similar to: build libvirt on Mac OSX 10.6

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "build libvirt on Mac OSX 10.6"

2010 Jun 09
about virDomainSave and virDomainRestore
Hi there, There is some special reason to require a virConnectPtr param in virDomainRestore ? Regards, Camilo -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Aug 09
Sporadic network issues
I'm seeing this problem with both the virtio and e1000 driver with both linux and windows guests. About 5 - 10% of the VMs I launch have network problems. They seem to always get an IP from the DHCP server (dnsmasq), but afterwards either they can not make an outside network connection or they lose connectivity at a later time. Sometimes the connectivity comes back, sometimes it doesn't.
2013 Nov 06
virConnectListAllDomains support for PowerVM
Hey guys, I'm so glad you added the new set of virConnectListAllDomains functions, it simplifies a lot our work!. I was only wondering why there is no support for PowerVM. Is it that it hasn't been developed or is there some technical hardship? Best, Camilo Aguilar
2010 Jul 08
virStream functions
May anybody tell me which is the porpose of virStream functions ? Thanks in advance. Camilo Aguilar -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2013 Nov 06
Re: virConnectListAllDomains support for PowerVM
I'm writing Go bindings, I was just wondering about PowerVM, maybe further ahead if nobody has done it I could give it a try. So, Does it mean the other functions more granular funtions are going to be deprecated at some point? On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Daniel P. Berrange <>wrote: > On Tue, Nov 05, 2013 at 07:44:47PM -0500, Camilo Aguilar wrote: > >
2010 Jun 02
JSON support
Are there any efforts to support JSON in libvirt ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2010 Mar 31
connection creating
Are there any recommendations as to how often a new connection should be made versus reused? Right now we create a new connection *every time* we hit libvirt for something. We can easily change this so that a single connection is made for a series of libvirt calls, or even so that a single connection is used for the lifetime of the running application. What are the issues to consider when making
2010 Mar 31
advice on creating and reusing connections
Are there any recommendations as to how often a new connection should be made versus reused? Right now we create a new connection *every time* we hit libvirt for something. We can easily change this so that a single connection is made for a series of libvirt calls, or even so that a single connection is used for the lifetime of the running application. What are the issues to consider when making
2012 Jul 24
First value in a row
Hi. This is likely a trivial problem but have not found a solution. Imagine the following dataframe: Lat Lon x1 x2 x3 01 10 NA NA .1 01 11 NA .2 .3 01 12 .4 .5 .6 I want to generate another column that consist of the first value in each row from columns x1 to x3. That is NewColumn .1 .2 .4 Any input greatly appreciated, Thanks, Camilo Camilo Mora, Ph.D.
2013 Mar 27
conditional Dataframe filling
Hi everyone: This may be trivial but I just have not been able to figure it out. Imagine the following dataframe: a b c d TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE I would like to create a new dataframe, in which TRUE gets 0 but if false then add 1 to the cell to the left. So the results for the example above should be something like: a b c
2013 Dec 04
Cordial saludo adjunto la base de datos y el script: eu60<- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=";", dec=".", row.names=1) eu60.pca <- PCA(eu60, quali.sup=19) <-[,19], eu60.pca$ind$coord) eu60.ellipse <- coord.ellipse(, bary=TRUE) plot.PCA(ellipse=eu60.ellipse, cex=0.8) El 4 de diciembre de 2013 17:35, Camilo Calle
2013 Mar 02
replace zeros for NA in a column based on values of another column
Hi everyone, Imagine that I have a data frame with four columns: data<- a b c d 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 I want to replace the zeros in columns a:b for NA only for the rows in which column d are zero. So a b c d NA 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 I am trying
2008 Mar 15
[HELP]No :secret given to the #protect_from_forgery call
I am starting to BDD. When specing the controller I want to test for object creation: it "deberia crear una nueva persona en post create" do Usuario.should_receive(:create).with({:nombre => "camilo", :clave => "secreta", :tipo => "administrador"}).and_return(@usuario) post ''create'', {:usuario => {:nombre =>
2007 Feb 14
Moving data from ext3 to ocfs2 (san to san)
Skipped content of type multipart/signed-------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-keys Size: 1759 bytes Desc: Clave PGP =?us-ascii?b?cMO6YmxpY2E=?= Url :
2015 Dec 28
Elecciones Generales
De aqui: o en json: dentro del linux estan los archivos El 28 de diciembre de 2015, 16:30, Javier Marcuzzi < javier.ruben.marcuzzi en> escribió: > Estimado Ivan Aguilar > > Desconozco desde donde toma los datos,
2015 Jun 16
Ayuda boxplot ggplot2
Hola a todos Me gustaría saber si me pueden ayudar con lo siguiente. Realicé un Boxplot usando ggplot2 para visualizar el comportamiento de dos variables. Visualmente no se notan las diferencias porque la gráfica de la derecha (parásitos en el abdomen) llega hasta 20 en el eje y. ¿Cómo puedo hacer para que las dos gráficas muestren la misma escala en el eje Y, es decir, que las dos lleguen a 60?
2009 Oct 25
build on osx 10.6
Hi All, I've been off list for a while and just got around to building rsync 3.0.6 on Mac OSX 10.6 intel core 2 duo machine. It runs great on similar machines but someone just said it won't for their OSX 10.6 intel core duo and returns an error: rsync Bad CPU type in executable. I check the file and it says: rsync: Mach-O 64-bit executable x86_64 my older builds all
2015 Dec 28
Elecciones Generales
Tiene todo, pero esta muy disgregado en varios archivos, parece un tanto coñazo El 28 de diciembre de 2015, 13:10, Javier Marcuzzi < javier.ruben.marcuzzi en> escribió: > Estimado Ivan Aghilar > > > > Primero hay que responder una pregunta, ¿json tiene todo lo que necesito o > en la versión web hay algo más?, según esta respuesta puedes decidir, la >
2013 Mar 13
loop in a data.table
Hi everyone, I have a data.table called "data" with many columns which I want to group by column1 using data.table, given how fast it is. The problem with looping a data.table is that data.table does not like quotations to define the column names (e.g. "col2" instead of col2). I found a way around which is to use get("col2"), which works fine but the
2013 Dec 04
Hola, ¿qué tal? Tu problema es que tienes agrupaciones de países (p.e., ASIA_MERIDIOL) con un solo respresentante. Las matrices con las que construyes las elipses son degeneradas (más bien, no existen: sospecho que tienen que ver con la covarianza... ¿de un único caso?). Elimina las agrupaciones triviales. Un saludo, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El día 4 de diciembre de