similar to: minimalist rsync on windows

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "minimalist rsync on windows"

2003 Dec 02
rsync 2.5.6 with ssh to a remote server
Hi, I would like to use the new interface style: rsync --rsh="ssh -l username -i key" <src> username@host::module, however I get "reset by peer" errors. Can someone give some suggestions, please? Do I need to provide a symlink to the /etc/rysncd.conf file from within the user's dir? Note, I have the groups set to same as user and the group exists. Where does
2003 May 30
Rsync / SSH / Cygwin .. permission problems..
I am attempting to use rsync to "mirror" data between several windows 2000 and windows XP systems. I am a UNIX person by nature, so decided the easiest way to go about doing this would be to use Cygwin with cron and ssh running as services, then run the rsync connection nightly through cron. Cygwin is installed on both systems and works perfectly. OpenSSH is installed and running,
2013 Nov 20
No neighbors in 'drs showrepl'
Is this a problem? Does this mean no replication links exist? michael at sles-bree:~> samba-tool drs showrepl -k yes Bree\SLES-BREE DSA Options: 0x00000025 DSA object GUID: 7ea641b0-d418-4c74-a4fa-c15b852467b8 DSA invocationId: 1017ff29-756c-4777-b395-b481f4b5387c ==== INBOUND NEIGHBORS ==== ==== OUTBOUND NEIGHBORS ==== ==== KCC CONNECTION OBJECTS ==== Connection -- Connection name:
2011 Jun 21
Re; Getting SNPS from PLINK to R
I a using plink on a large SNP dataset with a .map and .ped file. I want to get some sort of file say a list of all the SNPs that plink is saying that I have. ANyideas on how to do this? -- Thanks, Jim. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Nov 28
Replicating failing after installing RODC
We've joined an RODC to the domain (Windows 2008R2 running a W2003 FFL/DFL AD) but are getting these errors on first startup. It was joined with: samba-tool domain join RODC --username=administrator at --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ but we get these errors right after startup: Nov 28 12:35:27 sles-bree samba[3939]:
2015 May 31
Call for testing: OpenSSH 6.9
On Sun, May 31, 2015 at 7:12 AM, The Doctor <doctor at> wrote: > So far BSD/OS and opensh 6.9 pre works with ZOC and Tera Term. > > Putty and WINSCP are broken. > Could you please elaborate on "broken"? Which version of PuTTY? (I'm not familiar with WinSCP versions but I believe the code is based on PuTTY, so I think if we figure out PuTTY then
2011 Dec 08
read.table question
Hello All, This works, results <- read.table("plink.txt",T) while this doesn't. results <- read.table("plink.txt") Make sure your data frame contains columns CHR, BP, and P What does adding the "T" in read.table do? Which argument does this correspond to? I tried searching for it but didn't find the answer in: read.table(file, header = FALSE,
2011 Jun 21
Getting SNPS from PLINK to R
snpMatrix package is quite nice (read.plink())
2007 Mar 08
Removing duplicated rows within a matrix, with missing data as wildcards
I'd like to remove duplicated rows within a matrix, with missing data being treated as wildcards. For example > x <- matrix((1:3), 5, 3) > x[4,2] = NA > x[3,3] = NA > x [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 3 2 [2,] 2 1 3 [3,] 3 2 NA [4,] 1 NA 2 [5,] 2 1 3 I would like to obtain [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,] 1 3 2 [2,] 2 1 3
2004 Apr 14
Rsync server side loging with SSH
I have a client box that I: rsync -e ssh targetfile loginname@server:~/destfile since rsyncd is not called I dont get output in the logfile from what I can tell from the man the code and all the articles I have read, there is no way to capture the stats on the serverside rsync call short of using --rsync-path and redirecting stderr+stdout to a log file. How do I do this? .. I have tried and
2013 Nov 08
SNPRelate: Plink conversion
Hi, Following my earlier posts about having problems performing a PCA, I have worked out what the problem is. The problem lies within the PLINK to gds conversion. It seems as though the SNPs are imported as "samples" and in turn, the samples are recognised as SNPs: >snpsgdsSummary("chr2L") Some values of snp.position are invalid (should be > 0)! Some values of
2008 Jul 25
Plink bed files
Hi All, does anyone know how to import binary .bed files generated by Plink ( ) into R? the Plink FAQ explains how to conver other types of files, not the .bed. Cheers, Federico -- Federico C. F. Calboli Department of Epidemiology and Public Health Imperial College, St. Mary's Campus Norfolk Place, London W2 1PG Tel +44 (0)20 75941602 Fax
2007 Jan 23
Move servers public/private keys to a new host
Is it possible to move a server's public and private keys from one host to another? Or perhaps a better way to ask what I really want... is it possible to configure a server on a new host to return the same public key it did on the old host? I'm in the process of migrating our CVS server from a Solaris host to a Linux host (this weekend) and I just realized the hostkey is going to
2013 Nov 18
Samba 4.1 acting as RODC, how to fix TSIG and configure DNS?
I've set up a lab for testing Samba 4.1 as an RODC emulating a satellite office setup, using the sernet packages on SLES11SP2. ## Problem 1 samba_dnsupdate is failing: ==> /var/log/samba/log.samba <== [2013/11/18 13:22:37.416193, 0] ../lib/util/util_runcmd.c:317(samba_runcmd_io_handler) /usr/sbin/samba_dnsupdate: ; TSIG error with server: tsig verify failure [2013/11/18
2007 Feb 14
Rsync with Plink?
Hello, I've already tried asking at the cwrRsync forums with no luck yet, so I thought I would try my luck here. According to the rsync man pages, with the -e option you can use other remote shells, and I had thought plink was one of them, but I could be wrong. I can't seem to find any information anywhere about the proper syntax. What I've been trying, are all kinds of combination
2000 Feb 14
File Locking Issues/Oplock problems
Im running an accounting package (Sage Businessworks) and I'm running into issues with file locking with this program when I put the businessworks data files on a Samba file share. I'd like to get it off a NT file share if at all possible as Im about to decommission our NT server. Im running Samba 2.0.6 Im seeing errors from any machine accessing the Accounting data: ==> log.ryan
2008 Mar 13
Testing wanted: OpenSSH 4.8
Hi, We are preparing to make the release of OpenSSH 4.8 soon, so we would greatly appreciate testing of snapshot releases in as many environments and on as many operating systems as possible. The highlights of this release are: * Added chroot(2) support for sshd(8), controlled by a new option "ChrootDirectory". Please refer to sshd_config(5) for details, and please use this
2010 Oct 14
declaring GPL license
Hi all, I'm currently writing an R package and want to declare a GPL2 license. According to the license agreement, I'm supposed to display: "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ... See the GNU General Public License for more details."
2008 Sep 17
modifying patterns in a matrix
Dear R-users, I have some very simple data where 1's represent events and zeroes non-events, e.g. temp <- rbind(c(0,1,0,0,1,1,1,0), c(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0)) For each row in the matrix, I would like to replace a singelton event by a 0. That is, any 1 surrounded by zeroes (010) should be replaced by a zero (000). Sequences of 1's should be left unchanged. So the modified matrix shoud look
2008 May 22
Extracting slots from ROCR prediction objects
Hi, I have an object from the prediction function from the ROCR package and I would like to extract one of the slots from the object, for example the cutoffs slot. However the usual techniques ($, [["name"]]) of subsetting don't work. How can I assess the lists in the slots? Here is an example of what I am working with: library(ROCR) data(ROCR.simple) pred <-