similar to: Re: No MIDI devices in wine

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Re: No MIDI devices in wine"

2010 Jan 01
No MIDI devices in wine
I'd want to run the windows editor for my guitar preamp (VOX Tonelab SE) which is connected to the MIDI in and out sockets of my soundcard. The program installs and starts without any problems under wine but it can't find any MIDI ports. MIDI works fine otherwise in Linux - I can read from and write to the sockets with arecordmidi and aplaymidi, but there are no MIDI devices visible
2010 Aug 10
That age old Midi issue again
I can run most midi apps in wine through timidity with no problem but there are quite a few apps which don't allow you to assign the midi output to timidity such as Media Player Classic or WM player 6. They try to use the windows default which is of course MS synth or Emu10k1. There must be a way of mapping the midi output in wine from such apps to timidity but I just can't get it to
2005 Sep 05
Hello, I am having trouble with wine and midi, and also the new winecfg vs config file setup. I have looked through old emails faqs etc and on frank's corner but nothing seems to be able to get the midi output out of wine and onwards towards my soundcard. The program I am having trouble with is called Power tab. I am running 'timidity -iA' with a GM soundfont and confirm that
2005 Jul 04
Can anyone help me get MIDI working with Wine please? I'm on wine-20050628, which I installed with the ./tools/wineinstall script. It's a pure wine installation. (I have a Windows ME partition, but I'm not using it.) I'm using ALSA with Linux 2.6.x. I installed Band in a Box - according to the application DB this works under wine, and indeed, it does load and display the main
2011 Dec 17
Registry entry to change MIDI mapper changed?
I'm trying to get the MIDI music for the 1996 SegaSoft game Lose Your Marbles ( working. The game itself remains Platinum under 1.3.34-- it runs great, without any overrides, and the sound effects work fine too... it's just the MIDI music that does not play, or rather, is not heard. I went to the Wiki and performed all
2008 Nov 26
Using Linux Virtual Midi with WINE does not work
Hi, I have recently started using WINE with the wineasio driver to run my Windows audio apps. In Windows I did a lot of work using MIDI Yoke (a virtual 'MIDI cable' driver). The Linux equivalent is the snd-virmidi ALSA driver. I find, however, that WINE does not send MIDI messages throught the virmidi ports to Linux Apps. I have tried this on Ubuntu 8.04 and Puppy Linux 4.0 using WINE
2007 Mar 19
MIDI default output port / how to select timidity by default?
Hi, Using timidity, I've been able to listen to MIDI files with Linux on a machine with an Intel 801/AC'97 chip. However, with Wine, I've had trouble. Log messages show that the first MIDI output port is used. This happens to be 'MIDI Through' 62:0, not Timidity on port 128:0. $ aconnect -ol shows the list of output ports. I have no idea what port 62:0 does (perhaps send
2015 Apr 02
systemctl (again)
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I've been trying to get the timidity system running as a daemon. I wrote the following init script: #!/bin/sh # # timidity # ### BEGIN INIT INFO # Provides: timidity # Required-Start: # Required-Stop: # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5 # Default-Stop: 0 1 6 # Short-Description: Add and remove timidity # Description: ### END INIT INFO .
2005 Mar 18
In trying to get NoteWorthy Composer working on my box (Mandrake 10.0, Gnome 2.4) I found a webboard for NWC under Linux (on wine). Following advice, I downloaded and compiled TiMidity. Unfortunately, when I try to follow the instructions given on the board, I get the following result [andrew@localhost rosegarden-4-1.0]$ su Password: [root@localhost rosegarden-4-1.0]# modprobe
2008 Oct 17
Guitar Pro in Wine?
My uncle recently bought a new computer and he wants me to help him install Guitar Pro. The thing is, he doesn't have Windows, and I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu with wine on the comp. Quiz time! Can you use wine, with GP, and if you can, deos it perform poorly in any ways?
2011 Dec 11
Wine why no audio?
Hi. Until Fedora 15, I used qsynth+Fluidsynth+alsa+biab and everything worked fine. But not anymore with Fedora 16. I can't see any midi drivers in band-in-a-box. I'm sure about my setup. Everything seems fine. I dont know which one is failing, but I suspect wine. The midi ports are ready: $ aconnect -o client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel] 0 'Midi Through
2005 Oct 08
Wine, JACK and midi?
Hey there, I'm a bit new to WINE, not used it much outside of when I used to play Diablo II on it a year or two ago. Anyways, another thing I'm currently experimenting with is music composition. I've got my Rosegarden (sequencer) and qsynth running over JACK, but frankly, the free soundfonts I've found have been pretty dire. The level of cheese involved is enough to kill a man.
2005 Feb 07
Problems starting Wavelab
hi i've been running steinberg's wavelab 5 under wine20041201, but recently i upgraded to wine20050111 - and wavelab was the only app i was using that didn't work ... so i downgraded back to 20041201 - and it won't work :( i had compiled the 2005 release from source (and was able to see, for the first time, wine's jack audio driver work ... well, *try* to work), but have
2015 Apr 02
systemctl (again)
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 SELinux certainly was causing fun and games. I copied your suggestion to /etc/systemd/user/timidity.service (mode 750) but it's still not happy: [root at tamar user]# systemctl status timidity timidity.service Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Th... ... Starting LSB: Add
2008 May 28
[Game] Final Fantasy 7 does not work
Hi at all i have a great problem with mi wine. i have Xubuntu 6.06 (dapper drake) on my Asus L8400 Notebook. i cannot post my Sys definitions, cuz i haven't a tool like siw.exe whos runnig under linux. when i start my ff7, a litle moment after, there appears a error message. > Unable to locate a MIDI-Device. Final Fantasy VII requires a Windows95-compliant MIDI Device. my console
2006 Aug 08
Wine, ALSA MIDI output ports
Hello everyone. I'm using Wine with the ALSA sound driver. I want to know how to specify which ALSA midi port is used for output. By default, it's using the Midi Through (65:0), but I want it to use TiMidity (128:0). I found this post on the mailing list: And followed the directions appropriately, but it still continued
2003 May 13
convert midi directly to Vorbis (Unix users enjoy)
Just thought soome of you all may be interested in this. It is a small simple Bash script that will convert a midi file to Ogg Vorbis at the quality you specify using TiMidity++ and oggenc. If you have any suggestions, feel free to either implement them or send them to me either on or off list. If you decide to implement a suggestion yourself, I would like a copy of your modified version of the
2008 May 09
Wini MIDI on Ubuntu
Hello all, I'm trying to run a synth editor (SY editor) under Wine on Ubuntu Gutsy. The editor runs fine it seems but I can't get MIDI in out to work, the editor gives me an error midi device not properly configured. I'm using the Edirol UM-2ex, and I selected ALSA under wine configuration - sound, and I can see UM2 for both MIDI in and out in the configuration. I also see UM2 for
2001 Oct 14
Midi sequencers
i'm trying to run cakewalk, it's a midi sequencer but i have an error. what is a WinMM section? error messages: ------------ err:mmsys:MMDRV_InitHardcoded You didn't setup properly the config file for the Wine multimedia modules. Will use the hard-coded setup, but this will disappear soon. Please add a WinMM section to your Wine config file. err:winspool:AddPrinterDriverA Can't
2008 May 14
PWGL in wine, problems
Hello, I'm new on this list. First of all, thank you to all the developers of this great project! At the moment there is only an application that keeps me on both macos and windows, its name is PWGL a free environment for computer assisted composition in openGL. ( I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and wine 0.9.59. I have to say that I also installed vcrun2005 and