similar to: Problem with --backup and deleting a directory: Two directories created

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "Problem with --backup and deleting a directory: Two directories created"

2004 Jun 18
Rsync, Cygwin, & SSH: ntsec OR nontsec?
Hi all, Thank-you to all the developers for rsync. It is very well done. I have rsync running on various platforms connecting to the same server and all is good. Except for 1 Win2000 Prof. server. I backup several directories with various permissions and users successfully. However, there are 2 directories that even though the permissions are the same as other directories that are
2004 Dec 31
Mirroring directories at once
Dear All I would like to use the command rsync to have a perfect copy of each one of five directories and their contents. How can I do that at once? I know that I can do that directory by directory... but it would not be the fastest way. Thanks in advance, Paul
2003 Feb 24
Rsync between HPUX11.11 and Redhat7.3
Hi, If anyone has an Idea on how to solve the following problem it would be greatly appreciated :). The scenario is as follows: Im running an rsync server on Redhat7.3. The rsync server configuration file looks as follows: #### rsyncd.conf log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log pid file = /var/run/ lock file = /var/run/rsyncd.lock max connections = 5 use chroot = true list = true
2004 Feb 17
permision problem
I have a server with SuSE 9.0 professional and samba 2.2.8a-170, with approximately 70 directories. I have created in samba a resource or share called data, within as the 70 directories inside it. The problem is since I make to assign the permissions to these directories. If for example, userA belongs to group1 and to group2 and directoryA has like group to grupo1, but when a user of group2
2004 May 18
error in rsync protocol data stream
I am doing this to rsync a file: rsync -avz /usr/local/websphere/appserver/hosts/default_host/jsp/servers/includes/file1 .txt >> /var/log/rsync_backup.log I get these error: @ERROR: chroot failed rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (34 bytes read so far) rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(165) I am rsyncing several folders
2004 Oct 28
rsync copy syntax error?
I'm doing a recurring copy from one server to another from the crontab in this fashion: rsync -av -e ssh --delete /dir1 --progress &> /var/log/rsync_backup.log However, rsync is creating the dir /dir1/dir1 on the machine running this job instead of updating the /dir1 folder. According to the rsync man page, this is the correct syntax: rsync -avz foo:src/bar/
2004 Jun 11
rsync through ssh tunnel
Hi, I want to keep the content of some directories on different Linux servers synchronal. I have on every Linux server an account for connecting to via ssh. This account has no root permissions. But some directories require root priviledges. I wand to use rsyncd as a deamon on the target hosts. My Idea was to build a ssh tunnel first and then using rsync via this tunnel. ssh -S -l user
2007 Nov 24
Share root directory appears in subdirectories. (Well, can't actually see it but can cd into it, even if its not there.) (Serious bug?)
Additionally to the problems I reported earlier, I'Ve discovered another problem with my server/client setup. find reports find: WARNING: Hard link count is wrong for ./foo: this may be a bug in your filesystem driver. Automatically turning on find's -noleaf option. Earlier results may have failed to include directories that should have been searched. in one directory and if I
2003 Mar 24
Rsync snapshots problem.
