similar to: corCompSymm in gamm()?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "corCompSymm in gamm()?"

2011 Nov 29
Labels in xy-plots
Hi, I am new to R. How can I get labels/different colours on the lines in my xy-plots. I plot "het" against "temp" conditional on "year" and "station". library(lattice) MyLines <- function(xi, yi, ...){ #Draws line in the panels while avoiding spaghetti-plots I <- order(xi) panel.lines(xi[I], yi[I], col = 1)} xyplot(het ~ temp | fstation,
2013 Sep 19
lattice: double y - problem changing axis color after doubleYScale
Hi, I have had some troubles using doubleYScale. No matter what I try, I cant manage to change the color of the y-axis in the end. I have to produce a black and white plot. There is also something I do not understand regarding fontfamilyj="serif" when using it in: strip=strip.custom() Maybe someone has a better idea for defining which line and dots belong to which y-axis when not using
2012 Jan 09
Autocorrelation values? How to extract?
Hi, I am attempting to correct my models p-values due to temporal autocorrelations. It is not possible to model the correlation, so I have to make do with the p-value correction. I am feeling a bit thick here....I cannot get the autocorrelation values. What is the argument? My aim is to multiply the dependent variable autocorrelation with the independent variable autocorrelation and then
2012 Sep 11
plotting smoother function on raw data
Hi, I have used the mgcv library to generate a simple additive model. I want to know how to plot the function on the raw data with confidence intervals whan I have TWO variables in the model. I get it to work with one variable but not with two. I am on the limit for what I understand in R, so be gentle. I have read the help file on predict.gam, but did not get any help out of it. #My model:
2013 Jan 22
ordering in 'gnls' with 'corCompSymm' corStruct
Dear R-devel members, While writing a new correlation structure similar to 'corCompSymm' and intended to be used with 'gnls', I got puzzled with the 'Initialize' method. Using 'Initialize' before 'gnls' may be regarded as a mean to set an initial value for the corStruct parameter. However 'gnls' does not work properly with a
2005 Feb 23
corCompSymm in nlme package
We are trying to use the corCompSymm function in nlme The example from the help pages for the corAR1 function gives the following > corAR1(0.2, form = ~ 1 | Mare) Correlation structure of class corAR1 representing Phi 0.2 We are expecting a somewhat similar correlation specification with the help page example for corCompSymm, but just get an error instead > corCompSymm(0.5, form = ~ 1 |
2007 Apr 11
Error with corCompSymm and lme fit for repeated measures
Dear R Friends, I need help with an error associated with corCompSymm in an lme fit. I am using a mixed effects model to analyze a split-plot with repeated measures and would like to fit with the compound symmetry correlation structure. This problem doesn't occur when using corAR1 or any of the other structures. I would greatly appreciate help on how to solve this issue. Here's my
2013 Sep 19
ggplot2: two y-axis - any change?
Hi, I know that according to plot theory, one should not have two y-axis. It is just that in my field, we are often depending on plots where water depth is plotted in one y-axis and other parameters such as salinity on the other y-axis to see where the halocline (the depth where the two layers of water are not mixed) is located. I have many other examples. To publish, it is required of me to
2014 Jul 28
lattice, latticeExtra: Adding moving averages to double y plot
Hi lattice users, I would like to add 5-year moving averages to my double y-plot. I have three factors needs to be plotted with moving averages in the same plot. One of these reads off y-axis 1 and two from y-axis 2. I have tried to use the rollmean function from the zoo-packages, but I fail in insering this into lattice (I am not an experienced lattice user). I want to keep the data points in
2005 Jan 21
gamm with correlation structure question
Dear group, I am trying to use gamm() in mgcv. Here's the scenario. The data frame has approx. 110K observations with information on paediatric readmission binary outcome (Y/N) and total volume of their most responsible physician as the covariate. Since any physician can have multiple patients, the data contains clustering structure which I am trying to account for. My original formula is
2013 Sep 18
ggplot2: changing strip text in facet_grid and a legend text problem
Hi, Dummy data script and scripts are attached below. I would like to change the plot to look like this:
2013 Feb 25
How to plot 2 continous variables on double y-axis with 2 factors: ggplot2, gplot, lattice, sciplot?
Hi, I have a data set with two continous variables that I want to plot MEANS (I am not intrerested in median values) on a double-y graph. I also have 2 factors. I want the factor combinations plotted in different panes. Dummy dataset: mydata <- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 40)), factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 10)), y1 =
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
Hi everyone (again), before you all start screaming that the reordering of factors has been discusse on several threads and is not particular to ggplot2, hear me out. I can easily reorder my x-axis factor in facet.grid() in ggplot2. What I cannot reorder are the factors represented on the strips. I can see that the graphs are changing, so I am afraid of what it is I am doing. Why is ggplot2
2010 Feb 08
Poisson and neg. bin. regression with random effects
Hi there, I have relative abundance data for 13 mammal species that I collected at various sites that ranged in road density. I'm trying to determine the effect of road density on animal abundance across body sizes. For most species, I have data that was collected in one year but for a few species I have two years of complete data, and would like to use both. Since I have count data, I'm
2006 Oct 03
Linking R with Fortran 90: make: m2c: Command not found
Following the setup in Prof.Duncan Murdoch's page, I have successfully compiled the DLL for one Fortran 95 program using Gfortran and got 300 times speed boost. For the second set of fortran programs, However, I have this error message R CMD SHLIB -o jiangang kdtree2.f90 jian.f90 gang.f90 m2c -o jian.o jian.mod make: m2c: Command not found make: *** [jian.o] Error 127 Can anyone
2007 Feb 13
lme4/lmer: P-Values from mcmc samples or chi2-tests?
Dear R users, I have now tried out several options of obtaining p-values for (quasi)poisson lmer models, including Markov-chain Monte Carlo sampling and single-term deletions with subsequent chi-square tests (although I am aware that the latter may be problematic). However, I encountered several problems that can be classified as (1) the quasipoisson lmer model does not give p-values when
2010 Jan 22
sorted reshaping?
dear R wizards:? I am wrestling with reshape.? I have a long data set that I want to convert into a wide data set, in which rows are firms and columns are years. > summary(rin) firm fyear sim1 Min. :1004.00 Min. :1964.0 Min. : -1.00000 1st Qu.:1010.00 1st Qu.:1979.0 1st Qu.: -0.14334 Median :1016.00 Median :1986.0 Median : 0.00116 Mean
2005 Oct 31
nlme error message
Dear Friends, I am seeking for any help on an error message in lme functions. I use mixed model to analyze a data with compound symmetric correlation structure. But I get an error message: "Error in corMatrix.corCompSymm(object) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 1)". If I change the correlation structure to corAR1, then no error. I have no clue how to solve this problem.
2013 Feb 19
introducing jitter in overlapping graphs using ggplots (plotmeans). Also sciplot.
Hi, I want to plot means with standard deviations of Total Nitrogen (TN) across 4 stations (S1-S4) and over 3 years (2007-2009). I want this plot in one panel. I do not want medians (bwplot, boxplot). I have tried a few different packages and it seems that ggplots with plotmeans was the fastest (I am not extremely skilled in writing my own scripts). Unfortunately, there is no grouping
2013 Mar 06
Ggplot2: Moving legend, change fill and removal of space between plots when using grid.arrange() possible use of facet_grid?
Hi, # For publications, I am not allowed to repeat the axes. I have tried to remove the axes using: # yaxt="n", but it did not work. I have not understood how to do this in ggplot2. Can you help me? # I also do not want loads of space between the graphs (see below script with Dummy Data). # If I could make it look like the examples on the (nice) examples page: #