similar to: FlexBuilder plugin (JAVA) with native windows dll calling

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "FlexBuilder plugin (JAVA) with native windows dll calling"

2009 May 24
directions for porting my own code using 3rd party dll
Hi I have a c++ project Im working on under windows. it uses a 3rd party library (ie, i have headers and dll). mostly for development I'd like to be able to work on it under linux. and i thought that should be easy with wine. but now i read through the Winelib User's Guide and Im somewhat lost. its talking about winemaker and bad cases of filenames, generating makefiles and stuff. Im
2011 Jun 21
Using winemaker / building wine DLLs
Hi. I'm not sure if this is the correct place for this question, or if the wine-devel list is more appropriate; please let me know if I should ask over there. I'm trying to build, using winemaker/winegcc/etc, a DLL for use with a Windows binary. This is a somewhat unusual case, in that this library is actually explicitly being written for a Windows binary that will run in Linux (I'm
2009 Dec 15
Strange Winsock problem
Hello, I try to port a small program (Windows resouces manipulation tool) on MacOSX, but I've a strange compilation problem : Code: wineg++ -c -I. -I/usr/local/include/wine -I/usr/local/include/wine/windows -o ExeIconManipulation.o ExeIconManipulation.cpp /usr/include/sys/_select.h:47: error: declaration of C function ?int select(int, fd_set*, fd_set*, fd_set*, timeval*)? conflicts
2009 Feb 21
Compiling Winelib application under x86_64
Hi All I'm trying to compile the following program int main() { return 0; } I generated a makefile using winemaker running make I get wineg++ -c -mno-cygwin -o test.o test.cpp wineg++ -mwindows -mno-cygwin -o test.o -lodbc32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -lwinspool -luuid ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf32-i386
2008 Jul 03
windows program compiled using wineg++ looks for wine binary
Hi ! I have compiled a sample Windows VC++ win 32 based HelloWorld application using the winelib. I used wineg++ to compile the application in Linux. When I try to execute the application it looks for wine. When I set the path to the wine /bin directory the application works properly. Is it possible that after compiling using wineg++ the program will run in any platform even if wine is not
2002 Apr 23
Can't load native dll
When I try to load winelib dll I get an error message: "err:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loading of native DLL <dllname> failed (error 193), check this file." The error message is printed for call: DllHandle = LoadLibrary(DllName); This happens even when I try to load standard Wine dlls, like dlls/ Did I miss something obvious? Thanks, Andriy Palamarchuk
2007 Mar 19
Using wine dll in another native library
Hi All ! I have some windows-maked dll (xxx.dll for example). I want to use it on my Linux machine in my Java application. For this purpose I wrote a small wrapper around the xxx.dll by using winelib library and make it as Now I need load this library in my jvm (by using System.loadLibrary("xxx.dll"); ) but when I try to call any function from it I got
2010 Jul 29
Include Wine in my project and using WinGDI under Linux.
Hy guys, I make my application for Windows/Linux/Mac and I have problem with next using: I'm include in my project next headers: #ifndef WNT #include </tmp/include/windef.h> #include </tmp/include/winbase.h> #include </tmp/include/wingdi.h> #include </tmp/include/winuser.h> #include </tmp/include/winerror.h> #endif And It's cool working with, but
2008 Dec 15
WineLib and Java Native Interface (JNI) - UNIX
Hi All, I have implemented a JNI library on window that call the C++ dll APIs. Now I want my JAVA program is run on the UNIX system. I have used WineLib to wrapper Window Dlls to the Share Object Lib (so lib) (Using Winedump and Winegcc to build). The functions in the so lib can work normally with my C main test function. BUT when I call it from Java. The function can linked BUT it is crashed at
2010 Dec 02
Why msvcrt generates errors ?
Hello winers I'm doing a little excersice. A minimal source #include <string> int main(void) { return 0; } So, if i compile that with: g++ -I/usr/include/wine/msvcrt -c myfile.cpp I get errors like: In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/postypes.h:42, from /usr/include/c++/4.4/bits/char_traits.h:42, from
2009 Jun 25
Compiling and linking QT project with Wine libraries
Hi! Sorry if my question very nooby, but I couldn't find answer in others posts. I'm trying to compile QT project which using some functions from kernel32.dll (SetEvent, Sleep, ExitThread etc.). I include Wine lib in my QT project file: Code: LIBS += /usr/lib/wine/ When I linking my project I have errors such as: Code: undefined reference to 'SetEvent' undefined
2008 Jan 24
Problems when compiling MFC application
<table cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0' ><tr><td style="font: inherit;"><font size="2">Dear All,</font><br> &nbsp;<br> <font size="2">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This is my first post on the wine organisation mailing lists, i would like to inform all of you i am using
2006 Mar 02
Error while compiling code using wineg++ / winegcc
Hi!! I am not able to compile a test program on solaris using winegcc tool. Can anybody help? Here's the program source code: // file test.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> int main () { SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime; GetSystemTime(&lpSystemTime); printf("Today is: %d/%d/%d\n", lpSystemTime.wYear,
2011 Jan 16
Winelib Calling POSIX function from Windows application
Suppose that I have Windows application using Code: LoadLibrary followed by Code: GetProcAddress It should be possible to load a library implemented in terms of POSIX function but I do not understand how. Should I load the file generated by winegcc or do i need a plain .dll file?[/code]
2009 Sep 03
build wine dll problem
I am trying to follow the instructions here ( to build a dll with wine that i can load dynamically in a windows wine application. this is what i am doing: MyWinDll.spec Code: 2 stdcall MyWinFunc (int) MyProxyWinFunc MyWin.c Code: #include <windef.h> short MyProxyWinFunc(int *i) { return 5; } shell Code: winemaker --nosource-fix
2002 Aug 14
Linux C++ program using 3rd-party DLL?
Hi, I'm working with a spectrometer at an research institute but they only have windows 16-bit dll to control the sprectrometer. The dll is documented. My question is: Can I write a linux c++ program that uses this dll with wine? On the wine webpage it says "Optional use of external vendor DLLs" but how do I do it? On a first glance I have also not found any hints on that in
2008 Jul 24
Native and Builtin dll
I'm studing wine for my thesis but I've an question: if I can use native dll for an application because are there many builtin dll in usr/lib/wine? I understand for system dll like kernel32.dll, user32.dll etc Thanks.
2009 Jul 26
Help! How to mix win32 and native os calls in code?
Hi I have a tool that I am running under Mac version of Wine. What I am doing is installing the tool under wine (i.e wine <path to installer pkg.exe>) and then running it from wine. It uses an api to capture current screen (BitBlt api). Under Mac, it is capturing the X windows frame buffer instead of native Quartz frame buffer. I have source code for this tool. I am thinking of
2007 Jun 17
Sending changes to winelib ?
I have a little program coded for windows, and I want to compile it using winegcc. Unfortunately, some functions are not implemented in winelib, and I have to tweak some files. So, How do I submit those changes ? I found nothing on the WineHQ site. SO, if someone knows where to redirect me, I can do it alone! ___________________________________________________________________________
2001 Jun 19
winelib with a dll
Sorry to bug you all, but I want to know if I am trying to do something impossible. I am trying to use winelib to compile an exe that links to a dll, without compiling the dll under winelib (i.e. the equivalent of simply linking in the .lib). I have a win32 DLL project (hw5) that generates a hw5.lib, hw5.dll and hw5.h under M$. I have a win32 gui exe project (hw6) that includes hw5.h, links to