From: >Well, I followed this link: > >and implemented it (with a bit of tweaking) on my home network. It is >used to make snapshots of two Windows PC's over samba. On one of the >machines (and not the other, from what I can tell) it deletes files from >the
2006 Aug 22
rsync performance
We're using rsync 2.6.3 to sync two DELL PowerEdge servers with both Redhat-EL4 and otherwise nearly identical hardware (2.8/3GHz, 1GB RAM each). The source machine has a SCSI-RAID1, the destination a SATA-RAID1 disk attached. There are 5 filesystems which are rsynced via ssh. On the smaller filesystems with ~200.000 files/7GB, rsync takes 1-3 minutes: lion:/atg/ ========= Tue Aug 22
2006 Feb 21
Odp: RE: Ajax reqest and http status
Hi Marco. I now that the way prevent IE caching AJAX call is to link to parameters one parameter which will be complete random. Bur here is much important question. I using ajax call to connect url which is accesible only if user is logged (i mean there is a user session). Somethimes session expired and url is not accesible and there is redirect to other url i see that server return code 302 but
2015 Feb 23
Using confirmation of key usage per-host?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Dear all, bear with me, I know the SUBJECT sounds pretty unclear. I'll clarify in a minute. And please excuse that due to the keywords being unclear no usable help was found on google & Co... Assume there is a workstation, which connects to multiple machines, one of which is considered potentially unsafe. So, it would be nice to have agent
2014 Apr 06
Changing dnsmasq DNS settings for virtual machines
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi everyone, maybe this is an old fart, but I cant get it to work. I am running libvirt on a laptop, where a dnsmasq is already running to delegate dns info for my local (not-public) network. My resolv.conf (on the host) lists the system-dnsmasq as first server. I had to set the listen-adress for the system-dnsmasq to and set
2014 Apr 13
Re: Changing dnsmasq DNS settings for virtual machines
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi Laine, thanks for the answer. On 13.04.14 16:13 Laine Stump wrote: > There is no provision for that. If you want additional hosts to be > known by the libvcirt instance of dnsmasq, you must enter them into > the xml. I can set the addn-hosts in the .conf file in /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/<nameofthenetwork>.conf. I was just not
2014 Apr 10
Re: Changing dnsmasq DNS settings for virtual machines
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On 10.04.2014 13:08 Laine Stump wrote: > On 04/06/2014 08:33 AM, Johannes Kastl wrote: >> There was a bug in libvirt for quite awhile that caused >> locally-unresolved requests for hostnames in the domain given by >> the network's <domain name='xyzzy'/> element to be dropped rather >> than forwarded. Is
2014 Mar 27
Using qemu+ssh on openSUSE 13.1/Tumbleweed
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi everyone, I am trying to get libvirt with qemu-kvm to work on my machines running openSUSE 13.1 / Tumbleweed. My question is in regard to using qemu+ssh, which would be my preference, as I already have a working ssh-key authentication with SSH-Agent. I set the permissions of the manage-socket to 0770, added my user to the libvirt group and set
2000 Jun 07
"clipping error in x11()" (PR#564)
There seems to be an error in the X11 display code: try: plot(c(-30000,-1,0,1,30000),c(30000,1,0,1,30000),type="l") points(c(-30000,-1,0,1,30000),c(30000,1,0,1,30000)) it gives a big "V" as expexted. Now zoom in using small xlim and ylim: plot(c(-30000,-1,0,1,30000),c(30000,1,0,1,30000),type="l", xlim=c(-5,5),ylim=c(0,5))
2006 Apr 09
how safe is it to rsync databases?
Hi people! I've been hunting around the web for an answer to this question for a couple of days now. I run the IT for a small company and i don't have a lot of experience with the type of C-ISAM database application that is used by my company, I deal with the general IT issues and call in specialists when required. But I need to backup this 10GB database to a disaster recovery
2007 Jul 17
Suggestion for installation
Hi to all, till now I've used SER as sip registrar and Asterisk as its gateway(PSTN) and for billing. Now, I've received a request to setup a solution, for 5000 + o - users(this is what they expext to have). I was thinking to use only Asterisk with Freeradius, no SER. Any suggestion/experience? Thanks to all -- .:FaberK:. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2003 Apr 05
WARNING: rsync mirror is erased when remote HD-dies
Hello, I faced a problem with rsync-ing like this server blue 3-HD's as Linux Sofware-RAID 0 (striping) - Webserver EXT3 server green 3-HD's as Linux Sofware-RAID 0 (striping) - Backupserver EXT3 During the rsync-2.4.6-13 process one of the HD's on blue died. Though rsync decided to remove the mirrored directories from green (the backup-server). This process resulted in a partial