similar to: Long time needed for "Building file list" Any suggestions ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Long time needed for "Building file list" Any suggestions ?"

2003 Dec 19
Problem on XP with --delete option
Hi, I'm experiencing a problem on rsync with the --delete option. Situation: Server = Mandrake Linux 9.2 running rsync daemon Client = Windows XP workstation running cygwin + rsync2.5.1 combined with ssh. All this implemented conform the website of Robert Scholten ( Every thing seems to work fine exept for the --delete option. The rsync says:
2004 Mar 31
How to RSYNC from eth1 on PDC-SRV to eth1 on BDC-SRV?
I currently have my /home directory kept in sync between my primary and backup domain controllers by using rsync --archive --checksum --update --delete pdc-srv:/home/ bdc-srv:/home/. I noticed that when this command is invoked, it tends to suck up the available bandwith to eth0 during the duration that the pdc is sending a large amount of data packets to the bdc. So what I would like to do
2002 Feb 21
Re: Factor analysis of categorical or mixed categorical/continuousdata in
I am looking to fit one or more latent categorical variables to data that is a mixture of categorical and continuous variables. Factor analysis would work for continuous data, latent class analysis for categorical data. I understand that in a package such as MPlus I could perform a single analysis of both data types. Are there similar routines available in R? Stuart -----Original Message-----
2005 Jan 20
ChangeNotify help wanted
Hi all, I''ve checked in some code to win32-changenotify. Unfortunately, it doesn''t work right. I need some help. I don''t understand what, exactly, I''m supposed to pass to ReadDirectoryChangesW() for the 2nd argument, nor how to read the data back out. There''s also a WCHAR issue that needs to be worked out with regards to the FileName
2007 Aug 08
Some more win32-changenotify analysis
Hi all, I decided to check the responsiveness of the pure Ruby vs C extension versions of win32-changenotify. I setup this little file generator program: a = [] 10.times{ |n| a <<{"File_#{n}", ''w''){ |fh| fh.puts "test #{n}" } } } a.each{ |t| t.join } The pure Ruby version did not do so well. In some cases it
2009 Mar 03
R 2.9.0 devel: package installation with configure-args option
Hi, trying to install a package containing C code and requiring non-default configure argument settings the incantation (this has worked for R <= 2.8.1 on the same architectures) R CMD INSTALL --configure-args="--with-opt1 --with-opt2" packname does always result in a warning Warning: unknown option '--with-opt2' and consequently the option is ignored. Reverting the order
2004 Jul 21
Avoid return code 24 (file vanished) with command line option?
Hi! Is it possible to avoid this error condition by specifying a command line option? I haven't found an obvious one in the manual. Background: We are using rsync for a live backup of our home directories. Emails are stored in Maildir format within the homedirectories. The rsync process is running for some time and in the meantime emails get deleted because users still have IMAP access. The
2007 Mar 15
R 2.5.0 devel try issue in conjuntion with S4 method dispatch
Hi, after updating R 2.5.0 devel yesterday we today observed many new unexpected failures in our daily package build and test system runs, which can be traced to recent changes in the implementation in try() (as noted in NEWS). Investigating this new implementation I come across an issue in conjuntion with using S4 classes and methods. try(expr) does not return an object with attribute
2010 Apr 22
RUnit bug?
There appears to be a bug in RUnit. Given a testsuite testsuite.math, say, when I run: runTestSuite(testsuite.math) this works fine, provided there are no extraneous files in the unit test subdirectory. But if there are any Emacs temp files (with names that end with '~') then runTestSuite gets confused and tries to run functions from the temp files as well. [[alternative HTML version
2009 Jan 15
R package tests
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for reading up on writing tests in R. I'm writing some functions for inclusion into a package and would like to test them to ensure they're doing what I expect them to do. Are these approaches used for testing packages in CRAN? Cheers, Nathan - -- -
2007 Apr 26
ifelse behaviour
Hi! I'm puzzled by the return value of ifelse consider x<-integer(0) ifelse(is(x, "character"), paste(x), x) [1] NA whereas if (is(x, "character")) return(paste(x)) else x [1] integer(0) or x<-integer(1) ifelse(is(x, "character"), paste(x), x) [1] 0 work as I had anticipated. Is this correct behaviour? Regards, Matthias >sessionInfo() R
2009 Mar 05
methods package
I'm working on the next version of coxme, one step of which is converting the bdsmatrix library from Splus to R. Actually, it is a conversion from S4 methods as first described in the Green book to S4 methods as they currently exist. Mostly it's going ok, but not entirely. 1. The biggest issue is lack of documentation. The online help pages have not been a help; they keep saying
2011 Jan 09
IIS Change Notifications
Good afternoon all, I'm a web developer (c#) who also manages a small hosting environment. Roughly, our configuration is: Two IIS7 (Windows Server 2008 Web) servers which share configuration data and site files from a SMB share located on a ubuntu server. The ubuntu server is currently running 3.0.28a which is quite old, but read on. We've been having a problem with the change
2004 Sep 07
"parallelizing" the two initial phases?
Hi (especially Wayne), is rsyncing most of the data from about 500 other rsync servers. Especially during the general "high traffic" phases like the release of a new Knoppix ISO or a new SUSE distribution or a new KDE release, I see timeouts with other servers which have maximum traffic at that time. There is a general scheme: 1. rsync is building the data base of the
2009 Apr 29
if condition doesn't evaluate to True/False
Hi friends, Please help me with this bug. *Bug in my code:* In this variable sub_grp_whr_cls_data[sbgrp_no,1] I store the where clause.every sub group has a where condition linked with it. Database1 Where clause was not found for a particular subgroup, sub_grp_whr_cls_data[sbgrp_no,1] value was NULL So the condition (*sub_grp_whr_cls_data[sbgrp_no,1]=="NULL" ||
2004 Aug 09
Approaches to using RUnit
Having used JUnit and PyUnit, I was pleased to see the release of the RUnit package on CRAN. I'm wondering if there are any RUnit users out there that would be willing to share some tips on how they organize their code to work with RUnit. Specifically, I'm wondering about the best way to load/import/source the functions to be tested. I would like to end up with a script, testall or some
2008 Apr 01
"Dumb" proxying?
I'm a database noob, and it really seems like it would be overkill for my setup: I just want to proxy all connections from my DMZ to my internal mail server -- same internal server for all users. I used to use perdition for this set up, but am having issues getting it to play nicely with my new servers. Can I bypass all of the SQL stuff and just have dovecot forward all POP/IMAP
2008 Jan 03
(somewhat ot?) purging old maildir messages
I'm using Dovecot (+postfix) to host some personal imap accounts on a private server (Maildir format). I've got one account that receives mostly automated mails, and I want to be able to purge messages beyond a given date (say 30 days). I know that since maildir uses flat files, I can literally just delete messages doing something similar to the following with bash: for i in $(find
2004 Aug 16
TRANS2 notifications
Hello, I am using Samba 3.01. I am running a Win2K application that uses ReadDirectoryChangesW. I understood that this API uses TRANS2 notifications, which seems not to be supported in this version (the comment on the handler function says that nothing is done). Does anyone have a patch for this that I can use? Thanks, Menny
2009 Feb 22
Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) : no complete element pairs
Hello all, I'm trying to calculate the standar desviation and I'm using the function sd(x,na.rm=TRUE) and I have this error:? Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) : no complete element pairs . Why happen this?, What can I do to solve it?. x is list of three numbers which I have from a table. Thanks so much from Spain Carlos Morales Diego