similar to: SUMMARY: Error message

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "SUMMARY: Error message"

2003 Jan 23
Error message
Hello when i get this message what is wrong: /PTS.0.db2inst1.NODE0000.CATN0000.20030123062324.001: Value too large to be stored in data type Regards Boris -------------- next part -------------- HTML attachment scrubbed and removed
2005 Sep 09
rsync failure - no such file or directory
Hi All, Attempting to run rsync but getting "no such file or directory" message. What looks like is happening is solaris 8 is removing the "space" between .../db2_backup and db2inst1@enolagay... As a result rsync creates a new dir on the same box with the files in it. Not sure what to do. VERY new to unix and rsync. bash-2.03$ rsync -e ssh -av
2005 Sep 09
rsync - No such file or directory
Hi All, I'm getting the following error and don't know how to fix. Paths are correct. I run the rsync and get error and the cursor just hangs. bash-2.03$ rsync -e ssh -av /export/home/db2inst1/db2_backup db2inst1@enolagay: /export/home/db2inst1/db2_backup building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/export/home/db2inst1/db2inst1@enolagay:" failed: No such file or
2020 Oct 23
Apache HTTPD not picking up environment variables.
On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 04:27:34PM +0000, Harold Pritchett wrote: > I'm trying to install DB2 on a CentOS 7 server. The problem I'm > seeing is that the Apache httpd server fails to pick up the db2 > environment variables. On an older version running under CentOS 5 > this was done by inserting the following lines into the httpd start > script in /etc/sysconfig/httpd: >
2011 Apr 21
Crash copying to a zfs-fuse partition
Hi - I'm using rsync 3.0.8 on Fedora 14 x86-64 (package, not built). I get a repeated crash trying to rsync to a particular zfs partition: [root at xback1 diskbackup]# rsync -raHx --inplace --numeric-ids --stats --no- whole-file --delete /xback1_back1/home_jss/20110225-000501/ /xback1_test1/home_jss/current/ Segmentation fault [root at xback1 diskbackup]# rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to
2003 Jan 16
Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypte d to get the highest speed on Rsync?
No it is one Sun solaris 8 box trying to back up several aix boxes.But apparantly it is not possible to disable the encryption so I was hoping that I could use another -e like ftp or something like that thru rsync. But I cannot seem to get to work. Regards Boris -----Original Message----- From: Jim Kleckner [] Sent: 15. januar 2003 19:47 To: Boris Gegenheimer Cc:
2020 Oct 23
Apache HTTPD not picking up environment variables.
I'm trying to install DB2 on a CentOS 7 server. The problem I'm seeing is that the Apache httpd server fails to pick up the db2 environment variables. On an older version running under CentOS 5 this was done by inserting the following lines into the httpd start script in /etc/sysconfig/httpd: if test -f /db2home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile; then . /db2home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile fi
2005 Jun 13
unixODBC, RODBC, and DB2
All- Does anyone on the list have experience with building RODBC from source on a Linux box for use with DB2? I am using (all from source): R 2.0.1 unixODBC 2.2.9 RODBC 1.1-3 For example: [jcole]$ R CMD INSTALL RODBC_1.1-3.tar.gz 2> rodbc.log * Installing *source* package 'RODBC' ... checking for gcc... gcc checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking whether
2016 Apr 14
How to optimize for IBM db2?
Hi. I have performance problems with IBM DB2 10.5 server on KVM guest: [db2inst1@wc8ws-auth ~]$ time db2 create db test DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully. real 7m46.155s user 0m0.022s sys 0m0.027s It takes 30 seconds to create a database on an image mounted with -oloop. I think it's because db2 uses O_DIRECT to ensure
2014 May 01
Terminal settings
So this has been bugging me for a few years now and I can always "fix" the problem, but I don't know if that's actually the correct way. So the issue is terminal emulation. I use Secure CRT ( to connect to any and all of my servers through SSH. Whether the terminal is set to 'linux' or 'xterm' makes no difference, I always get this output when I run a
2015 Mar 30
db2 is running out of shared memory
Db2 is running our of shared memory. The environment: Virtual computers running under VMware ESXi hypervisor version 5.5. Two different virtual machines, each running CentOS 5, db2 express C, and Apache/PHP and vmware tools. The machines each have 8 GB of memory, 4 processors, and a couple of hundred GB of disk space available. Everything is running on the 64 bit versions. The actual
2009 Sep 11
question on wget
Hello, I've got an ftp site, not mine, that has content on it that i want to download. It's not anonymous so it requires a log in. The problem is either the ISP has a bandwidth throttle or the admin does, in either case inconsistently as to the point in the file, but i rarely get a complete download. I'm using ncftp. I was wondering if either ncftpget or wget could do like an auto get
2009 Dec 30
capturing stdout
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to capture system messages, for instance when I do the following: > system("../DBScripts/") .//LSE_20091230.txt: 154.80 kB 207.24 kB/s ./Fundamentals//LSE.txt: 420.58 kB 301.47 kB/s ./Fundamentals//MLSE.txt: 3.42 kB 16.20 kB/s
2004 Feb 25
authenticating from another samba server
Hi, I have a server, snap1, that runs samba, and have users created by using useradd (but not added them to snap1's smbpasswd). I'd like for users on our primary samba server, archives1, to be able to type in \\snap1\username in windows and have the snap1 server take them to their home directory on the snap1 server, but athenticate the users against
2005 May 16
From: Dag Wieers [mailto:dag at] > > On Mon, 16 May 2005, Maciej Zenczykowski wrote: > > > > Well, I could, but why would you use ncftp when lftp is actually more > > > feature complete and much better overall. (ncftp is not open source > > > actually). > > > > > > If there's a good reason you might convince me to do the extra
2003 Jan 13
Rsync over SSH v2 with strong authentication but not encrypted to get the highest speed on Rsync?
Hello I am trying to set up a backup server running Solaris 8 with rsync 2.5.5 and ipfilter the latest version. The problem i have is i have about 16 different interfaces that are secured via ipfilter , and i tried running rsync via rsh but ipfilter would not set up a keepstate with rsh which meant i had to open up and that is not acceptable. So what i tried then was via ssh and that worked fine
2002 Sep 04
Probably a stupid question about smbfs and smb.conf.
This seems like it should have an obvious answer, but I haven't seen a clear word one way or the other in the man pages or other documentation that I have read - is smbmount's behavior in any way governed by the smb.conf file? The reason I ask is one of the other sysadmins here has been trying to figure out ways to improve smbfs performance, and he came across the speed.txt file in
2011 Jul 29
Changing font type within y axis labels
I wish place the following axis label in such a manner that some of the text is plain and the scientific name is in italics (i.e. a mixture of two font types) Using plot: mtext("Total Landings of Pecten maximus (tonnes)",font,=3, side=2, line=3) makes everything italic, but how do I apply the font change to only "Pecten maximus"? Rgds Phil
2003 Jan 03
[ Re: Ogg Vorbis support? -=[2214]=-]
I'm not subscribed to this list, but I have been reading the archive online for awhile now. I thought this forward may be of interest. It sounds like we _might_ have Vorbis capable players in the near future! :) Any more word on support from iRiver? The hardware URL has not been updated since they were supposedly shipping Vorbis capable units to Xiph. -- Mark Nipper
2008 Mar 14
Roaming profile works for all users except one
I've inherited a small office network I didn't build. We're running Novell's eDirectory, and using Samba as a PDC. Everyone's profile roams but mine. I didn't build our smb.conf file, but I've read tutorials on roaming profiles, and it seems to be set up correctly. I've included the text of that file at the end of this message. I bungled creating my account in