similar to: SSH and rsync server

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "SSH and rsync server"

2004 Sep 08
rsync via ssh tunnel
Hi there, I want to put these two commands in just one command: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa -C -l sascha -L 873:rsync-server:873 bridge-server rsync -auz rsync://user@localhost/share /local-path How can I do this. With Option --rsh (-e) rsync wants to execute the command on the remote machine and not on localhost as I want it... rsync -au --rsh="ssh -C -l sascha -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa -L
2012 Feb 18
Gluster NFS and symlink
Hi list, Is there a configuration for gluster to have symlinks working with gluster nfs exports? When I try to create a symlink on a glusterfs nfs mount I get: ln: creating symbolic link `test' to `httpdocs': Unknown error 526 From nfs.log: [2012-02-18 01:27:27.541155] E [client3_1-fops.c:173:client3_1_symlink_cbk] 0-dcm-gluster-backup1-client-0: remote operation failed: Operation not
2008 Apr 25
"Date Created" missing on files transferred from an ext3 file system to an NTFS file system
I'm using rsync 2.6.9 to transfer tiff files from a linux RHEL 5 server to an NFSv3 directory exported by a NAS running Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 sp2. The NAS is running Microsoft Services for NFS. The rsync command I'm using is: rsync -auz --remove-source-files /m2/archives /nfs-destination The problem I'm having is that ~50% of the files that are moved are missing a
2001 Sep 21
Wine runing Diablo2 LoD fine, but no keyboard input
Hello, I was just so happy to have Diablo2 LoD in a 800x600 window under KDE 2.2.1 runing. It's quite smoth and even BNet connection on our privat Linux BNETD Server works. So just everything works fine (aint got sound, but I don't care), except for the whole keyboard, no input possibel. What's wrong with my Wine instalation? The debug output tells me about a language problem and
2004 Aug 26
rsync and tunneling via ssh
Hi, I have setup a rsync server with a rsync running as a deamon, due to security rules I cannot open the rsync standard port (873) in the firewall. We have to tunnel rsync through ssh. On the client side, which is linux kernel 2.4 I have made the following script, but ssh -i /home/ifao/bin/traveltest -f -C -L cytric@localhost sleep 1000 rsync -auz --password-file=rsync.cib
2003 Oct 03
Cygwin/rsync Hang Problem Testing Results
People of cygwin & rsync, I recently attempted to get cygwin and rsync working to solve a backup/mirroring need in my computer life. Well, as you might guess, I ran into a little but of trouble. Strangely enough, rsync seemed to be regularly hanging when I attempted to do a "get" (sycronize a remote to a local dir). Well, considering I want to automate this, that was not going
2010 Jul 08
Prefered Method for UPS?
Hello, since I had delayed the programming of the UPS Device part, now it is time to continue... My Device is "24 V DC modular ATX PSU" which replace the standard ATX Power Supply in PCs and use 15-43 V Input Voltage. The microcontroller is a TI LM3S5T36 Cortex M3 and I get the "UPS" infos using up to 4 Maxim DS1780 and some I?C current sensors. The ATX PSU has 4
2003 Dec 19
Repost: Cached credentials not working
Hello all, I'm setting up a domain using Samba 3.0 as PDC, with WinXP clients. One of these clients is a laptop, which should be able to use cached profiles of the domain users. Online logon is working fine, however when the domain server is not available it cannot logon, whereas it should be able to use cached credentials to access the cached profile. Windows says it cannot log on because
2010 Jul 19
Reshaping data
Dear All, I have some data in the following shape: ID begin_t1 end_t1 begin_t2 end_t2 Thomas 11/03/04 13/05/06 04/02/07 16/05/08 ... ... ... ... ... Jens 24/01/02 23/05/03 07/06/03 14/11/05 I would like to reshape this data to have the following form: ID Begin_Time End_Time Thomas 11/03/04 13/05/06 Thomas 04/02/07 16/05/08 ... ... ... Jens 24/01/02 23/05/03 Jens
2006 Mar 01
Asterisk transfer conflict
I have a problem with my Asterisk system. When I use my phone to call my office mailbox I have to end my password with #. (The office do not use Asterisk) " # " is also used as a transfer button on my asterisk, so when I press it I hear my Asterisk trying to transfer the call. Is there any way to change the transfer button or remove it ? Fredrik
2007 Jan 31
Report usage...
Hi, I''ve setup my systems to do reporting as explained in https://, with tagmail defined as one of the report types - but I do not recieve any mail at all. I''ve configured a tagmail.conf file like this: all: root@localhost But the documentation mentions three options, namely sendmail, reportfrom,
2014 Aug 12
Does any other company and production use the ocfs2?
Hi all, I want to know whether any other company and production use the ocfs2 ? Thanks. Jensen 2014.8.12
2014 Aug 12
Does any other company and production use the ocfs2?
Hi all, I want to know whether any other company and production use the ocfs2 ? Thanks. Jensen 2014.8.12
2009 Aug 07
bug with subset and plot?
Hi! I have the following problem that I beleive is a bug: I have a dataframe with one categorical and one numerical vector. The categorical vector has three levels (uc, up and vc). A plot of the vectors with the categorical vector on the x-axis gives a boxplot with three boxes - exactly as expected. If I then use the subset function to make a dataset that only includes two of the levels of
2015 Sep 18
Use case question
I'm investigating the build out of a Push to Talk server with multiple subscribers as part of a mobile app. Has anyone seen this usecase with Icecast? Any suggestions or places to look. Thanks, *Orion Jensen* CEO | ClearLaunch 1408 East 13th Street | Austin, TX 78702 Skype: orion.jensen | Mobile: 1.512.270.3976 orionjensen at <peyton at> |
2001 Feb 05
Mounting samba shares
Hi, I'm trying to mount samba shares onto the file system, but at the moment i only seem to be able to mount them as root. I've tried changing the permissions on the mount point and even mounting it on a subdir of my home directory but mount just keeps telling me that only root can do this. I've put an entry for the mount in /etc/fstab with the user option, what have i missed? I'm
2006 Oct 17
Puppet tgz installs...
Hi I''m anxious to get puppet into production, and although I''d prefer installing puppet as a .deb package (as most of the servers in our shop runs Debian), I think I''ll try to get some of my not-so- important servers into my test setup by installing puppet with the .tgz files. Upon the first installation I realize that puppetd and puppetmasterd is copied to
2010 Mar 29
Finding common an unique elements in character vectors
Dear R-list, I have a problem which I think is quite basic, but so far google has not helped me. I have two vectors like this: vector_1 <- c(Belgium, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal) vector_2 <- c(Denmark, Luxembourg) I would like to find the elements in vector_1 that are not in vector_2 so that i get a vector with these countries: Belgium, Spain, Greece,
2013 Apr 05
Refining log entries
Hi, I've been using rsync (V 3.09) in non-daemon mode for a while to backup and/or sync various linux machines (sometimes to & from windows shares). I would like to reduce the stuff in my log files to the minimum (as I see it) and cannot find the appropriate parameters to rsync. I can obviously turn all logging off, but would like to see just the names (with path is ok, but not
2004 Jan 28
(no subject)
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