similar to: rsync erroring out when syncing a large tree

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "rsync erroring out when syncing a large tree"

2004 Oct 22
rsync failing
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Using the following settings: $ export RSYNC_PROXY=www-proxy:3125 $ rsync -av --stats --progress --partial --delete-after --bwlimit=160 rsync:// /export/ftp/mandrakelinux I'll almost certainly get this error at some point during the transfer: rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (320497666 bytes received so
2004 Jul 09
cron/rsync issue
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've got an rsync command... rsync -av --stats --progress --partial --delete-after --bwlimit=2000 rsync:// /export/ftp/mandrakelinux This works just fine when runfrom the command line (as user 'mwatts'). I've put it in the 'mwatts' users' crontab: MAILTO=""
2002 Mar 21
Start Rsync Error
Hi, I have installed rsync-2.4.6 version on Linux Redhat 6.2 (Kernel-2.2.14-5.0), after installed I tried to test the rsh and run "rsh remotehost /bin/true > out .dat". But it failed the error message was "Permission denied". I checked the permission all was okay, I forgot the rsh/csh methods and replaced by RSYNC_PROXY. Finally, it failed again. I would like to know that
2004 Feb 06
Rsync 2.5.7 local buffer overflow
Hi folks, I've discovered a local stack overflow bug in rsync 2.5.7. Problem is in open_socket_out function (socket.c). ... char portbuf[10]; char *h; int proxied = 0; char buffer[1024]; char *cp; ... h = getenv("RSYNC_PROXY"); proxied = (h != NULL) && (*h != '\0'); ... if (proxied) {
2002 Jan 19
Rsync through proxy using HTTP Basic Authentication?
Is it possible to rsync through a firewall that requires HTTP basic authentication? The RSYNC_PROXY variable seems to correctly direct the request to go through the HTTP proxy server on the firewall, but there's no way to specify a username/password combo. The error message reported by rsync is "bad response from proxy - HTTP/1.1 401 Authentication required", which is not
2005 Feb 05
help with web proxying for anonymous rsync
Hi all - I've searched long and hard for some docs on configuring a web proxy for rsync. This is probably in part an apache config question so I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. What I would like to do is provide anonymous rsync access to a handful of IPs via a web proxy so I don't have to punch additional holes in my firewall. In other words, I'd like to use rsync over
2004 Jun 30
Networking - OS/2 <- - -> Mandrakelinux
Hi I need help on this one, My main problem is that I do not know anything about networking and therefore I'm lost. A rough outline of what I have (No Windows): Domain/workgroup = STARTREK Machine 1 named "Hal", PentiumPro 200 128MB RAM??IP- Running OS/2 Warp 4.0 FP10 (also dual Boot eCS 1.1, seldom used) 3COM 10 MHz NIC IBMLAN 'peer 2 peer' In between: SMC
2003 Oct 23
Hi all, I am interested at using a web proxy to help speed a transfer across a WAN. Are there any examples of syntax for the RSYNC_PROXY command available? Thanks, Max -- Max Clark <maxc at> My Blog >> spamtrap: - do NOT ever send email to this address <<
2006 Nov 06
rsync using proxy server
Hello all! I'm trying to syncronize 2 directories on 2 servers (A and B) using 3rd server (C) as proxy server. what i did is: - installed http proxy (tinyproxy) on C and configured it to run on port 873 - default port for rsync protocol. - set the variable RSYNC_PROXY to C-ip:873 using command export RSYNC_PROXY=C-ip:873 - run the rsync command without ssh support. as a result the
2005 Nov 01
proxying rsync through http
Hi All, I'm trying to get rsync to proxy through an apache httpd server to an rsync server. On the proxy, which has a direct connection to the internet, I've stopped the firewall and unset HTTP_PROXY and RSYNC_PROXY. I've configured the httpd to allow proxy requests as follows: <IfModule mod_proxy.c># ProxyRequests On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Deny from all
2004 Jan 05
No subject
