similar to: Problem with the file order....

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Problem with the file order...."

2005 Mar 06
Where to place custom classes?
Hi all, I am writing a simple shopping cart which will consist of a single class. There will be no DB table for carts so I do not want to make my Cart a model. But where do I place my Cart class so that I can access it in my controllers? I want to be able do do things like this (for instance in a shop controller): def add_to_cart @session[''cart''].add(article_id, amount)
2019 Feb 18
Debian 9.8 and vanbelle-repos
Just to be safe and maybe interesting for others as well: Louis, is it safe to upgrade a Debian 9.7 on which I run your samba-packages to deb 9.8? I assume so, but prefer to ask in advance ;-) good morning all, Stefan
2006 Jan 24
Can R handle medium and large size data sets?
Dear R experts, Is it true that R generally cannot handle medium sized data sets(a couple of hundreds of thousands observations) and threrefore large date set(couple of millions of observations)? I googled and I found lots of questions regarding this issue, but curiously there were no straightforward answers what can be done to make R capable of handling data. Is there sth inherent in the
2003 Apr 26
esfq experience anyone?
Hey, fellow LART controlllers, I''d like to ask if someome has a real esfq experience with HTB class hierarchy and esfq qdiscs. Lets say that I want to unite the connections to 10 client PCs with u32 or fw filters (doesn''t matter which one in fact) into one HTB class with esfq qdisc at the end. Did anyone tried it, and more important, did it worked the way it is supposed to? As
2006 Jan 24
Updated lighttpd to 1.4.9 - error running dispatch.fcgi
Hi all, I just updated lighttpd from 1.4.8 to 1.4.9 and it now refuses to start with the following error: 2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.989) execve failed for: public/ dispatch.fcgi No such file or directory 2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.1015) the fastcgi-backend public/ dispatch.fcgi failed to start: 2006-01-24 23:12:24: (mod_fastcgi.c.1019) child exited with status 2
2005 Mar 06
has_many and order
Hi all, if I have a has_many and belongs_to relations like this category has many articles article belongs to category is there a way I can specify the order of articles when pulling them up with @some_category.articles ? Many thanks in advance! -- Nicky
2006 Feb 01
Custom view helpers
Hi all, I would like to write some custom helpers like the ones available as form helpers text_field, text_area and the like. My first try was this: custom_helper(obj, meth) ''some_string'' + obj.send(meth) + ''some_other_string'' end Object and method are being passed as symbols like this: custom_helper(:person, :name) and Ruby rightfully complains that
2005 Dec 26
Override Validation?
Hi all, is there a way to override the validation methods so as to avoid the div.fieldWithErrors divs from being created on the redisplayed form? Many thanks in advance, Nicky
2002 Sep 17
the range of HTB''s prio
HTB and imq was used to control traffic. AC="tc class add dev eth0 parent" $AC 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 100kbps burst 2k $AC 1:2 classid 1:10 htb rate 50kbps ceil 100kbps burst 2k prio 1 $AC 1:2 classid 1:11 htb rate 50kbps ceil 100kbps burst 2k prio 1 please tell me the range of "prio" _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? 新鲜到底,娱乐到家 -
2005 May 24
Programming Languages?
Greetings, What programming languages besides shell scripting are used in shorewall? What knowledge is needed to help in shorewall development? I figure iptables is a goood bet but is there anything else as well? Thank you for your time. Regards, Jason
2011 Aug 02
shared mailboxes
Hi all, I've read all documentation that I could find, but I can not understand 2 simple things 1. How to create a public mailbox - with per user seen flag. In my configuration this flag is shared 2. How to share one user mailbox with other users and set up acl. In Cyrus it was very easy( cyradm sam mailbox user1 lrs or sam mailbox user2 all ). What way there is to do this in dovecot. It
2006 Jan 09
Ruby on Rails and WURFL?
Hi! I''m a newcommer to Ruby and Rails. I''ve just got the environment done on my Mac OS X machine and I am eager to start to learn more! It seems as such a great plattform for doing webapplications. I have a specific task I would like to acomplish but being a newbie with Rails and Ruby am not sure where to start. What I want to do is to create a mobile site that is very
2019 Feb 19
Debian 9.8 and vanbelle-repos
Hi Stefan, > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- > Van: samba [mailto:samba-bounces at] Namens > Stefan G. Weichinger via samba > Verzonden: dinsdag 19 februari 2019 10:43 > Aan: samba at > Onderwerp: Re: [Samba] Debian 9.8 and vanbelle-repos > > Am 18.02.19 um 08:38 schrieb L.P.H. van Belle via samba: > > Goood morning Stefan, ( and
2011 Jul 21
[LLVMdev] share between AST and IR?
Hi, Isn't clang::CodeGenOptions::EmitDeclMetadata what you need? Vassil On 07/21/2011 04:32 AM, ret val wrote: > I wrote a plugin using ASTConsumer and RecursiveASTVisitor to find > "interesting" variables and functions. I'm wonder if there is a way to > save/flag/metadata these so later on at the IR level I can use this > information in a Pass. > > As far
2020 May 25
buster samba 4.12.3 amd64/i386/armhf
Hai, ? Sorry for the Delay, bit overloaded with work, but the end is near. pff, finaly.. soon i take a long vacation.. ? Well, you know the drill.. Ubuntu 20.04 focal, is next. ? For the Raspbian guys, please try how the buster-samba412 works for you and let me know the results. Rapsbian will be last to build so if you in a need for the newer versions, use/try ?buster-samba412? !! and dont
2011 Jul 21
[LLVMdev] share between AST and IR?
I wrote a plugin using ASTConsumer and RecursiveASTVisitor to find "interesting" variables and functions. I'm wonder if there is a way to save/flag/metadata these so later on at the IR level I can use this information in a Pass. As far as I can tell nothing currently would allow me todo this and I'm wondering what exactly it would take to do something like this. After stairing
2006 May 08
Associating with different classes
Dear Railers, I am toying with a new project and have a schema design question. I have a tree-like node structure. Each of the nodes will be associated with a single object. This associated object can be of a variety of types. I represent the tree through a Node class which acts_as_tree. Now imagine three other classes--Animals, Fruits and Vegetables. Each node will have an association
2006 Mar 08
Multilingual Validation Messages
Hi all, I have a mutilingual app and want to customize the validation error messasges. I cannot override them as I need them in more than one language, so I have done the following: validates_presence_of :some_attr, :message => _(''should not be blank'') I am using gettext to translate the message. This works in development mode, but not in production, even after a
2004 Oct 19
PPTP Routing
Hi, can you tell me how to set up routing of packets comming from pptp clients connected to my FW. For now I managed to initialize the vpn with ppp+ byt I can''t MASQ it in the /etc/shorewall/masq file. I entered there this: eth0 eth1 and pptp is working fine but now everybody can change thair IPs and get Internet. How exactly should I set it up. I am running shorewall o n
2009 May 28
2 mailing list reminder
And second question if you can ask here...i have shoutcast server and i play music from virtual dj..but it's realing to the icecast...with full's ok..but i don't want to show song name could i configure's urgent.. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: