Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "axis tick colors: only one value allowed?"
2011 Dec 01
strange row numbering after rbind-ing a list
"Not that it really matters, but"
Can someone explain how the row numbers get assigned in the following
sequence? It looks like something funky happens when rbind() coerces
'bar' into a dataframe.
In either sequence of rbind below, once you get past the first two rows,
the row numbers count normally.
Rgames> (foo<-data.frame(x=5,y=4,r=3))
x y r
1 5 4 3
2011 Nov 20
place values into a matrix efficiently?
This question attacked me as I was thinking about matrix value updates.
I probably will never need to do this, but wanted to ask if there are
efficient methods to perform the for-loop in the following sequence.
%xymat<-matrix(rep(0,100) nr=10,nc=10) # empty matrix
%for (j in 1:10) xymat[x[j],y[j]] <- some_function(x[j],y[j]) #to create
2011 Dec 13
Re : Polygon
Sorry Carl, I received your message in my spam folder. Sarah proposed me a good example of code.
Thank you
De : Carl Witthoft [via R] <ml-node+s789695n4188375h96@n4.nabble.com>
Envoyé le : Mardi 13 Décembre 2011 3h34
Objet : Re: Polygon
Please read the posting guide and provide a (small) reproducible example
of your data.
The statement
2012 Jan 09
runif with condition
I want to generate 4 random number which sum up to 100 always
Please help
Thanks in Advance
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/runif-with-condition-tp4278704p4278704.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2012 Apr 03
Looking for the name of a certain kind of quantile plot
While playing with quantile-quantile plots, I wrote up some code which
plots something strangely different. Here's the pseudocode:
testhist <- hist(sample_data)
refhist <- hist(rnorm(n, mean=0,sd=1)) # for some large-ish n
cumtest <- cumsum(testhist)
cumref <- cumsum(refhist)
This produces a straight line of slope 1 for a sample with the same
2011 Oct 21
plotting with a symbol on every nth point
I would like to produce a plot with a symbol on every nth point in a time
series data, like the one in the following:
x <- seq(-100,1000,25)
Could someone help me out with the above example?
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2011 Nov 03
How much data can R process?
Would like to know how much data can R process - number of rows and columns?
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2011 Dec 12
Hi everybody,
I have a matrix with 3 columns (Date, MeanArea and SdArea). I want to draw a
figure showing the variable MeanArea in terms of the Date. But instead to
use the variable SdArea as bar error, I want to use ?polygon error?. I use
this code but the output does not seem good.
2011 Dec 19
fractal image analysis
Dear all
I tried to find some packages (or programs) for image analysis and
especially fractal dimension image analysis but so far I had not success.
It shall be used for particle surface layer analysis from TEM images.
Any suggestions?
Best regards
2012 Jan 08
R package equivalent to Excel SOLVER - Paquete R equivalente a SOLVER de Excel
Esteemed colleagues
I wonder if there is a package in R that performs the functions of the
Thanks in advance for the reply.
Best regards,
Estimados colegas
Me pregunto si hay un paquete en R que funcione como el SOLVER de Excel.
De antemano gracias por la respuesta.
Ricardo Bandin Llanos
[c] Magíster Cs. m. Pesquerías
2012 Jan 26
Finding suspicious data points?
An embedded and charset-unspecified text was scrubbed...
Name: inte tillg?nglig
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2011 Aug 15
what can one do with (to) '..." ?
I followed a couple threads from the archives and from
stackoverflow.com, and would like to know: just what is "..." ? What I
mean by this is,for example, from the point of view of a user running a
function in debug mode, is "..." an object, or does it exist in the
current environment as some thingy?
Maybe a better question to ask is: if I were to write some function
2011 Nov 06
Deleting rows dataframe in R conditional to “if any of (a specific variable) is equal to”
Dear list,
I have been struggling for some time now with this code... I have this vector of unique ID "EID" of length 821 extracted from one of my dataframe (skate). It looks like this:
> head(skate$EID)
[1] "896-19" "895-8" "899-1" "899-5" "899-8" "895-7"
I would like to remove the complete rows in another dataframe
2012 Jan 06
How to fit my data with a distribution?
Dear All,
I have a bunch of data points as follows:
x 100
y 200
z 300
where 100, 200, 300 are the values. I would like to know the distribution of my data? how can I fit my data into a distribution?
Thanks a lot,
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jan 30
Venn Diagram help!!!!
Hi there ! I've got 7 Samples that may contain 29 differents kinds of
material.... every line below corresponds to a differente kind of material,
example: Sample 1, 2,3,5 and 6 has material 1 .... So I want to know how can
I do a Venn Diagram with the data below .... ps ( it was generated by a csv,
where every line is sep with (";")) Can someone helps me ?
csv file :
2011 Nov 02
palettes for the color-blind
I'm working with scatter plots with different colored symbols (via
lattice). I'm currently using these colors for points and lines:
col1 <- c(rgb(1, 0, 0), rgb(0, 0, 1),
rgb(0, 1, 0),
rgb(0.55482458, 0.40350876, 0.04166666),
rgb(0, 0, 0))
plot(seq(along = col1), pch = 16, col = col1, cex = 1.5)
I'm also using these with transparency (alpha
2012 Jan 07
Putting an index explicitly into function code --- a curiosity.
I want to create a list of functions in a for loop, with the index
of the loop appearing explicitly in the function code.
After quite a bit of thrashing around I figured out how to do it.
Here is a toy example:
junk <- vector("list",4)
for(i in 1:4) {
itmp <- i
junk[[i]] <- eval(bquote(function(x){42 + .(itmp)*x}))
So I'm *basically* happy, but there's
2011 Nov 24
what is wrong with this dataset?
> d = data.frame(gender=rep(c('f','m'), 5), pos=rep(c('worker', 'manager',
'speaker', 'sales', 'investor'), 2), lot1=rnorm(10), lot2=rnorm(10))
> d
gender pos lot1 lot2
1 f worker 1.1035316 0.8710510
2 m manager -0.4824027 -0.2595865
3 f speaker 0.8933589 -0.5966119
4 m sales
2012 Jan 22
Solving Equations
I'm researching some Bayesian statistic topics and in the midle of my study
i found a very simple problem and i'm trying to find a simple package to
solve this type of equations:
Lets say that i need to compute beta values for the beta distribution and i
now for example:
E(teta)=a/(a+b) = 0,5
So if i want to solve this to non-linear system to
2011 Oct 13
how to plot two surfaces with lattice::wireframe
Hi all,
I'd like to plot the Real and Imaginary parts of some f(z) as two
different surfaces in wireframe (the row/column axes are the real and
imag axes). I know I can do it by, roughly speaking, something like
plotz <- expand.grid(x={range of Re(z)}, y={range of Im(z), groups=1:2)
But that seems like a