similar to: Import/Export Support

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Import/Export Support"

2010 Sep 08
Status of libvirtd on BSD/OSX?
Hello, I've done some research prior to this and the answer is clear that libvirtd doesn't compile on BSD or OSX, but I'd like to know more details about this, if I can have a bit of your time: * Are there any current efforts to get libvirtd running on BSD? * What are the blockers to getting it running? * My main goal is really to, at first only control VirtualBox, so KVM/Xen/etc is
2010 Oct 08
Mac OS X: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed
I'm using the Ruby/FFI libvirt library and getting this consistently on Mac OS X: ruby-1.9.2-p0 > FFI::Libvirt.virInitialize dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _virThreadInitialize Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/libvirt.dylib Expected in: flat namespace dyld: Symbol not found: _virThreadInitialize Referenced from: /usr/local/lib/libvirt.dylib Expected in: flat
2012 Aug 14
Testing Hiera Lookup with Puppet Master
Hello, Is there an easy way to test hiera lookup for a node? A node is not getting the value I expect from Hiera and I want a way to test this. I noticed that `hiera` has an option called `-i` to use the Puppet inventory service. With the latest (RC4 I believe) of Hiera I''m getting the following when I try to use that though: Puppet inventory service lookup failed: NoMethodError:
2015 Mar 27
headless VirtualBox on Centos
Hello listmates, I am wondering if there is a set of scripts/utilities for automatically starting and running headless (no X11) VM's using VirtualBox omn a CentOS 6 server. VNC/RDP access to the VM's would be fine. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Boris.
2006 Apr 24
New RBAC Plug-In for Rails
Hi, I just finished writing this plug-in. I''ve been using rails for awhile but this is my first time extracting some code and writing it as a plug-in and I''d love to hear to some feedback. Thanks. -Mitchell -- Posted via
2016 May 17
Systemd and VirtualBox
The continuing challenges of getting a workable server continue. The latest spins of VirtualBox seem to have solved the issues of DKMS auto compiles of the driver being aborted. The yum updates work as expected, provided one stops the running vms manually first. However, trying to get systemd to start the vms is proving to be a PITA. I have extensively googled and found that there are no
2012 Jul 27
Atomicity of updates on the Puppet master
Hello, I''m currently setting up some scripts that will pull in new data for Puppet master (modules, manifests, hiera data, etc.) from a Git repository. It works great! However, I''m concerned about atomicity of the whole thing. Does the Puppet master cache the modules/manifests when it starts? If so, do I need to restart the Puppet master on each update? Or can I send it a
2006 May 16
Bay Cities Ruby Group
Hello, I''m trying to organize a Bay Cities Ruby Group in Southern California. This would include the cities of Redondo Beach, Manhatten Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torrance, Gardena, Lomita, etc. If you are interesting in joining a group that would be like other ruby groups where we discuss tricks, technique, theory, etc. and help each other, then please join the mailing list:
2013 Dec 04
CentOS 6.5 VirtualBox
Hi Is anyone here using VirtualBox? I've had it working rather well for some time, but after some recent upgrade or the other it's started exiting with a Segmentation fault just after startup, before windows are opened or anything. I've tried a few different versions, all with the same result. I'm using binary packages So,
2012 Aug 15
Calling custom Puppet function from within a provider
Hello, I have a custom Puppet function. Am I able to call that function from within my custom provider (written in Ruby)? Best, Mitchell -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
2010 Oct 04
Mounting an lvm
I converted a system disk from a virtualbox VM and added to the config on a qemu VM. All seems well until I try to mount it. The virtual machine shows data for the disk image using commands like: pvs lvs lvdisplay xena-1 but there is no /dev/xena-1/root to be mounted. I also cannot seem to figure out whether the lvm related modules are available for the virtual machine kernel. Has anyone
2011 Nov 06
libvirt, OSX and VirtualBox - how?
I have a new OSX Lion Macbook and would like to control VirtualBox using "virsh" (as I do with KVM under Ubuntu). I've got this far: * Installed VirtualBox * Installed libvirt (brew install libvirt) But now I'm a bit stuck :-) I ran VirtualBox itself, and created a test VM successfully. If I try to use virsh, this is what I get: Brians-MacBook-Air:~ $ virsh -c
2015 Mar 27
headless VirtualBox on Centos
Awesome! Thanks for your replies everybody. I was looking more or less at the same options. Just was wondering if there was a ready-made set of scripts somewhere to set all of this in motion to save me a little time - but if not, I will just make one. Cheers, Boris. On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 3:16 AM, ????????? ???????? <nevis2us at> wrote: > I am wondering if there is a
2010 Sep 13
Migrate existing Windows XP VirtualBox VM to Xen
Hi, I''m trying to migrate a VirtualBox virtual machine to Xen, but I haven''t been able to successfully boot it under xen (3.0.1 that comes with CentOS 5.5). Thinking that the problem was converting the disk format to a raw format, I tried converting the VDI disk with all these options: VBoxManage internalcommands converttoraw disk.vdi disk.raw VBoxManage clonehd disk.vdi
2016 Jan 28
yum / rpm kernel problems - CentOS 7.2
This is the second time I have come across a problem with yum / rpm and kernel packages with CentOS 7. I install CentOS7 and do a yum update I add elrepo epel and virtualbox repos I install Virtualbox-5.0 It fails to install it give a message similar to : - WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module available for the current kernel
2010 Sep 19
Please warn a home user against OpenSolaris under VirtualBox under WinXP ; )
Pardon in advance my n00b ignorance. (Yes I have googled a [i]lot[/i] before asking.) I am considering VirtualBoxing away one physical machine at home, and running WinXP as host (yes, as atrocious it may seem, explanation below [1]) and OpenSolaris guest as file server, with OpenSolaris (why?[2]) having raw access to all my SATA drives. (OSes on the IDE channel). This is for home use, as a media
2010 Jun 28
VirtualBox driver : creating storage for a new machine
Hi, Another thing I'm strugglin with: When creating a new domain from scratch using the proposed XML format in the documentation, everything works fine - basically. A problem that I'd like to solve now is that I would expect to be able to create new volumes within libvirt. I started with a basic XML file in order to define a pool, but virsh told me that creating pools is not supported
2011 Oct 04
Asterisk (Trixbox) - VirtualBox - Linux Host
someone have been installed Asterisk (Trixbox) on VirtualBox which is installed on a Linux host (Ubuntu server 10.04 specifically). I want to know if it is convenient or not, and the reaseons if i should on shouldn't do it. Thanks in advance.! -- Esteban L. Cacavelos de Amoriza Cel: 0981 220 429 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Nov 02
VirtualBox on CentOS 6.0?
I have an older quad-core AMD processor that supports hardware virtualization on a motherboard that does not support it in the bios. Eventually I'll swap the mobo out on this box for one that will support hardware virtualization and use qemu-kvm. I prefer kvm because of SELinux and sVirt that protects the host from VM breakout should a VM become hostile. In the meantime, I want to start work
2011 Jul 25
VirtualBox headless
My objective is also to run headless virtual machines through libvirt library. I am using an Ubuntu 10.04 distro and libvirt 0.9.2. Before asking you guys about it, I searched on the web and found this: Hi, > > thanks for your hint. > > I read the lines in the documentation, but unfortunately editing the xml > > within virsh lead to the errors. > > The Solution to a