similar to: Any work-around for very large number of files yet?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Any work-around for very large number of files yet?"

2005 Jul 26
last access file for 1.0-stable?
Hi, I am almost ready to convert from UW-imap to dovecot 1.0 stable for my imap use. I hacked UW-imap to touch a file in the user's home directory so I can always tell the last time they used imap. My hack looks something like this: if(authenticated) { touchfile = (char *) malloc((strlen (home) + 15); sprintf(touchfile,"%s/.imapd.last",homedir); fd =
2008 Jul 14
Execute some steps if a file isn't present
Hi all, I''ve come quite far with my puppet setup, but a few times I got this problem: I want to execute a few things if a file isn''t present on the puppet client. For example: I want puppet to check if the mod_passenger apache module exists. If not: installl passenger from gem. Execute the installer, copy the config file and enable the module with a2enmod. What would be the
2004 Apr 03
rsync is slowing down
The cause is, of course, that the tree being syncronized ie getting larger, so of course rsync is slowing down. But in the case of my particular file tree, there is a way it could be speeded up, but this would obviously also need a change in the rsync protocol to accomplish it. Any tree that has major unchanged subbranches would benefit from this. The file tree I'm syncronizing in this case
2012 Aug 10
Question about --partial-dir and aborted transfers of large files
Apologies to the list, the title of this thread is completely wrong. It should be something like "Question about --partial-dir and aborted transfers of large files". Let's see if this mailing list program will allow me to change it... -- T.J. On 10 August 2012 15:28, T.J. Crowder <tj at> wrote: > Hi all, > > rsync is a fantastic tool. :-)
2008 Jun 07
PeriodicalExecuter stops when form is submitted in Safari 3
Hi I''m having a problem using PeriodicalExecuter with a form. I have a monitoring pane that updates status of form processing, and it stops working when I submit a form. It works with Safari 2, IE, Firefox, but not with Safari 3. I''ve made a test script: It updates a textarea, but it stops updating when the form is submitted in Safari 3. Any
2008 May 13
static private and multi-inherit
/**/ function Class(Initalizer,SuperClasses) { if(!SuperClasses)SuperClasses=[]; var ret=function(){ for(var i=0;i<SuperClasses.length;i++) { SuperClasses[i].call(this); } var $private={}; var $public=this; var $static=ret; with($static){ with($private){ with($public){
2012 Apr 15
R CMD check with non-standard .libPaths
Does anyone have advice on how to instruct R CMD check to use a non-standard set of libraries? Here's the situation: I'm trying to do some automated checking on package dependencies of a package I maintain. In order to do that I've written code that takes the list of the dependent packages and for each package (1) downloads the most recent/available .tar.gz file; (2) installs the
2001 Mar 20
Apologies if this is off-topic and if you could point me to the right place to ask this questions, I would greatly appreciate it. I have just taken over our department's system where we have a couple of UNIX servers running samba to share user home directories on NT clients. My system admin is trying to upgrade to WINS server and had trouble with my UNIX server host name that have
2005 Mar 22
maintaining ownership with cygwin/rsync?
OK, I know a lot about unix environments and am very familiar with rsync (and a big fan). My MS windows knowledge is at "I play a doctor on TV" stage. Hmm. OK, the analogy needs work. I know what the words mean and can stumble my way through many common problems. And now I'm trying to use rsync (2.6.3) from the most recent cygwin distribution. It works fine, except that
2005 Mar 21
rsync practical size limit?
David, I've used rsync to transfer multiple terabytes when replacing or consolidating storage. The practical limit is not the overall size, but there are a couple that will crop up: 1. This is alluded to in the FAQ, but the relationship between amount of memory on the hosts and the number of files per sync is important. Rsync will use ~100 bytes per file on both the source and
2003 Jul 18
rsync 2.5.6 freezes between Solaris2.6/Commercial SSH Version 2.0.12 and Solaris8/OpenSSH_3.6.1p1
We had been using rsync and Commercial SSH to sync up two SUN boxes running Solari2.6 and Commercial SSH Version 2.0.12. It has never been a problem syncing between over 80,000 files and 4GB of content We are upgrading to Solaris 8 and OpenSSH_3.6.1p1 However now when I go between the older and the newer environment even with just a few hundred files, the rsync hangs or freezes when it hits a
2008 Jun 12
Ajax.Updater not working in IE, tried everything
hi, i am basically using a button, Prototype/AJAX, and PHP to update a user''s location. something simple as typing ''Chicago, IL''. After the script, it rewrites the result in a div tag. here is the form i''m using: <div id="hometown_result">Aurora, IL</div> <form action="" method="post"
2005 Nov 09
Filers, filesystems, etc.
On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 08:04:54AM -0800, Bryan J. Smith wrote: > > > NAS offers safe concurent access (generally, there might be > > some NAS devices outthere that do not). NAS device will > > manage file system internally, and export it over NFS or > > SMB protocols to the clients. > > Such NAS' are a combined host+storage aka
2009 Feb 25
Solaris 8/9 branded zones on ZFS root?
Hi all, I have a situation where I need to consolidate a few servers running Solaris 9 and 8. If the application doesn''t run natively on Solaris 10 or Nevada, I was thinking of using Solars 9 or 8 branded zones. My intent would be for the global zone to use ZFS boot/root; would I be correct in thinking that this will be OK for the branded zones? That is, they don''t care about
2005 Mar 02
Hi Jerry/Samba Team I have Samba 3.0.10 installed on Solaris8 server and Samba-client-2.2.10 installed on Linux Red Hat2.1AS servers The Linux servers use Samba to mount filesystems from Solaris8 server. My question is how to find out on the Solaris8 server which Linux servers are using Samba to mount from. Because it is hideous to go to every Linux server and see which Solaris8 server they are
2008 Jul 29
DON'T POST TO THIS GROUP! Use the new group instead! (Reminder #13)
Hi all, (Just because the last reminder is getting buried in spam...) ==> DON''T POST TO THIS GROUP!! <== This group is closing as discussed[1][2]. The archives will remain online. Use the replacement group instead: prototype-scriptaculous-/ If you''re continuing an
2003 May 06
FW: Sum by categorical variable
2001 Mar 02
make 2.5.1p1 on Solaris8 (fwd)
Can a Solaris person take a look at this? -- | Damien Miller <djm at> \ ``E-mail attachments are the poor man's | / distributed filesystem'' - Dan Geer ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2001 12:33:48 +0200 From: owner-ssh at To: ssh at Subject: make 2.5.1p1 on Solaris8 Trying to build
2006 Oct 31
ActionMailer how to check mail sent
OS X 10.4.8 I am sending an email via Actionmailer settings are written correctly in environment.rb ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = :true ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = :true ActionMailer::Base.default_charset = "utf-8" ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = { :address => "", :port => 25,
2008 May 22
building a many-to-many structure in javascript
hi, for some purpose, I need a "in-javascript database", maybe built with some Prototype $H function calls for creating "tables" but what about junction tables, I mean those which express many-to- many relations between two entity tables ? I though using concatenation of strings with a separator, for example "key1 key2" "1234-56" or "ABC \n 789"