similar to: Can't load MhTab.ocx

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Can't load MhTab.ocx"

2011 Dec 27
Unable to register the DLL/OCX
I am new to Wine and anything like it. I want to run the application "ATCS Monitor". When I installed ATCS Monitor I received an error message: C:\windows\system32\wshom.ocx Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x1 -From Terminal- err:typelib:sltg_get_typelib_ref Unable to find reference err:module:import_dll Library ScrRun.dll (which is needed by
2010 Oct 04
command 'wine regsvr32 comctl32.ocx' returned status 1. ???
Hi , I'm on gentoo and running wine-1.3.3, I'm trying to run IE7, therefor I run winetricks. everything goes fine except this one error msg: Code: ***@** ~/.wine $ sh winetricks comctl32.ocx Executing /usr/bin/cabextract -q --directory=/home/guypld/.wine/dosdevices/c:/winetrickstmp /home/guypld/.cache/winetricks/VisualBasic6-KB896559-v1-ENU.exe Executing cp
2008 Jun 29
Have installed wine 1.0 on Asus eee pc 701 4gb (Xandros), and it?s running most programs fine. Have company made software that is taking a little more cajoaling to work. First gave an error ?runtime error 3633?. Ran sh winetricks jet40 and it moved on to let me run the first part of the program. Now getting ?error 339, component ARProgBar.ocx or one of its dependencies is not registered?.?
2009 Jul 15
Error when running RSSEditor in Wine, dhtmled.ocx missing
I have just installed wine on ubuntu 9.04 and am trying to install RSSeditor The programs creators say you need IE6 installed. I installed the RSSeditor no problems and added it to the applications in 'configure wine'. When i run the program the following error comes up: Runtime error 339 Component 'dhtmled.ocx' or one of it's dependencies not correctly
2004 Jul 28
*.ocx files only in system directory ?
I'm working on installing windows applications on a multi user gnu/linux box. The application needs some native .dll and .ocx files... Those files should not reside in wine's system directory but in the applications's directory so every user can use the application without having to copy the files to his system dir. Everything works fine for the DLLs. But it seems OCX are expected to
2011 May 19
hi my english suck so am sorry if you dont understand me [Embarassed] this is the problem I get an error message something like ?Error 339. Component DWSHK32.ocx missing or not correctly registered.?. i dont know how fixed, i try all. When the instalation finish i open the program and only freeze the logo and the error for resquest this ocx Again, sorry for my english
2006 Jun 20
How can I registrate an .ocx file?
Hi, I installed a program and an error occurred: *** ERROR: An error occurred while registering the file 'C:\windows\system32\PrintPreview.ocx' *** ERROR: (User Responded with 'Abort') *** DURING THIS ACTION: DllSelfRegister: "C:\windows\system32\PrintPreview.ocx" Is there any way to register this file? Thanks. -- Sávio Martins Ramos - Arquiteto Rio de Janeiro
2009 Apr 15
Threed32.ocx error wwhen installing VB6 application
I am finally migrating from Windows to Ubuntu and I am installing a number of Windows electronics and CAD package using Wine 1.0.1-0 on Ubuntu 8.10. Most run with no issues at all and I am very impressed with Wine. However I am now trying to install AADE Filter, a VB6-based filter design application and I get the following message at the end of the installation process:
2010 Oct 06
KSCSV.ocx registry failure?
I'm not familiar with much in the way of windows or wine - I'm trying to get some software (Bently Repair Manual) ( that won't run on a win 7 (XP required) system to run in wine. I had to use winetricks to install MFC42.dll, so I understand that sort of voids
2001 Nov 02
Registering OCX controls in Wine
Hi, I'm trying to get an in house app to run with Wine. The app in question is a VB6 application that uses a couple of third party controls (TrueDB Grid among them), and also uses the Microsoft OLEDb provider to connect to an Oracle database. It'd be really cool if I could get this to run on Linux. We have the source code and the developer in house, so can make small changes if
2009 Aug 09
Re: AADE Filter Design: "ActiveX component can't create obj
Alright you first need to either copy it from windows or download it from somewhere a filed called Msscript.ocx, then in your terminal type "regsvr32 msscript.ocx", then with wintricks vcrun2005 then winetricks wsh56 once its done it should allow you to enter the program without that crash, if you see the crash again uninstall and reinstall it. I don't know what this program is but
2003 Sep 07
Suggestions on how to run app that requires mscomctl32.ocx?
I'm trying to get certain features in Microsoft Visual FoxPro working, but they require common controls such as TreeView, and they require them to be garnered from mscomctl32.ocx instead of directly from comctl32.dll. Is there anything in Wine that will help me do this without needing the native ocx? If I must use the native ocx, how can I get it without breaking any EULA's?
2006 Dec 09
0.9.27: office 2000 setup fails: MSCOMCTL.OCX
Trying to install Office 2000 with wine-0.9.27 on Fedora 6. wine setup works. The install dialog box comes up, and all goes well. The install itself goes for a time, then: ...................... fixme:msi:ACTION_HandleStandardAction unhandled standard action L"RemoveFolders" fixme:msi:msi_unimplemented_action_stub MoveFiles -> 1 ignored L"MoveFile" table values
2002 Oct 20
OCX for playing ogg files in MS windows perform
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could point me to the right direction to get a OCX which can play the ogg file in MS windows perform? Thanks all Wai --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in
2002 Oct 20
OCX for playing ogg files in MS windows perform
Hi All, I was wondering if anyone could point me to the right direction to get a OCX which can play the ogg file in MS windows perform? Thanks all Wai --- >8 ---- List archives: Ogg project homepage: To unsubscribe from this list, send a message to '' containing only the word 'unsubscribe' in
2008 Aug 17
Missing component
I have installed a program called Scancat Lite, a radio scanner programming database/tool. Installation went fine but when I try to start the application I get the following error message: "Component pklink.ocx or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" Checking my .wine/drive_c/windows/system32 shows the path with pklink.ocx present. The
2007 May 04
Greetings Flac-landers, I have a brand new puter with xp pro 2002 sp2. I downloaded flac-1.1.4b and installed, but when I ran the installed software, it told me that it was unable to run as I do not have mscomctl.ocx on my system. I searched my puter and indeed it is not on it anywhere. I looked all over the site for the prerequisites needed to install, but did not find them. Can someone
2008 Jun 01
¡Error registering! OCX rpcrt4.dll
I probe to install educational software called Tell Me More, I need this for study... Setup's run, but in the final of the installation appear's 2 errors 1- Install failed 2- ?Error registering! OCX rcprt4dll" please help me, I need this software for study
2007 Oct 02
MDAC 2.7/2.8
Has anyone had any success in getting Microsoft Data Access Components 2.7 or 2.8 working? I have an application, FabTrolMRP, that looks like it will work OK on wine except that it needs to connect to an MSSQL database. Normal installation of this app on Windows boxes includes running ODBC Data Source Administrator and making an SQL connection to the FabTrol database. When I duplicate this
2011 May 09
Does wine support rts. program?
anybody tell me does wine supported rts program.. ?