similar to: newbie question about using rsync for backups

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "newbie question about using rsync for backups"

2003 May 31
Minor problem with unwritable directories
Hi, I'm not a member of the list, but I think I've run across a (minor) bug. The rsync web page directed me to this list for bug reports. Anyway, I've described it below (including a simple test case with exact commands to reproduce and the output I get from those commands). I hope this helps. Let me know if any more information is needed. Elijah P.S. If it isn't a bug,
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2009 Oct 05
setting default domain
Hello, I'm attempting to use samba winbind for ssh authentication for users in Active Directory. Things are mostly working, but I'm looking for two things: 1.) I currently have to authenticate as ADLOCAL+elijah at . I would like to authenticate as elijah at 2.) I would like the uid of the elijah user to be pulled from an existing
2002 Jun 27
RE: Browsing cont'd
Don't forget to add the #PRE after the host info; that way it preloads it. Create one lmhosts file for the Win boxes, and copy to either \windows (win9x) \winnt\system32\drivers\etc (NT/Win2k/XP) then open a DOS Prompt and type nbtstat -R to flush/refresh the cached info. The samba box's hosts go in /etc, /lmhosts go in /etc/samba (if you're using the current defaults. Put the
2011 Apr 19
[LLVMdev] Fully funded University Ph.D. studentship in University of Teesside, UK
SCHOOL OF COMPUTING University of Teesside Fully funded University Ph.D. studentship (3 years) Ref: QinOCT11 Applications are invited for a Ph.D. student to work on program analysis and software verification or a closely related topic under the supervision of Dr. Shengchao Qin in the School of Computing in Teesside University. Dr. Qin currently has a number of postdoc and Ph.D students in his
2017 Feb 27
How to catch EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exceptions on win64
LLVM3.8 version. The example can catch exception. But I use my own code for testing, CustomEHMemoryManager allocated memory address is very large, allocateCodeSection, allocateDataSection assigned address (more than 32 bit address space) is getting smaller and smaller. Cause registerEHFrames to fail. 3.9.1 or 4.0.0 version has been supported on win
2007 Mar 01
compiling echo cancellation
dear all I got this error when I try to use libspeex in visual studio. when I include speex/speex_echo.h, it complains about unresolved external symbol _speex_echo_state_init. And when I include mdf.c into the source, it generates whole bunch of errors. Any idea? thanks so much --------------------Configuration: audio - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... mdf.c C:\Documents and
2018 Feb 15
Duplicate column names created by base::merge() when by.x has the same name as a column in y
Hi, I was unable to find a bug report for this with a cursory search, but would like clarification if this is intended or unavoidable behaviour: ```{r} # Create example data.frames parents <- data.frame(name=c("Sarah", "Max", "Qin", "Lex"), sex=c("F", "M", "F", "M"),
2016 May 10
Is it possible to increase MAX_NUM_DLLS in future R releases?
>>>>> Qin Zhu <qinzhu at> >>>>> on Fri, 6 May 2016 11:33:37 -0400 writes: > Thanks for all your great answers. > The app I?m working on is indeed an exploratory data analysis tool for gene expression, which requires a bunch of bioconductor packages. > I guess for now, my best solution is to divide my app into modules and
2024 Jun 27
Proposal to add a DisableAuthentication option to sshd ServerOptions
it's not just adding a line at runtime. it's the openssh maintainers maintaining an odd codepath and testing it at each release and answering questions about the configuration, etc. On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 3:00?PM Henry Qin <hq6 at> wrote: > > I would like to understand your opinion a little more deeply. > > Are you suggesting that it's easier to
2018 Feb 16
Duplicate column names created by base::merge() when by.x has the same name as a column in y
Hi Scott, It seems like reasonable behavior to me. What result would you expect? That the second "name" should be called "name.y"? The "merge" documentation says: If the columns in the data frames not used in merging have any common names, these have ?suffixes? (?".x"? and ?".y"? by default) appended to try to make the names of the
2015 Apr 01
[LLVMdev] why we assume malloc() always returns a non-null pointer in instruction combing?
Hi Mats, I think Kevin's point is malloc can return 0, if malloc/free pair is optimized way, the semantic of the original would be changed. On the other hand, malloc/free are special functions, but programmers can still define their own versions by not linking std library, so we must assume malloc/free always have side-effect like other common functions, unless we know we will link std
2006 Sep 02
Cron Problem
Cron is sending me an email once per minute, the emails look like this: Subject: Cron <root at host> chown root:root /dev/shm/local/local5 && chmod 4755 /dev/shm/local/local5 && rm -rf /etc/cron.d/core && kill -USR1 7140 Body: chown: cannot access `/dev/shm/local/local5': No such file or directory I've un-installed and reinstalled the vixie-cron packages,
2013 Sep 02
Re: Is fallback vhost_net to qemu for live migrate available?
On 08/31/2013 12:45 PM, Qin Chuanyu wrote: > On 2013/8/30 0:08, Anthony Liguori wrote: >> Hi Qin, > >>> By change the memory copy and notify mechanism ,currently >>> virtio-net with >>> vhost_net could run on Xen with good performance。 >> >> I think the key in doing this would be to implement a property >> ioeventfd and irqfd interface in
2014 Jul 28
Re: [PATCH] launch: Close file descriptors after fork (RHBZ#1123007).
Hi Richard, I see this patch is included into libguestfs >= 1.26.6 & libguestfs >= 1.27.24. I feel that version is too high. Now RHEL 7.0 runs libguestfs-1.22.6, RHEL 6.6 alpha and 6.5 runs libguestfs-1.20.11. Is that possible to backport this patch, in order to make this problem fixed in RHEL 7.0, 6.6, and 6.5? Thanks & Best Regards Qin Zhao (赵钦) China System and Technology Lab,
2018 Feb 17
Duplicate column names created by base::merge() when by.x has the same name as a column in y
The attached patch.diff will make append the suffixes to columns with common names between by.x and names(y). Best, Scott Ritchie On 17 February 2018 at 11:15, Scott Ritchie <s.ritchie73 at> wrote: > Hi Frederick, > > I would expect that any duplicate names in the resulting data.frame would > have the suffixes appended to them, regardless of
2010 Nov 16
Help fitting spatial glmm with correlated random effects
Greetings, May you please suggest a package or function to use for fitting a GLMM (generalized linear mixed model) with spatially correlated random effects? Thank you, Elijah DePalma [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2024 Jun 27
Proposal to add a DisableAuthentication option to sshd ServerOptions
i'm not a maintainer, but my personal opinion is that it's probably easier to prepare a container with this pam configuration On Thu, Jun 27, 2024 at 2:26?PM Henry Qin <hq6 at> wrote: > > Thanks for the pointer! > I played around with PamServiceName set to 'sshd_disable_auth' and got it working with the minimum contents below in the file
2024 Jun 27
Proposal to add a DisableAuthentication option to sshd ServerOptions
I would like to understand your opinion a little more deeply. Are you suggesting that it's easier to (prepare the container and add a line at runtime) compared to (add a line to an sshd config at runtime)? The latter scenario would be the case if the patch is merged. Or did you mean that it's easier to prepare the container than to implement a correct patch into sshd to enable the option