similar to: Size Limit in rsyncd.conf File?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Size Limit in rsyncd.conf File?"

2002 Aug 27
rsync: push_dir TESTDIR: No such file or directory
Hi all. I'm getting the following error when using rsync: nice -n 20 rsync -e "ssh -p30000" --recursive --verbose --verbose --checksum --times --modify-window 2 --port=31000 --dry-run /cygdrive/f/bkp/Doc/Builds/Buildsheets/ MYUSERNAME@MY.SERV.ER.IP:TESTDIR opening connection using ssh -p30000 -l MYUSERNAME MY.SERV.ER.IP rsync --server -vvntrc --modify-window=2 . TESTDIR
2002 Feb 12
Strict Mode for Client?
Is there a way to specify "strict modes = false" on the client side? I'm having trouble getting the client to accept the password file on Windows 2000, since rsync doesn't want the file to be other-readable, but this concept doesn't map too well to Windows. Alternatively, if I could simply set the proper permissions on the passfile, that would suit me fine, but it seems
2001 Dec 22
No --delete-after?
Is anyone successfully using the Cygwin rsync on Win2k (or NT4) as both daemon and client, with --delete-after working on the client? I can get --delete to work, but I'd prefer to delete files only on a successful transfer, to ensure that the end-user has a working collection of files, no matter what release. For some reason, --delete-after does nothing for me, even as administrator on the
2001 Dec 20
rsync *Still* Copying All Files?
Hi, all. This is my first post to the list, so please forgive me if this is an old issue. I scoured the mailing list archives by hand and could find no mention of it, and the official FAQ-o-matic mentions it, but doesn't offer a fix that works for me. I've set up an rsync daemon on Windows NT4 by installing the latest cygwin. Using the cygwin1.dll and rsync.exe, I'm able to connect
2002 Feb 12
Win2K -> Win2K rsync
Has anybody out there set up a rsync environment that allows mirroring of files between two Windows 2000 servers? Douglas Hornyak Senior Systems Architect Spring Lake Consulting, LLC
2002 Feb 16
Hi all. I'm writing an installation script that uses Cygwin's bash.exe to launch an rsync.exe process, which is passed arguments. This performs an rsync over the Internet. I'd like to capture stdout to one file, and stderr to another, so that I can have a clean log of any errors. However, rsync.exe's use of file descriptors isn't jiving with my understanding of them. If I
2003 Dec 13
Change one file, and they all get sent!
Hi, Just starting out with rsync, and I think I might be missing a fundamental point of how it works. Scenario: I start an rsync daemon on host A, and define a module 'test' on the rsyncd.conf file. 'test' is essentially my home directory on host A I then sign on to host B and issue rsync --progress --recursive --links --stats arthur::test/ /var/tmp/haggis This copies
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2003 Dec 04
rsync security advisory
rsync 2.5.6 security advisory ----------------------------- December 4th 2003 Background ---------- The rsync team has received evidence that a vulnerability in rsync was recently used in combination with a Linux kernel vulnerability to compromise the security of a public rsync server. While the forensic evidence we have is incomplete, we have pieced together the most likely way that this
2003 Mar 01
cannot disconnect by callee at first in SIP case
sorry, this problem is fixed by myself. we must need set 'canreinvite=no' each user. --- I'm try to discconect a call with SIP. when caller make a call, 'show channels' result is following. mack*CLI> show channels Channel (Context Extension Pri ) State Appl. Data SIP/mack-1bfc (default 1 ) Ringing AppDial (Outgoing
2011 Jun 13
Home Directory Issue
I hope all is well with everyone. I've got sometime a little strange going on. I'm running RHEL 6 and SMB Version 3.5.6-86.el6. I am using Samba so that my Windows users can mount a home directory share to their Windows machine, with my Linux/Samba server and the storage point, and their account is validated against out campus AD servers. The issue I am having is that the share fails
2002 Jan 15
Error in rsync that I don't understand..
[I wish the list archives were searchable, this most likely is a repeat question] We have a set of cron jobs that do regular rsyncs mirroring two trees. This has been pretty stable. Over the weekend, almost all of them broke with this message: rresvport: bind: Permission denied (15728) Error reading 4 bytes : EOF Under what conditions does this error occur? It looks like it couldn't bind
2005 Aug 12
Sortable Tables
I''ve put together a little library to provide sortable tables. It is heavily copied from (mentioned in the Wish List) but has been modified to match the same form as the prototype.js library and add some new features. I still need to clean up some of the comments, but everything is pretty much working at this point. I posted an
2009 May 31
Fwd: BUG: Documentation/lguest/lguest.c bad paths for includes cause make to fail
Pardon my unorganized cc:'s. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Charles 'Mack' Rhinelander <mrhinelander at> Date: Sun, May 31, 2009 at 1:39 AM Subject: Fwd: BUG: Documentation/lguest/lguest.c bad paths for includes cause make to fail To: linux-kernel at Cc: Andrew Morton <akpm at>, lguest at ---------- Forwarded
2009 May 31
Fwd: BUG: Documentation/lguest/lguest.c bad paths for includes cause make to fail
Pardon my unorganized cc:'s. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Charles 'Mack' Rhinelander <mrhinelander at> Date: Sun, May 31, 2009 at 1:39 AM Subject: Fwd: BUG: Documentation/lguest/lguest.c bad paths for includes cause make to fail To: linux-kernel at Cc: Andrew Morton <akpm at>, lguest at ---------- Forwarded
2011 May 27
SMB + Active Directory And No Ability To Delete Files And Folders
I hope that everyone is doing well. I'm new to the list and look forward to participating in the community. I've been using Samba for a long time and have always preached the samba gospel. :-) I find myself with a peculiar problem. I have a RHEL6 install running Samba Version 3.5.4-68.el6_0.2 acting a local file server and it is tied into an Active Directory server for the user
2003 Nov 24
NTT FSK - Japanese Caller ID
Hi Isamar maybe I think disclose your code to CVS is best and fast :-) mack > > Hi folks, > > I'm trying now to play with fsk_modem.c and callerid.c > to get the Japanese callerid working and I already got to make some > steps.. > I don't know if anybody accomplished that already... but > Since two or more minds think better than one, send private messages >
2004 Nov 24
bristuff'ed version doesn't run
Hi everybody! I've managed to compile the bristuff patch on asterisk from I want to run this on the quadBRI card built into the PC. As I said, driver and asterisk are compiling well, but "asterisk -vvvvc" bombs with this message: []Nov 24 15:57:53 WARNING[1076754432]: loader.c:242 ast_load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined
2008 Apr 23
Validation dependent on unsaved parent
I''m having trouble with a validation that depends on an attribute of a belongs_to parent. If the child is added to an unsaved parent (parent.children << new child), the has_many collection parent.children includes the unsaved child. However the belongs_to attribute child.parent appears to be nil until the parent has been saved. Without access to the parent attributes, the validation
2002 Jun 26
Windows 95
I am having a problem with some Windows 95 PC's . I had Samba 2.0.5 installed on a Sun system with Solaris 6, and a local network of PC's with W95 and W98, and everything was working fine. I then installed a new server with Solaris 8, and changed the IP addresses on the network, and the W98 PC was fine as was one of the W95 PC's, but 2 W95Pc's cannot see the Samba share, if I do