similar to: unexpected EOF in read_timeout (was Re[2]: [Fwd: Re: meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."]])

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "unexpected EOF in read_timeout (was Re[2]: [Fwd: Re: meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."]])"

2002 Feb 14
unexpected EOF in read_timeout (was Re[2]: [Fwd: Re: meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."]])
This is where it sets a sort of 60 second timeout if you don't set a timeout at all. As far as what it affects, I'm not that good with the code. I just know that my big syncs would die in almost exactly 1 minute unless I specified a timeout, and then would die at that timeout until i got it very large. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tools@willy
2002 Feb 07
[Fwd: Re: meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."]]
Nitin Agarwal <> wrote: > Dear Mr. Rusty, > Thanks for the reply. The problem was sorted out by changing the uid option in > rsyncd.conf file to root. > We are facing two more problem now.... > 1) while transferring the files, sometimes the transfer breaks in between and gives > us the error message: "readerror: connection reset by
2001 Nov 03
unpredictable behaviour
I see very odd results from rsync 2.4.7pre1, the latest cvs version (sept 12, i think was the last modified file). We have a number of network-attached storage devices. 10/100 ethernet, nfs2 mounted (under nfs3, they buffer deletes, and recursive deletions fail). Usually, these are kept syncronized across a wan by a nightly cronjob, We have a few we keep in reserve, which we syncronize
2004 Jan 05
No subject
see a copy of your rsyncd.conf? Tim Conway 303.682.4917 Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn, 19061,29556,8289,28271,29800,25970,8304,25970,27680,26721,25451,25970), ".\n" ' "There are some who call me....
2002 Jul 25
non-interactive ssh connections (was Re: RSYNC ISSUE)
Gouri: close. Try "Ssh-keygen -p -P ''". You might argue that ssh should guess that -P imlplies -p, but that's an issue for your ssh maintainer. Also: you don't ordinarily distribute the private key. You need the PUBLIC key in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on any system you want to access with the private key. Maybe i'm seing your application backward, and you
2001 Aug 22
tridge and Wayne in particular: I checked in this patch, which is meant to consolidate the ones from both of you for handling EOF in a modules list. The idea is that we need to handle servers that just close the socket rather than sending a nice ending token, but we want to keep EOF detection on in general. (The IO code is such a mess!) -- Martin Index: clientserver.c
2002 Jan 28
[Fwd: Re: meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."]]
Hi, I am doing the testing over this. As soon as the error will repeat, I will send u a snapshot of the same, and the command i used that time. Right now, we are facing another problem, it is showing the following error: "send_files failed to open dir1/dir2/dir3/abcde.eps : permission denied" Kindly let us know the reason. Thanks & Regards Nitin Agarwal Martin Pool wrote: >
2002 Apr 24
Rsync from NT to UNIX
You're set, unless you declined ssh in your cygwin installation (without cygwin, you're not doing rsync from windoze). It's just like unix, in that case. (Bonus clue: Under related commands for ssh, you'll find ssh-keygen). If you don't actually need to secure your content (you're not naked on the internet, for instance), you can just let rsync use plain old rsh
2001 Oct 19
rsync errors
Ah... there's your answer. ssh is working fine, as you say, but you're invoking rsync without telling it to user ssh, so it's using rsh. If you've got this, you don't need rsyncd.conf. The syntax you're using tells rsync to use an external transport. rsync -e ssh file rmt_host:/tmp Tim Conway 303.682.4917 Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC 1880
2002 Jan 23
meaning of "IO Error: skipping the delete...."
On 23 Jan 2002, Nitin Agarwal <> wrote: > Hi, > I am Nitin from India working with a leading Indian newspaper "The Times > > of India". > We recently downloaded "rsync" and found it to be very useful and good > utility. > We tried to implement it between our main server and the DRS (Disaster > Recovery System), located
2002 Jan 25
suid files and bsd - correction
it's in syscall.c, not generator.c You'll have to save the status of the lstat, modify the mode in st, and return the lstat status. I don't know how to do it, though. #if SUPPORT_LINKS int do_lstat(const char *fname, STRUCT_STAT *st) { #if HAVE_OFF64_T return lstat64(fname, st); #else return lstat(fname, st); #endif } #endif Tim Conway
2002 Mar 13
AW: ssh + permissions
The "-a" option (the "--links", "--perms", "--devices", and "--times" options are redundant, as they, as well as "--owner", "--group", and "--recursive" are implied by "-a" )does dictate that permissions on files being sent be brought over from the source. Are all files losing permissions, or only files
2002 Jul 24
non-interactive ssh connections (was Re: RSYNC ISSUE)
First, an item to fix: the substitution of "-P" for "-p". All good operating systems are case-sensitive, and many utilities, ssh included, are case sensitive about their options. "-P" is passed along with the "-p" to signal that the next parameter is the passphrase, to enable passphrase setting directly in the commandline. If that's wrong,
2002 Jul 29
Preserving Permissions using server
Hi!:) - try using the sudo command as a prefix to all of that. I know that if I didn't do that it would default to nobody.nobody when I copied. -Tito > > Hi All, > I recently installed Rsync to perform backup features - this > includes backing up a /home dir and keeping ownerships/permissions > intact is obviously very important.... > > However when I perform.
2002 Apr 17
rsync HELP!!!
Sonu: I'm giving the whole history to the rsync list. If the tests i subscribed passed, yet you get that error, it's more in depth than i can go into. You've got 1 hour, let's hope somebody immediately recognizes the problem. I've got some ideas, but no time to explore any more for you. Gentlemen: does anybody see a quick resolution for Sonu? Looks like he's
2003 Jul 31
rsync 2.5.6 timeout bug
I've been getting frequent io errors trying to synchronise a local CPAN mirror with the master on, the symptoms being the dreaded rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes read so far) rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(165) message at the client end. I've replicated this when mirroring from a local CPAN mirror, and the issue seems to
2001 Nov 20
Is anybody else gettting these?
I keep getting these smarmy sermons from somebody's mail account. I include my response to it below, though from its message, it probably won't be read. Tim Conway 303.682.4917 Philips Semiconductor - Longmont TC 1880 Industrial Circle, Suite D Longmont, CO 80501 Available via SameTime Connect within Philips, n9hmg on AIM perl -e 'print pack(nnnnnnnnnnnn,
2001 Sep 07
unexpected EOF in read_timeout
Perhaps someone can shed some light on the problem I'm having using rsync 2.4.6. I'm getting the following error: receiving file list ... done htdocs/acescounseling/logs/ htdocs/adihome/logs/ . . htdocs/coupons/logs/error_log htdocs/court/logs/combined_log htdocs/cowgirl/logs/combined_log htdocs/cowgirl/logs/error_log htdocs/cowgirl/logs/ssl_log Connection to nova closed by remote host.
2001 Oct 17
rsync digest, Vol 1 #403 - 4 msgs
> If you have a set of files that are "common" to each side but for whatever reason the content of which you want to keep separate and "localized" then look into using --include and --exclude rules or perhaps an exclusion file. The syntax always gets me > and it might take a couple of tries to get the right sequence of element inclusions. Rene > --__--__-- >
2002 Jan 17
FW: SSH Error
- call me ignorant... but I am not above asking. Where do I define $RSYNC_SSH=ssh at? Thanks for the info!! David -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 7:08 PM To: David L Nickel Cc: Subject: Re: SSH Error Ok, you're talking about ssh, and