similar to: can not start rsync, address already in use

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "can not start rsync, address already in use"

2005 Jan 06
How to use rsync
Hi, I am having one machine which i want to configure as a rsync server. Onthe machine I had kept the following file /etc/rsyncd.conf motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/ lock file = /var/run/rsync.lock [rsync-test] path = /home/xidcit/test comment = XIDC Rsync Server uid = nobody gid = nobody read
2003 Dec 06
rsync --daemon fails on systems with nfs-kernel-server
I have been using rsync in daemon mode to get backups of systems. The daemon would not start on one system. Gave the syslog message that the 'Address already in use'. netstat, lsof, ps - nothing exposed the process that was taking the port. It would not time out and magically start either. I started rsync on a different port and it ran fine. This still was not a great solution, as I
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2008 Jan 30
numeric coercion when one or more elements is non numerice
I don't understand this behavior. Why does the every data point get trashed by data.matrix when there is one non-numeric element in the array? Thanks. > temp GDP CPIYOY 19540 2098.1 garbage 19632 2085.4 0.9 19724 2052.5 0.8 19814 2042.4 1.1 > data.matrix(temp) GDP CPIYOY 19540 4 4 19632 3 2 19724 2 1 19814 1
2012 Apr 30
Different varable lengths
Hi! I'm trying to do a lm() test on three objects. My problem is that R protests and says that the variable lengths differ for one of the objects ( But I have double checked that the number of observations are the same. All three objects should contain 9 observations but R only accepts 9 observations in two of the objects. The third must have 10! Very confusing because there
2005 Aug 15
--files-from... Option gone?
Hi i had an app using --files-from, now it appears that option has been deprecated, or is not available in the latest version (rh es3 package) == Does anyone know the latest "equivalent" of how to get rsync to feed off a text file so i can get this working again? [root@r59s1 cgi-bin]# rsync --version rsync version 2.5.7 protocol version 26 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 by Andrew
2001 Sep 24
x axis point labels
I am attempting to manually specify x axis value labels (NOT x axis label as in xlab) on a density plot. Generally speaking, I would like to erase the default x axis point labels and replace them with arbitrary x axis point labels relating to specific CDF points. I am sure this can be done, but it isn't obvious to me how. Has anyone done this before? My R code follows if it helps (new
2004 Apr 14
A bug report?
Folks, I have a strange situation, which I may have isolated as a bug report. Or, it could just be that there's something about R that I don't know. :-) I have attached the data file and the program file but don't know whether these attachments will make it into the list. Here is my bugreport.R program -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011 Dec 07
removing specified length of text after a period in dataframe of char's
Dear all, I'm trying to remove some text after the period (a decimal point) in the data frame 'hi', below. This is one step in formatting a table. So I would like e.g. "2.0" to become "2" and "5.3" to be "5.3", where the variable digordered contains the number of digits after the decimal that I would like to display, in the same order in which
2004 Apr 27
rsync 2.6.1 released (including security note)
Hopefully the email to the announce list will show up soon. Until then, you can get a jump on the rest by checking out the rsync home page to read the announcement: It includes a security note about a fix that affects read/write daemons that are not using chroot. If that includes you, you should look into upgrading (or maybe enabling chroot on an older rsync).
2005 Oct 31
What is the history of CONFIG_EXT{2,3}_CHECK?
Can anyone tell me the history of CONFIG_EXT{2,3}_CHECK? There is code for a "check" option for mount if these options are enabled, but there's no way to enable them. TIA Adrian -- "Is there not promise of rain?" Ling Tan asked suddenly out of the darkness. There had been need of rain for many days. "Only a promise," Lao Er said.
2003 Oct 04
(no subject)
Dear all, I have the following question. I have to fit the hierarchical model for the hypothesis concern the individual-level effects by controlling for the individual -level attributes and national-level contextual effects on individuals by using R. O have to obtain the estimates of the impact of the second-level (national: GDP per capita) effects on individuals ( in this instance the impact
2004 Dec 04
RSync with /really/ long file lists
Hi everyone! rsync 2.5.7 linux RHES v3 We need to sync over 4 Million files, and when we run rsync we run out of memory! :( We were going to batch things, but the build in Batch mode still will use a large amount of memory. Any manualy batching is proving to be harder than you'd think, even with --include and --exclude flags. The flags actually make it still have to recurse the whole
2005 Apr 19
rsync over ftp
Hello, I would like to use rsync client over ftp. I know how to use it with ssh but it just can't work with ftp or ncftp. The purpose of usign it with ftp is simple: most webhosting soft. like cpanel or plesk don't monitor ssh bandwidth usage. You need to monitore it in order to suspend an over-quota account. I tried the following: rsync -avze '/usr/bin/ftp -nv' /tmp/testdir
2004 May 04
rsync 2.6.2 --daemon Problem
Hi, I've a problem with rsync 2.6.2 and the daemon. I've installed it precisly as I did with 2.6.0 (I've tried before with 2.6.1 and was having the same problems as now with 2.6.2). When I try to a rsync --daemon command the rsync offcourse finishes, but in the log file it says 2004/05/04 21:15:10 [22369] rsyncd version 2.6.2 starting, listening on port 873 2004/05/04 21:15:10
2005 Apr 25
rsyncd server daemon not allowing connections
Gang, I've read the manual(s), surfed google, spent about 5 hours on this, to no avail.... I'm trying to run rsync in server mode and it appears to start normally, but it refuses all connections (refuses connection when I tried telnetting in on localhost 873!). I've turned off all firewalls on this server (do I dare tell you guys that?...), which is fine: it is on a local network. I
2011 Nov 16
geom_bar with missing data in package ggplot
Dear all, I was hoping someone could help with a ggplot question. I would like to generate a faceted bar chart, but missing data are causing problems. g<-structure(list(Date = structure(c(11322, 11687, 12052, 11322, 11687, 12052, 11322, 11687, 12052, 11322, 11687, 12052), class = "Date"), variable = c("Govt Revenues to GDP", "Govt Revenues to GDP",
2001 May 06
legend/text in time series plot
hi, i need help on placing legend/text in a time series plot. here is what i am doing (i am using rw1022 on windoze 2000): #read data file gdpn <- scan("jngdpsa.dat", list(year=0, qtr=0, gdp=0)); gdpr <- scan("jrgdpsa.dat", list(year=0, qtr=0, gdp=0)); #convert to time series object gdpn <- ts(gdpn$gdp, frequency=4, start=c(1955,2)); gdpr <- ts(gdpr$gdp,
2002 Jun 14
data.frame - transform
Hi there, I have a data.frame (pwt6) which I would like to transform: country year gdp MEX 1950 2 MEX 1951 5 BOL 1950 4 BOL 1951 12 ITA 1950 45 ITA 1951 2 This should be the result: year MEX.gdp BOL.gdp ITA.gdp 1950 2 4 45 1951 5 12 2 Right now I have this code (better - no code): country.label<-names(table(pwt6$country)) result<-data.frame(year=NULL) for(i in country.label) ?