similar to: tty settings with rsync -e ssh interrupt

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "tty settings with rsync -e ssh interrupt"

2003 Oct 08
AW: Skipping Directory
the rsync command is build by the PHP-Script Here an example of a command with the "Skipping directory" failure: rsync -az -e ssh /cygdrive/F/web/workstation/mediadb/europe shoptv@ The OS on both machines is Windows2000. rsync is running under cygwin. thanks Michael __________________________________________ moltomedia GmbH - Multimediale Konzepte Michael Clivot -
2003 Aug 22
rsync daemon and secrets file
I'm trying to understand how to properly setup the /etc/rsyncd.conf file to run an rsync daemon with a secrets file specified in a module - the rsync.conf manpage does not spell it out clearly enough. Rsync server is rsync-2.5.6. If this is my /etc/rsyncd.conf file: ------------------------------------ log file = /var/log/rsync uid = root gid = root [test] uid = rsync1 gid =
2002 May 30
tty settings with rsync -e ssh interrupt
best described here: Confirmed also present with the rpm build at Please cc: me on replies (I'm not on the list, yet - my procmailrc's in a major state of flux as I'm switching machines) and/or add comments to the above bugzilla entry James -- James
2003 Jul 23
SIGCHLD SIG_IGN, then wait - warning messages
Rsync maintainers please review rsync bug The code in question is in socket.c in start_accept_loop. The user is getting these warning messages:
2007 Dec 24
cache files corruption
Here what one of my users sometimes gets in logs when using IMAP: dovecot: IMAP(skribtsov at Disconnected in IDLE dovecot: IMAP(skribtsov at Maildir /usr/local/mail/ sync: UID inserted in the middle of mailbox (59 > 16, file =,RS) dovecot: IMAP(skribtsov at
2007 Dec 26
Rbind-ing a list into one item
Hi, I am doing the following: 1. I have a list of files.. Files1=list.files("some directory",pattern="some pattern") 2. I define a list as res=vector("list", length(files1)) 3. I read all the files into this list: res=lapply(files1, read.csv) I now want to rowbind all the items in the list into one big mass (all files have same number of columns). I tried
2007 Dec 19
Aggregating by a grouping
Suppose I have: Book Value A 10 B 11 C 9 D 8 A 12 C 4 D 5 B 7 I want to summarize above not by Book but by groupings of Books as in (below) I have a list ... basic_map <- list(c("A",B"),c("C,D")) Big_names <- c("A1", "A2") Names(basic_map) <- big_names So I want to get : A1 40 A2 26 How do I use tapply AND the list to get my
2008 Jan 10
Extracting last time value
I have a dataframe as follows: Date time value 20110620 11:18:00 7 20110620 11:39:00 9 20110621 11:41:00 8 20110621 11:40:00 6 20110622 14:05:00 8 20110622 14:06:00 6 For every date, I want to extract the row that has the greatest time. Therefore, ending up like: 20110620 11:39:00 9 20110621 11:41:00 8 20110622 14:07:00 6 I am using for loops (for every date, find largest time value) to do
2008 Jan 08
Error with rbind and zoo
Hi all: I have a directory of files as in -------------> bunchafiles <- list.files(path="/data/2.3/2006", pattern="returns", full.names=T,recursive=T) .... Each file is a bunch of returns for a particular date (unique). There are like 252 files or so. With a custom function myread (below), I define a vector ----- res <-
2020 Oct 15
setlmasterrole in config
On Thu, Oct 15, 2020 at 09:01:01AM -0400, Robert Buck via samba wrote: > Can someone please respond to this question? We're unsure how to > persistently set these flags, which are VERY useful for performance from > what we see. We want to ensure that after reboot, particular nodes are > always set on (or others off). From the ctdb/doc/ctdb.1.xml man page file:
2020 Oct 12
setlmasterrole in config
How can setlmasterrole be set persistently? Is there a way to put it in some config file? If not, if setting it from the command line is the only option, what is the recommended approach to ensure it is set upon reboot? Thx -- BOB BUCK SENIOR PLATFORM SOFTWARE ENGINEER SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL 7 WORLD TRADE CENTER 250 GREENWICH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10007 T (212) 298-9624 ROBERT.BUCK at
2014 Sep 24
LDA randomly failing to write email to disk
We're using 2.2.13 with pigeonhole 0.4.3, in a clustered environment (maildir on netapp, dual dovecot instances where each server is both a proxy and a backend). Every now and then (once a month per user, maybe?), users will see a blank email in their inbox. Investigating further, and we will see that the only information recorded in the maildir file for the message is the Return-Path,
2004 May 13
rsync fails with 2 sources
I have this failing every times I want to "update" the "destination". I've tried through SSH (from my box -/home is a NFS mount point here- to the backup one) or directly through "local transport" (because /home/ is a local RAID-5 mount point on the backup box). $ rsync -v -e /usr/bin/ssh -ax --delete \ /home/beta /home/worx \
2020 Oct 01
CTDB Question w/ Winbind
Martin, Here you go, # echo "mypassword" | net --no-dns-updates -U service-account-name ads testjoin domain.local kerberos_kinit_password NETBIOS_NAME$@DOMAIN.LOCAL failed: Client not found in Kerberos database Join to domain is not valid: The name provided is not a properly formed account name. On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 9:34 PM Martin Schwenke <martin at> wrote:
2003 Jun 05
ssh-basic test
I'm running 'make check' to run the testsuite, and I did it this way so the ssh-basic test would run: # export rsync_enable_ssh_tests=yes # make check I did set up ssh so this would run, and here's what I get for output: POSIXLY_CORRECT=1 TOOLDIR=`pwd` rsync_bin=`pwd`/rsync srcdir="." ./ ============================================================
2007 Jun 13
auth process(es)
Hello Timo, I've got some questions about dovecot-auth processes which I cannot answer just by reading the doc : [ Note : my problem is that I often see dovecot: pop3-login: Can't connect to auth server at default: Connection refused and I'm looking for a way to tweak dovecot.conf parameters to allow more login <-> auth connections ] - I'm not sure I get the auth
2003 Aug 28
Rejection: A message you sent was rejected.
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. Delivery failed for the following recipients(s): Pfizer prohibits transmission via e-mail of attachments with certain extensions. You attempted to send a message with one or more of the prohibited attachments. If you have a business reason to send the blocked attachment(s), please contact the recipient to
2003 Jun 10
Red Hat rsync - 'sign' patch
I recently became the new rsync maintainer for Red Hat, and I just completed a review of the current patches that we (Red Hat) maintain for 'rsync'. After removing three unnecessary patches (either already incorporated into rsync-2.5.6, or were outdated and couldn't be applied), we are left with one patch - rsync-2.5.6-sign.patch - which I have attached.
2014 Jan 15
forwarded message is broken in 2.2.10 with pigeonhole-0.4.2
Hi, forwarding a message with sieve like redirect:copy "me at other.domain"; was working without any problem until dovecot-2.1.17, dovecots lmtp and dovecot-2.1-pigeonhole-0.3.5. Using dovecot-2.2.10 , dovecots lmtp and dovecot-2.2-pigeonhole-0.4.2 the structure of a forwarded message is broken. Content of a message is not displayed or an attachment (for instance pdf) can not be
2006 Nov 04
Partials shared between multiple controllers
(Just getting started w rails, web app dev for a long time...) I have some partials that are common across multiple controllers. They''re not universal, so they don''t belong to be part of these controllers'' layouts. It appears that I can put them at the root of /views/, and render them using a relative path, like so: <%= render :partial => "./footer"