similar to: Enabling BT GPS receiver for Wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "Enabling BT GPS receiver for Wine"

2012 Apr 27
determining if a function exists in a particular package
Hello R People: Is there a way to determine if a function exists in a particular package, please? I looked at exists and objects, but they seem to refer to an environment rather than a package. I was thinking of something like: ifelse(exists(functiona) in MASS, print(1:10), print(5)) Thanks, Erin -- Erin Hodgess Associate Professor Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
2010 Sep 09
Rfcomm0 to com1 (SeaClear2)
I'm trying to configure SeaClear2 to run on an Asus eeepc 900 using a BT GPS but cannot redirect input from rfcomm0 to com1 (the serial port which SeaClear is looking for. Data flows through to rfcomm0 but I cannot redirect it to com1. I have set up symbolic links in the .wine/ folder and its sub-folder .wine/dosdevices/ but nothing happens and I have also set the SeaClear.ini file to show
2010 Jan 30
[LLVMdev] Redefining function
Hi Conrado, > I couldn't find the solution to my problem (if it has one) in the > mailing list or the source code. The problem is: how can I redefine a > function that's been called already by some other function? why do you want to do this? > Suppose I have 3 files, all compiled to bytecode through llvm-gcc (I > think it could be clang instead). > > File1.c:
2008 Nov 05
Change drive C:'s path
Wine config has this disabled, however I need to change this for ONE of the programs I am running. I know what I am doing, I just need to know how to alter this configuration option for one of my applications. I have added the application in wine configuration and then specified the operating system to use. I go to the Drives tab and C:'s path is greyed out, keeping me from changing it. I
2018 Mar 22
Change args count in CallInstr
Hello, I have a CallInstr for "functionA". I renamed it to "functionB" but I want to decrease number of arguments as functionA accepts e.g two and functionB just one. So far, I dont find any function to just replace args / set args size. Any idea? Maybe other solution... Is there any way to create a new CallInstr for functionB, copy things from CallInstr of functionB a copy
2010 Jan 29
[LLVMdev] Redefining function
Hi everybody. I've just started learning about LLVM and didn't get too far studying the core. I couldn't find the solution to my problem (if it has one) in the mailing list or the source code. The problem is: how can I redefine a function that's been called already by some other function? Suppose I have 3 files, all compiled to bytecode through llvm-gcc (I think it could be clang
2007 Jun 01
NUT Documentation project
[was: Asking hard questions about the NUT architecture] Hy Eric, 2007/5/31, Eric S. Raymond <esr at>: > Arnaud Quette < at>: > > doc definitely! > > As mentioned earlier, I've tried several times to start a full > > rewrite, using docbook, to produce a friendly and complete html doc. > > But the facts are that the doc
2011 Aug 27
Windows and Ubuntu and Windows and......
Hi folks I am a complete noob to this Ubuntu stuff, so please forgive me if I ask a dumb Question, or ramble on.... I have been told that I am trying to run before I can crawl, but here goes..... I have a few old Windows programs that are no longer supported or run correctly on Vista or Win7, but work happily in XP. These are used for my business and are mission critical. The two main ones are
2001 Dec 09
Wine NT Services / Serial Port
Hi! I'm currently working on a project to upgrade my car's display with NAV... Due to prohibitive high costs of oem solutions (and limited use except for nav), I decided to use a laptop, runnig that software... So, I already have MS Autoroute 2001 (european version). Against my expectations, this program runs fine with Wine release 20011004. However, the GPS Add-In doesn't work.
2009 Jan 12
USB and serial
Hello, everyone - I have an old Windows app - a ship navigation program - that needs to see GPS input on a serial port (it was written in the pre-USB days.) My laptop, however, has no serial ports - but this same program, when run on a friend's Windows box, can read the GPS info from the USB-connected GPS via the "USB-Serial Driver". This is one of the frustrating bits of this
2008 May 26
use aov or lme for split plot design?
Dear all I'm not sure if I did the right analysis for my specific split splot design. We are studying biomass increase with different CO2 concentrations with four different functional plant groups (e.g. grasses, herbs, broad-leafed trees and conifers). Of each functional plant group we have four species. The design is orthogonal. The design is: Blocks: 2 (climate chambers, called
2009 Jan 15
Bad news - my UPS has died. Good news - my UPS has died
My UPS died two nights ago. From the symptoms, including the fact that the event took the motherboard of my main machine with it and the unreasonable amount of heat the UPS was generating immediately after, I believe this was a genuine fried-brains failure of the control electronics, not a mere battery death. The old UPS (a Belkin FVC1200) has been packed off to a recycler, and the motherboard
2006 Mar 09
VDQ : Have I made a wine's nest?
Very Dumb Question here -- basically, am I in trouble? Or in other words, I have to ask myself a Falstaffian question: "Which .wine, Bezonian?" Let me expound. On several lists for different parts of the problem, according to their interest and my best judgment, I've been pursuing the topic of GPS/topo map settings, under Crossover Office Pro 5.0.1 (CXO) using Fedora Core 4, trying
2010 Jan 30
[LLVMdev] Redefining function
Hi Duncan, > I couldn't find the solution to my problem (if it has one) in the mailing >> list or the source code. The problem is: how can I redefine a function >> that's been called already by some other function? >> > > why do you want to do this? > To implement something that is common in Lisp. Suppose I have a program that is running and can't be
2009 Jan 16
Recommendations for consumer-grafe GPSes?
2. Recommendations? My use case is pretty typical. I have one Linux machine I want to protect, automated shutown is desirable, blackouts longer than a hour are very rare at my location (the last one I can remember was in 1993), brownouts are very rare and mild, but summer thunderstorms are common and can be severe. I'm a good match for your typical consmer-grade UPS. 2a. In 2009, what do
2006 Jun 22
error messaging for a form without ActiveRecord model
I have a form that has no ActiveRecord model behind it, it is just composed of random fields like "email_address", "email_body", etc. Even though there is no model, some of these fields are required, and I would like to use the built-in Rails methods for automatically showing errors in the form. Unfortunataely, I can only see how to do this if the form is based on an
2010 May 21
GPS finding and mark interesting POI within table with large GPS points collection
Dear R users, #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #There is table containing 1000 (lat, lon, time) GPS positions, wchich should be recognized and labeled in every row of that #recognized position by label from defined POI vector GPS$Lat =c(9,2.2,2,3,4,5,6,7,2,9,2.1,10,3.3,0 , 6, 8, 9) GPS$Lon =c(0,1
2007 Jun 03
Can not find the Belkin F6H375-USB
I have changed over to CentOS5 on some of our computers. I had been using Mandriva 2006 and the nut software worked using: driver = newhidups port = auto Using the same version of nut with the same config files on CentOS5, I get the following error output from 'upsdrvctl': Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.4 Network UPS Tools: New USB/HID UPS driver 0.28 (2.0.4) No
2007 Jun 03
Can not find the Belkin F6H375-USB
I have changed over to CentOS5 on some of our computers. I had been using Mandriva 2006 and the nut software worked using: driver = newhidups port = auto Using the same version of nut with the same config files on CentOS5, I get the following error output from 'upsdrvctl': Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.0.4 Network UPS Tools: New USB/HID UPS driver 0.28 (2.0.4) No
2010 Feb 11
Anyone ever used the iGPS-500 under CentOS 5? Any recommendations on a USB-based GPS that "just works"? Ray