior? Am I missing
2013 Jun 06
[supermin PATCH] RFC: Add a --names-only flag.
This takes a list of package names, adding them to the image without pulling any dependencies. Only implemented for Debian at the moment. zypper wasn't build-tested because I don't have the dependency. --- src/.depend | 2 +- src/ | 6 +++--- src/ | 13 ++++++++++--- src/supermin_cmdline.mli | 10