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /users/tconway>man rsync |grep environment Reformatting page. Wait... done environment variable. the environment variable RSYNC_PROXY to a hostname:port pair environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD to the password you want WARNING: On some systems environment variables are visible RSYNC_RSH
2004 Dec 21
No Graphics Window, Mandrake 10.1
Dear all, I installed Mandrakelinux 10.1 (community) on my notebook. Before, I used Mandrakelinux 9.1 (and later 10.0 as an update). Now I wanted to compile, as before, R. In the beginning, nothing worked but it seemed to be the problem of GCC 3.4.1 which was shipped with my distribution. After downloading and compiling GCC 3.4.3 everything went smoothly during the compilation of R. The problem
2003 May 14
Basic HTTP Proxy Authentication: patch update
Hi all, My patch for supporting "Basic" HTTP Proxy Authentication has been updated for rsync 2.5.6 by Martin Ehmsen. The patch changes the interpretation of the RSYNC_PROXY environment variable so that the syntax may be used instead of just (the old syntax is, of course, still supported). The updated patch is available at:
2002 Apr 04
[patch] Basic HTTP Proxy Authentication
Hi all, I have put together a patch for supporting "Basic" HTTP Proxy Authentication. The patch changes the interpretation of the RSYNC_PROXY environment variable so that the syntax may be used instead of just (the old syntax is of course still supported). The patch has only been tested lightly, but it should(TM) work. The patch (and
2005 Jan 12
XP SP2 offline files sync delay (again)
I'm running Samba 3.0.7 on Mandrakelinux 9.2 as a PDC, with a few shares from the PDC and more on a separate Mandrakelinux 10.0 member file server, also running Samba 3.0.7. The passdb backend is LDAP and clients are all Windows XP Professional SP1. Except for the below, everything works great! We make heavy use of offline files, and with Windows XP SP1, all is well. However, when I
2007 Apr 27
Prevention of outgoing file transfers?
Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to firewall and/or configure rsync via a web proxy using RSYNC_PROXY to prevent push mode file transfers yet still allow pull mode? I am aware of Matt McCutchen's helpful distinction between the direction of an rsync connection and the direction of file transfer at at, but I am after
2005 Jun 28
Running ./tools/rsync-recommended through a proxy
My computers at my office will no longer be able to connect directly to web sites etc. I will be going through a proxy server. The particular server is running squid on port 3128. I have managed to configure web browsers, ssh, apt, svn and a whole lot of other tools to use the proxy server but I haven't been able to configure rsync. My usual method of updating my copy of the R-devel
2005 Feb 13
BricsCAD won't start
Hello, I run Mandrakelinux 10.1 with wine-20040813-2mdk. I have BricsCAD version 5.1.0012-1 installed. Upon start, I get this wine error message: can't open file icad.log error=5 (Access to icad.log was denied) [pablo@localhost bricscad]$ /opt/bricscad/ fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub fixme:ole:RegisterTypeLib Registering non-oleautomation interface!
2002 May 09
Configuring the system to use LDAP
Hi. I'm trying to setup an OpenLDAP server on MandrakeLinux 8.2 for use with Samba. To accomplish this, I'm using the idealx Samba LDAP howto. It says to use "authconfig" to setup the system to use pam_ldap, nss_ldap and nscd. I don't have Red Hat and thus don't have authconfig. Translated to config files, what does authconfig do? Thanks, Alexander Skwar -- How to
2002 May 09
Can't add users with smbpasswd to LDAP
Hi! I'm using samba 2.2.4 and OpenLDAP 2.0.21 on MandrakeLinux 8.2. In some howto, I read that I should be able to add users to the LDAP using sambas smbpasswd. However: [root@teich smbldap-tools]# smbpasswd Admin New SMB password: Retype new SMB password: LDAP search "(&(uid=Admin)(objectclass=sambaAccount))" returned 0 entries. Failed to find entry for user Admin. Failed to