similar to: reconnect ssh connection?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "reconnect ssh connection?"

2003 Jan 04
directories that change into symlinks
our daily backup is done using the rdiff-backup tool, which in turn utilizes rsync/librsync to do the actual mirroring work. a few days ago we did a refactoring and renamed a bunch of directories. for backward compatibility we maintain the old names by symlinking it to the new names. so, for example, oldname1/ now becomes newname1/, and oldname1 is now a symlink to newname1/. we found that
2001 Mar 06
Ports in close state
I have a machine running redhat 6.2 and samba 2.0.6 that does a persistent mount to my Windows 2000 machine for the purposes of serving files via FTP. The samba connection occasionally times out it seems, I get the message smb_request: result -32, setting invalid smb_retry: new pid=20679, generation=12 and it generates a new connection I've got SO_KEEPALIVE active in the socket options in my
2003 Aug 13
Rsync Folder level Synchronizing Problem
Hi, I am using rsync for synchronizing two development work areas(geographically seperated). My Task: To copy abc/USER/xyz/123/456/..... to indiavidual developers remote machines atrting from xyz folder. here USER will vary, so for that i have created module till directory structure abc and the command runs like rsync -avz --times vangrish@ruskin::MODULE/%USERNAME%
2008 Jul 09
Can I get RSpec NOT to abort rake on failing specs?
At work we''ve got a rather complex app with both specs and tests. Our default rake task runs all our our tests and specs. We''ve also got separate rake tasks to run groups of tests and specs in the various subdirectories. The default task simply lists all the individual tasks as pre-reqs. We do a lot of branching and merging, so we really want to run all of the tests and specs
2005 Jan 18
embedding fonts in eps files
Hi, I have to make eps files with fonts embedded. I use the following postscript command: postscript("fig3a.eps", width = 5.2756, height = 7.27, pointsize = 7,horizontal = FALSE, onefile = FALSE, paper = "special",family = "Times") plot(...) Are fonts automatically embedded in this way? How can I see that? If not, how to do it? regards, Rudi.
2004 Apr 21
Resizing a ListCtrl
Hi Guys, I''m having serious troubles resizing a dialog with a ListCtrl. The ctrl will not resize horizontally no matter what I''m doing. I''ve attached a sample code below. Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I really like wxRuby :) I''ve also tried to copy from the example from listtest.rbw, but that also doesn''t seem to work. Another thing
2009 Feb 19
read.table : how to condition on error while opening file?
Hi, I'm using read.table in a loop, to read in multiple files. The problem is that when a file is missing there is an error message and the loop is broken; what I'd like to do is to test for the error and simply do "next" instead of breaking the loop. Anybody knows how to do that? Example: filelist <- c("file1.txt", "file2.txt",
2004 Aug 06
Icecast source number problem, ices frozen after reconnect attemps failure (icecastkh13 iceskh48)
Hi, On 2003.11.26 15:42 Karl Heyes wrote: > The reconnectattempts value is from the CVS code, and can be a bit awkward > in general. > > ices can have multiple instances and in these mods can have multiple shout > connections per instance. I don't think terminating ices for just one > shout > connection is acceptable, I'm more inclined to drop the reconnectattempts
2003 Feb 12
Filelist caching
Hi, I've noticed every time someone does an rsync-request on my ftp-site (which also provides rsync as mirror method), rsyncd creates a filelist. This is a quite IO and CPU intensive procedure, especially for things mirrors like FreeBSD with lots of little files. I was wondering... is there a way to cache that filelist? Our mirrors are updated once, or twice a day, it could speed up
2012 Jun 18
Changing many csv files using apply?
Dear all, I have many csv files whose contents I want to change a bit en masse. So far, I've written code that can change them in a for loop, like so: # Subset of files in the folder I want to change subset = "somestring" # Retrieve list of files to change filelist=list.files() filelist = filelist[grep(subset, filelist)] for(i in 1:length(filelist)){ setwd(readdir)
2003 Jan 04
filelist calculation algoritm
HI all, efficiency question for VERY low bandwith networks Suppose I know the list of files that are changed What is the most efficient way to make rsync sync this list. Currently I use --include-from --exclude to generate a 'filelist' but I suspect that client and/or server exchange the list of files in the module to be synced. this traffic can be avoided since the include-from
2002 Nov 01
Help on rsync delete option
Hello, Any help on the following issue will be appreciated. How do I delete files or directories in my first level of directory that is specified as host. Here is an example : rsync -avz --delete ${SOURCE_HOST}:/mlinkfam/extract/sccs/pa/* /mlinkfam/extract/sccs/pa Giving above command I find redundant files or directory not getting deleted from the first level of target directory
2009 Sep 14
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (invalid date) with Oracle
Hello all. I am a novice Ruby on Rails programmer, starting my first project using a legacy Oracle 10 database. Using ''reverse_scaffold'' I have created the models/controllers/views for my existing Oracle tables. All seems to work well, using /model/index, /model/show for most of my tables, *except* when one of the tables contains a Oracle ''date'' column, for
2009 Mar 23
Looping of read.table and assignment
Dear all, I am trying to read in and assign data from 50 tables in an automated fashion. I have the following code, which I created with the help of textbooks and the internet, but it only seems to read in the final data file over and over again. For example, when I type:> table_1951 I get the same values in the table as when I type> table_2000 despite the values in the source tables
2010 Feb 19
Plotting multiple table automatically
Hi All, I have a slight issue getting R to plot a series of tables automatically. Essentially I have a series of tables that I wish to plot. They are named on_2, on_3 etc. based on the file name when they were read in. I have filelist <- list.files() to give me list of the table names. I wish to plot each table, so I was thinking along some kind of for loop as below: for (i in 1:Number_Files)
2007 Apr 09
RCov results seem to include the spec files
I saw the RCov page at and decided to add it to my project. My rakefile looks like this: require "rake" require "spec/rake/spectask" desc "Run all specs with RCov""spec:rcov") do |t| t.spec_files = FileList["spec/**/*_spec.rb"] t.rcov = true end When I run rake spec:rcov,
2009 Mar 27
Assignment to variables fails to loop
Dear all, I think I'm nearly there in writing R code which will read in files with two variable parts to the file name and then assigning these file names to objects, which also have two variable parts. I have got the code running without encountering errors, however, I receive 50+ of the same warnings: 1: In assign(paste("Fekete_", index$year, index$month, sep = ""),
2002 Aug 12
--include option
HI, I'm trying to have files to be included during rsync. I have the filesystem /stor/circuit_design/, with the following subdirectories as its contents: clock_speed fub_layout test_simulations pattern_flow I would only like to rsync the following 2 subdirectories to the destination machine: clock_speed fub_layout and they're contained in the file called files_included: # cat
2002 Jul 25
rsync with --exclude files
HI, I'm trying to exclude some files & directories from a filesystem which I would like to copy to a different site. I did: # rsync -avz --exclude-file=/fs21/tmp/perl_scripts/exclude.txt /fs22/a/circuit_design where file /fs21/tmp/perl_scripts/exclude.txt contains the following directories and files to be excluded from /fs22/a/circuit_design :
2011 Apr 04
merging data list in to single data frame
Dear R community members I did find a good way to merge my 200 text data files in to a single data file with one column added will show indicator for that file. filelist = list.files(pattern = "K*cd.txt") # the file names are K1cd.txt K200cd.txt data_list <-lapply(filelist, read.table, header=T, comment=";", fill=T) This will create list,