similar to: tmp file copy on upload

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "tmp file copy on upload"

2006 Nov 13
mongrel upload progress and nginx
Does anyone know whether the mongrel upload progress plugin works with nginx? It works fine for my app under pound, but not with nginx. I am using DRb to handle the uploads as detailed at . If I am using pound I can see the uploads with irb -r lib/upload_client.rb , but cannot if I am using nginx. Does anyone know anything more about this
2007 Mar 08
Lighttpd + Mongrel Upload Progress Problem
Hi guys, I had mongrel_upload_progress working very sweetly on my dev machine, where mongrel was acting directly as the webserver. But when I went to production it stopped working. The Problem: On our production server we use Lighttpd, and it looks like lighty is buffering the whole upload and then giving it to Mongrel in a big chunk. This pretty much screws up the whole point of
2007 Feb 16
Mongrel upload progress and models with other fields
I''m trying to set up a system that will allow users to upload files using the mongrel upload progress gem to a model that includes other information. While I''m willing to hack around with this myself for a while to get it working, I was hoping that someone had done this before and might be able to give me some hints/code to look at. My mediafile has a description, mediatype,
2007 Sep 18
Mongrel Upload Progress progress method returns Content-Length: 0
Running into a strange bug using the mongrel upload progress plugin handler, sitting in front of a simple mongrel. The bug appears on an old Xserve (mac OS X 10.3.9 powerpc), but not on my macbook pro, or even a generic 686 linux box. The gist of the pastie above shows that attempts through the browser and curl are actually hitting the filesController, as
2006 Sep 19
Upload Size Limiting Handler
I have written a mongrel handler that monitors the content length of a given url''s request and redirects them if they are over a certain limit. The idea is to throttle the maximum size of an uploaded file. Using the process method on HttpHandlerPlugin I am able to make this work the only downside is that the whole file is still uploaded. I would much prefer to inspect the http header
2007 Apr 03
MediaTemple Image upload
Hi All, I''m hosting with MediaTemple who are currently using 0.3.3 of mongrel on their GridServer. My rails app has an image upload facility whereby if you upload a large image (e.g. 5Mb) mongrel crashes. I''ve requested an upgrade to the latest version of mongrel but don''t believe that''s going to happen too soon. I''m not getting too much
2006 Apr 19
Mongrel -- Pre-Release with File Upload whyness
I''ve got a Mongrel pre-release in the releases directory I''d like people to try out: gem install mongrel --source= This release incorporates why''s changes to allow for uploading files much more efficiently and for streaming out files via a HttpResponse.send_file call. I re-wrote the file upload part what why created to
2006 Sep 07
Upload progress and limiting file sizes
Thanks to all concerned with the implementation of the Upload Progress plugin, it works really well. I want to limit the size of files to be uploaded to say 10Mb. Is there any way for Mongrel to ''refuse'' to upload files over a certain size and then pass an error onto Rails in order to display feedback to the user? I don''t really want to have to upload the whole
2006 Dec 25
Definitive guide for upload progress
Hi Is there some definitive guide for upload progress plugin ? We have in this mailing list a lot of testimonials, bug reports, bug fixes, but there are still people like me who cannot use it correctly. Here is my config: - mongrel 1.0RC and upload progress plugin 0.2.1 - a 6 mongrels cluster - config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf: uri "/", :handler =>
2007 Apr 02
a new upload progress bar
I''m modifying techno weenie''s progress bar plug-in. Currently it works by making the browser poll the server, via AJAX, for updates on amount received. My plug-in provides a handler which will stream updates on the amount received, thus only one request needs to be made. Also, the progress can be updated at faster rates since the client doesn''t need to poll. This should
2007 Mar 24
max upload size!
As suggested in "max upload size?" at I created a plugin that disconnects (raises an error which terminates the socket) if the specified content-length is higher than 200 MB (by default). I don''t know the behaviour if the specified content length is different than the actual uploaded data or if no
2006 Jul 02
how to use upload progress?
I''m a bit confused about how to get upload progress to work with mongrel.. I''ve installed the mongrel_upload_progress (0.1) gem, but have no idea what to do with it. According to the following page: there''s a patch (mup.diff) which seems like it patches the mongrel_upload_progress plugin The following blog entry makes it
2006 Sep 04
Mongrel Upload Progress 0.2 -- With Instructions and Examples
Hi Folks, I''m sure tons of people are gonna ruin a whole drawer of their best panties over this one. Rick Olson worked on the mongrel_upload_progress gem, documentation and examples and has almost everything you need to do progress tracked file uploads using just Mongrel to handle the upload. This means that Rails (or any other framework) isn''t blocked while the upload
2006 Dec 07
compression + max file size upload liimit?
I am using Mongrel Cluster with Apache 2.2.3 + mod_proxy_balancer and would like to enable compression (assuming it improves throughtput) and limit file size upload. I configured mod_deflate and LimitRequestSize in Apache, but in my trials looks like the proxied calls bypass those directives (the conf goes below). Is there a way to get this? -- fxn NameVirtualHost *:80 # Configure the
2006 Aug 15
1 w/ File Upload Progress?
So, do these new shiny releases have the previously mentioned upload progress stuff baked in and ready to use? H
2007 Dec 19
Cluster, upload progress and sessions
Hi, I have a mongrel cluster with a mongrel_upload_progress ... when I upload a file, my cookie session id changes .... So on the upload form, my Session ID is say: BAh7ByIKZmxhc2hJQzonQWN0aW9uQ29udHJvbGxlcjo6Rmxhc2g6OkZsYXNo%0ASGFzaHsABjoKQHVzZWR7ADoOcmV0dXJuX3RvIj8vdXBsb2FkL25vdz91cGxv%0AYWRfaWQ9M2Q0MzJiN2UtYWUxYy0xMWRjLTgzNDEtMDAxNTE3NGE0NDVj--9a36dd5853f963386ba042995bf66630c0b5734f And
2006 Jul 13
Mongrel Cluster 0.2.1 prerelease
Hi Y''all, Just a quick note announce an update to mongrel_cluster. Changes: - ''mongrel_rails cluster::restart'' now calls ''mongrel_rails stop'' and ''mongrel_rails start''. ''cluster::restart'' now accepts the ''force'' argument instead of ''soft''. - Added ''.conf'' as
2007 Mar 23
upload progress bar don''t work...please help
Hello, I''m trying to install the upload_progress gem and i can''t see the upload progress status. My config is : apache2 with mod_proxy mongrel rails upload.rb : ############## require ''rubygems'' require ''drb'' require ''gem_plugin'' GemPlugin::Manager.instance.load ''mongrel'' => GemPlugin::INCLUDE
2006 May 11
Upload progress "plugin"
mongreleers, This is a hack for adding basic upload progress support to Mongrel. Currently, you can monitor the upload of any POST. I''m sure some work needs to be done to get it functioning with Rails. Save as lib/mongrel/progress. Anyway, here''s how to start Mongrel with it: require ''mongrel'' require ''mongrel/camping'' require
2007 Jul 08
streaming upload progress plug-in
I''m working on new methods of doing Ajax calls through streaming responses. I''ve created a little javascript library (which depends on prototype.js) that can interpret a stream of JSON objects separated by semicolons. As an application of this, this Mongrel plug-in streams upload status when given a qualified upload_id. It looks like this: