similar to: long startup times for large file systems

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "long startup times for large file systems"

2003 Dec 13
Change one file, and they all get sent!
Hi, Just starting out with rsync, and I think I might be missing a fundamental point of how it works. Scenario: I start an rsync daemon on host A, and define a module 'test' on the rsyncd.conf file. 'test' is essentially my home directory on host A I then sign on to host B and issue rsync --progress --recursive --links --stats arthur::test/ /var/tmp/haggis This copies
2005 May 10
Problem compiling Icecast on RedHat
--On Tuesday, May 10, 2005 10:59:09 PM +0100 Karl Heyes <> wrote: > On Tue, 2005-05-10 at 22:42, Michael Smith wrote: > > we've always used stat (using the filename in fserve_create), of course > whether the includes do some mangle magic is another matter but I don't > think they can translate stat to fstat. > > My guess would be libcurl or its
2004 Jun 14
Problem with transfering files between Solaris and HPUX 11.00
Is terir any known problem with this? Can someone let me know if they are movingp and Solrais with rsync.
2003 Feb 03
Installation problem - No X interface
Hi I've installed the "R" system under Solaris 8 on a SunFire V880. I configured it using the "--with-x" option. Installation seemed to go fine, but when I start R with the X-Windows GUI option, R --gui=X11 I just get put into the command-line mode. Any ideas what I'm missing? Thanks Scotty
2008 Feb 28
opening ..xfd file with wine
Just installed Wine and PureEdge so I can work with the US government's forms but am unable to open the form which is a file ending with .xfd extension. Can anyone shed some light on how to get PureEdge started? Using Ubuntu Gutsy and FF Any help is greatly appreciated. Scotty
2008 Aug 05
qqline function doesn't plot
I have a data vector x. When I try qqline(x) I get the following error: Error in int_abline(a = a, b = b, h = h, v = v, untf = untf, ...) : has not been called yet And a blank plot appears. Can anybody help? What am I doing wrong? Thanks, Scotty _________________________________________________________________ Contest [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2002 Sep 03
rsync process never finishes
Hi, I've got a Debian 3.0 machine from which I initiate rsync connections over ssh to winNT/2k boxen, where sshd is running as a service, to grab files from the windows machines. I don't get any error from either side of the connection. The directory I indicate is transferred as well as every sub directory, just not any of the files in the sub directories. The process seems to be running
2008 May 01
Installing Packages in Windows Vista -- YES I tried Run as Administrator
I'm having trouble installing packages in Windows Vista. It's driving me nuts. I read all the threads and I have tried the following: 1) Right click on R and Run as Administrator 2) Turn off User Account Control 3) Toss machine across room (OK haven't tried this one yet, but I'm close) Here is the R error messages I am getting --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this
2011 Feb 16
Sensible, Manageable, CentOS puppetmaster?
I''ve been going round in circles a little bit in the last few days trying to figure out how to get a 64-bit CentOS-based puppetmaster that can be managed/provisioned via puppet also - so I''d like ruby, passenger, rails etc coming from RPMs and yum. As far as I can see, the three choices are: 1) Puppetlabs prosvc repo, which specifically says it can go away at any time 2)
2003 Jun 16
crash on 2 gig file
Hi, I'm still waiting for my list subscription but if I don't send in this bug report now I won't for who-knows-how-long and I want to get it in.... I'm using 2.5.6 compiled from cvs on SCO Open Server 5.0.6 bothe machines are the same version of OS and the same copy of rsync. on my live machine one of the database files eventually got to be 2 gigs the file has since then been
2012 Sep 10
Nagios purge deleted items and notify nagios service problem
I am using stored configs to manage my nagios host and services checks and I have run into a problem that I have been unable to solve. When the stored configs are purged from puppet the nagios server correctly removes them from the services and hosts file but does not notify the nagios service and instead throws an error. So the entries are still there and nagios still reports on them until
2018 Mar 20
Fwd: Everything works except sending mail
Hi people, Version of my beloved Dovecot installation: 2.2.27 (c0f36b0) I moved from a OS X server to a Linux (Ubuntu) Headless server. All fun and good to play around with. Love almost everything. In the combination with Postfix and Dovecot I?m stuck to despair into oblivion. Everything works except I cannot send mail from my (OS X) Outlook client I keep getting: Connection to the
2005 Aug 26
Free-form to fixed-form Fortran
Hello! I have writen some subrutines in Free-form Fortran. I would like to includ them in a package, which I would like to build on WinXP. I have all suggested tools/programs for bulding R packages on Windows (except latex). What is the best way of using these subrutines? Does sombody mybe know any translation tools for converting Free-form to fixed-form Fortran? Thanks for any suggestions,
2015 Apr 09
rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers
Hi, I've configured 'backuppc' to transfer files via rsyncd, with enabled checksums. Whith one of the shares I get the error (in syslog): --------------------------------------------------------------------- robbe rsyncd[2183]: ERROR: out of memory in receive_sums [sender] robbe rsyncd[2183]: rsync error: error allocating core memory buffers (code 22) at util2.c(106)
2003 Sep 05
MD5 checksum missmatch for bpft4
Hello freebsd-security, Apologize if it's offtopic, but: The message digest checksum for bpft4 from ports/net/bpft does not matchs the one printed on the sources page at My digests are 3810114b068f438cc7e8e0b1af745953 from top 6 links. Only last gave the right cheksum -
2005 Aug 06
Macromedia Flash Loading Issues
I''ve discovered something very odd about the way Rails is handling Flash media. I am attempting to load a partial that contains the code for a flash adverstisment for the website. It was working ok when the code was in the page, but once I pulled it out to a partial (so I could use it on other pages) it stopped working. <%= render(:partial =>
2004 Sep 07
"parallelizing" the two initial phases?
Hi (especially Wayne), is rsyncing most of the data from about 500 other rsync servers. Especially during the general "high traffic" phases like the release of a new Knoppix ISO or a new SUSE distribution or a new KDE release, I see timeouts with other servers which have maximum traffic at that time. There is a general scheme: 1. rsync is building the data base of the
2012 Mar 04
wine 1.4rc6 crashes if alsa is available
I'm using wine in combination with pylotro for playing Lotro with Arch Linux. Since about a month the game start is blocked with the message: err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xf75822fe wine client error:9: write: Ung??ltiger Dateideskriptor (bad file descriptor) Today I was trying again to manage that problem. When I keep the crashed game open and start
2011 Jun 15
Config file semantics.
Personally, I find that indenting config files by 3 spaces has a lot of advantages to indenting them by 4 spaces although conventional wisdom might suggest otherwise. Who's with me on this?
2004 Jun 16
real Newbie query sorry!
Hi as I'm a real newbie to rsync I'd better apoligise if this is 'old hat'. I'm trying to get to grips with rsync and I've set up rysnc as a server on a redhat 8 linux pc using a simple rsyncd.conf I then tried to list some files placed in the rsync server by using a commandline shell to this server. I've called the server 'server'. But for some reason I