similar to: [RFC] protocol version

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "[RFC] protocol version"

2002 Aug 05
[patch] read-devices
Greetings, I'd like to propose a new option to rsync, which causes it to read device files as if they were regular files. This includes pipes, character devices and block devices (I'm not sure about sockets). The main motivation is cases where you need to synchronize a large amount of data that is not available as regular files, as in the following scenarios: * Keep a copy of a block
2003 Mar 30
[RFC][patch] dynamic rolling block and sum sizes II
Mark II of the patch set. The first patch (dynsumlen2.patch) increments the protocol version to support per-file dynamic block checksum sizes. It is a prerequisite for varsumlen2.patch. varsumlen2.patch implements per-file dynamic block and checksum sizes. The current block size calculation only applies to files between 7MB and 160MB setting the block size to 1/10,0000 of the file length for a
2001 Aug 06
merge rsync+ into rsync (was Re: rsync-2.4.7 NEWS file)
> Just curious: what about the rsync+ patch? Thanks for the reminder. I've just committed Jos's rsync+ patch onto the "branch_mbp_rsyncplus_merge" branch. If it works OK and nobody screams I will move it across onto the main tree tomorrow or Wednesday. I see the patch doesn't add documentation about the new options to the man page, so we should fix that in the future.
2003 Oct 05
Possible security hole
Maybe security related mails should be sent elsewhere? I didn't notice any so here it goes: sender.c:receive_sums() s->count = read_int(f); .. s->sums = (struct sum_buf *)malloc(sizeof(s->sums[0])*s->count); if (!s->sums) out_of_memory("receive_sums"); for (i=0; i < (int) s->count;i++) { s->sums[i].sum1 = read_int(f);
2003 May 09
Revisiting two old issues
I'd like some opinions on a couple of long-standing rsync issues. My two oldest, uncommitted patches are: - A "no hang" patch that makes sure that the pipe from the receiver to the generator can't block with resend requests. - The "move files" patch that got changed into a --delete-sent-files option. For each item I have two questions -- do we need to
2001 Sep 05
Feedback on 2.4.7pre1
FYI, We've been using the 2.4.7pre1 release for several days now, with nary a hang problem. We haven't seen the EOF bug at all, which was what we upgraded for. This is with transfers of as much as 50GB to set up an initial mirror. The only thing we did was set timeout=0 -- which I guess is unnecessary. The semantics of this flag are a bit unclear. We thought was 'time since
2002 Mar 06
rsync hangs in read_int (generator.c line 498)
Hello I'm having a heck of a time rsync'ing (is that the proper conjugation? :)) between two Cygwin machines. I have three directory trees that are "exposed" via rsynch. Two of the three have a very shallow structure, and they work fine. The third, however, has a fairly deep structure and many more files than the other two, and rsync'ing this directory causes a hang on
2003 Mar 23
[RFC] dynamic checksum size
Currently rsync has a bit of a problem with very large files. Dynamic block sizes were introduced to try handle that automatically if the user didn't specify a block size. Unfortunately that isn't enough and the block size would need to grow faster than the file. Besides, overly large block sizes mean large amounts of data need to be copied even for small changes. The maths indicate
2005 Apr 25
How about a --min-size option, next to --max-size
There's a rather old bug report in Debian's bug tracking system (see about wanting to be able to specify the maximum file size, as well as the minimum file size. Here's the text: Sometimes, it's useful to specify a file size range one is interested in. For example, I'd like to keep an up-to-date mirror of Debian, but I currently
2002 Jun 02
batch diffs
I needed a tool to produce diffs of binary volumes, and to apply them as patches accordingly. So I tried the 'batch mode' that was added to rsync, but it invariably segfaulted on reading the batches... $ sh foo.rsync_argvs foo.rsync_argvs: line 1: 8971 Segmentation fault rsync -a -v --stats --read-batch=foo ${1:-FOO} rsync: error writing 64 unbuffered bytes - exiting: Broken pipe
2003 Jan 03
[Fwd: Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :(]
Author of the message didn't include in the reply, and I think this message is in topic. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: rsync windows -> unix still hanging :( Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2002 17:24:47 -0800 From: Jim Kleckner <> To: Mike Rubel <> CC: References:
2003 Dec 20
preview release: 2.6.0pre1
OK, I packaged up the current CVS as our first preview release for 2.6.0. You can grab it here: The MD5 checksum is: 70e9dea967f083c231b7821ef35aef1b rsync-2.6.0pre1.tar.gz There is not currently a .sig file for the package, but I'm looking into that next. Please test this and let me know if we have any remaining issues
2002 Oct 11
Problem with checksum failing on large files
I'm having a problem with large files being rsync'd twice because of the checksum failing. The rsync appears to complete on the first pass, but then is done a second time (with second try successful). When some debug code was added to receiver.c, I saw that the checksum for the remote file & the temp file do not match on the first try, so (as expected) it repeats the rsync & the
2006 Jan 12
Checksum of a file
Hi all, With reference to the mail subjected : IO Timeout Error in file less than 3 MB, thanks to Wayne Davison and Tony for having suggested the changes to be done. I have moved to rsync version 2.6.6 from the 2.4 series. As per my project requirement, i need to know the checksum of the file being synced. For this purpose i tried debugging the code. I understand that rsync breaks the
2002 Jan 22
ssh-keyscan: xmalloc out of memory error
hi all, I got "xmalloc: out of memory" when i used ssh-keyscan to a remote host that is using SSH protocol 2 and only protocol 2 (no fallback to SSH protocol 1). Looks to me more like ssh-keyscan doesn't talk SSH protocol 2 to the server. Please help. Here is the exact error: # /usr/local/bin/ssh-keyscan -v miad_1 # miad_1 SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_3.0.2p1 xmalloc: out of memory
2005 Apr 06
backup option
Hi, I have question about the behavior of --backup-dir with --delete-after option. In my testing with version 2.6.4, it appears that the backup option only backups altered files. Files that will be deleted on the destination system will NOT be placed in --backup-dir location. I would like to back up deleted files. Is there a way to do this? Thanks
2003 Apr 27
Rsync read_int questions
Hello, I've been having all kinds of problems with rsync. I've tried versions 2.5.4-6. They all seem to have the same problems. Currently, I'm trying to use SystemImager, which uses rsync to transfer files. I get this: get_boel_binaries_tarball rsync -av /tmp/ receiving file list ... ERROR: buffer overflow in recv_exclude_list rsync
2005 Jul 26
[patch] paranoid checksum checking
The attached patch provides an additional check for the checksumming mode to ensure that a file that is actually written out to disk can be read back and has the same MD4 sum as the file on at the originating location. Regards, Nick. -------------- next part -------------- *** rsync-2.6.6pre1/receiver.c 2005-04-14 02:42:13.000000000 +0100 --- rsync-new/receiver.c 2005-07-26
2018 Dec 10
[PATCH] cleanup of global variables server/client_version_string in sshconnect.c
In sshconnect.c there are two global variables for server_version_string client_version_string. These are used just in a few functions and can easily be passed as parameters. Also, there is a strange construct, where their memory is allocated to the global pointers, then copies of these pointers are assigned to the kex structure. The kex_free finally frees them via cleanup of the kex
2004 Feb 06
memory reduction
As those of you who watch CVS will be aware Wayne has been making progress in reducing memory requirements of rsync. Much of what he has done has been the product of discussions between he and myself that started a month ago with John Van Essen. Most recently Wayne has changed how the file_struct and its associated data are allocated, eliminating the string areas. Most of these changes have been