similar to: How to extend common helper methods to view specs?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "How to extend common helper methods to view specs?"

2010 Dec 02
Global before blocks - filtering by multiple types
Hi in the config block of rspec I have a before block to reset my database before each spec: config.before(:each) {DatabaseCleaner.clean} I know I can apply this before to a specific type, e.g. config.before(:each, :type => :model) {DatabaseCleaner.clean} but what I want to achieve is that the database is cleaned for all specs except acceptance specs. Is there a way to define this, e.g.
2011 Feb 08
Why use DatabaseCleaner with rSpec?
Hi list, I''ve used DatabaseCleaner in the past, but only when using Cucumber and Selenium (or Steak + Celerity) since turning on transactional_fixtures would prevent the data being accessible from app-server that is also triggered for the tests. This works fine, and is a de-facto solution for this problem. I don''t see why I would want to use DatabaseCleaner with rspec though,
2012 Dec 12
#8498 postgres_adapter fix for disable_referential_integrity
Please review this patch for postgres adapter''s referential_integrity.rb in Rails master and 3.2.9 and let me know what you think. We are using it via an initializer (monkey patching the adapter directly vs. in module): Fixes this issue also seen by others in Foreigner: Problem that it
2012 Feb 13
stale records with integration testing?
Hi, I was writing an integration test for my user signup form (with capybara), and found that my test was failing due to a validation error: "email is already taken". I''m a bit confused because I thought when I run "rspec spec/some_spec.rb", the test database would be wiped clear? Is that not the case? Patrick J. Collins
2011 Apr 15
warning: toplevel constant XYZ referenced Admin:XYZ
I have an odd problem. I got controllers in a namespace and controllers outside of the namespace. For example, I have a PagesController and a Admin::PagesController. When I run rspec from the top, tests pass and I get the following warning: spec/controllers/admin/pages_controller_spec.rb:4: warning: toplevel constant PagesController referenced by Admin::PagesController This makes no sense. I do
2005 Nov 06
mixins not reloaded as expected?!
Hi guys, in development mode a module mixed into a helper class seems not to be reloaded inside app/helpers: class TestHelper include EvenMoreHelp #foo end module EvenMoreHelp # bar end the contents of #foo get refreshed, but not #bar... is there a way to fix that behaviour. I intend a full reload in development mode for obvious reasons. Regards Peter
2008 Mar 11
Facebooker-talk Digest, Vol 5, Issue 12
Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal num_of_members, Member.count
2008 Mar 11
Facebook_request in unit tests
Apologies for not chaning the subject line. :( Hi all, I wanted to test requests from internal facebook apps, so I''ve been mimicking FBML requests from facebook in my tests using the following: def test_can_facebook_internal_app_login fb_login_as :facebooker num_of_members = Member.count facebook_request :get, :home assert_response :success assert_equal
2013 Mar 20
Rspec + Devise + BaseController
Hello there, I''m creating a base controller for the admin section of a project. All controllers whitin the admin section will inherit from it. ##################################################### #app/controllers/admins/base_controller.rb class Admins::BaseController < ApplicationController layout "admin_cms" before_filter :authenticate_admin! end
2002 Mar 19
(fwd from thanks and patch
Jeremy, I'm glad you like rsync. Why does your encryption program not produce a file of the same size every time it is run on the same input? I can see what the patch does, but I'm having a bit of trouble understanding whether it would be generally useful. -- Martin -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: jeremy bornstein
2007 Dec 22
error when installing on jruby (fastthread dependency)
I''m running jruby trunk which has integrated rubygems 1.0.0 and when I try and install mongrel with gem it blows up when the fastthread dependency tries to do a native compilation. I couldn''t find a copy of the gemspec in the svn checkout but looking at the one installed when gem installing mongrel didn''t show any platform differentiation. There is platform
2009 Dec 27
testhelp/ is GPLv2
Hi, I have a licensing question: I'm curious if the fact is GPLv2 causes any trouble for the rest of rsync (which is GPLv3 or later). -- yours, Julius Davies 250-592-2284 (Home) 250-893-4579 (Mobile)
2008 Jun 09
Selenium/Watir usage along side Webrat in story testing
This is related to Selenium/Watir usage along side webrat in story testing. MHS_Testing and Rspec-ui provide some great help for testing through frameworks like Selenium/Watir. But there is something missing, Webrat has changed the landscape somewhat with Acceptance Tests/Story Driven development. Now I have a choice: 1. Tests and rails process run as one test process (Webrat) 2. Use
2009 Jan 13
Cucumber newbie gets Webrat::Se ssion (LoadError)
Just trying to get cucumber/webrat going and so after following the installation process here i wrote a quick feature and when I rake features, I get the following in the console: c:/InstantRails-2.0-win/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.1.2/lib/acti ve_support/dependencies.rb:262:in `load_missing_constant'': Expected
2009 Jan 09
Is there a problem with webrat?
webrat (0.3.4) I have this in the view: <div id="list_entity_1"> <tr> <td>Just An Entity</td> <td>000001</td> <td id="show_entity_1"><a href="/entities/1">Show Entity</a></td> <td id="edit_entity_1"><a href="/entities/1/edit">Edit Entity</a></td>
2008 Dec 02
Using Cucumber with latest Webrat
I added cucumber to my rails project using the following commands: git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/cucumber ruby script/generate cucumber git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/webrat git submodule add git:// \ vendor/plugins/rspec git submodule add
2007 Nov 29
Webrat 0.1.0 released - Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
Hey guys, We developed this plugin while writing my first real set of RSpec stories. It''s still missing a lot of functionality, but it''s useful to us as is, so I''m shipping 0.1.0. (Patches welcome. :) ) Code is available at: What do you think? -Bryan Here''s the README:
2009 Mar 04
Sinitra 0.9.1 Webrat 0.4.2 Cuc problem
Have created sample sinatra cucumber app as suggested on wiki. Tried both env.rb configurations from there and aslaks git repo. With this combination of gems I get the following error doing basic cuc tests When I visit ''/foo'' # features/step_definitions/general.rb:1 PATH_INFO must start with / (Rack::Lint::LintError)
2009 Apr 29
Cucumber/Webrat/Selenium + SSL?
Has anybody had any luck getting Cucumber, Webrat and Selenium to play nicely together for SSL sites? My test environment: - nginx front-end accepting SSL requests, proxying them to mongrel back-end - mongrel back-end accepting normal HTTP requests - application routes configured with ":protocol => ''https''" so that URLs generated with "_url"
2009 Feb 04
Can cucumber/webrat set a value on a hidden field
I am using auto_complete to provide a list of persons from which the user can select one. On selection from the auto_complete list, a hidden field is updated with the id of the selected person. This is all wrapped in a form, that then can be submitted by the user (by clicking the provided submit button). On submission, the person (based on the id in the hidden field) is added to a group. I assume