similar to: Mongrel Stops Responding

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Mongrel Stops Responding"

2023 Jan 03
mips64el stat/time/…? problem
Hi, I noticed a failure of mksh built with klibc on mips64el. The failing test, on a high level, is this: :>a sleep 2 :>b test a -nt b echo $? This is supposed to echo 1 (false) because a is not newer than b. The test code is roughly: // const char *opnd1 = "a"; // const char *opnd2 = "b"; // struct stat b1, b2; // int s; return (test_stat(opnd1, &b1) ==
2009 Apr 08
Hello R users, I've used the following help two compare two regression line slopes. Wanted to test if they differ significantly: Hi, I've made a research about how to compare two regression line slopes (of y versus x for 2 groups, "group" being a factor ) using R. I knew the method based on the following statement : t = (b1 - b2) / sb1,b2 where b1 and b2 are the two slope
2009 Jan 27
How to compare two regression line slopes
Hi, I've made a research about how to compare two regression line slopes (of y versus x for 2 groups, "group" being a factor ) using R. I knew the method based on the following statement : t = (b1 - b2) / sb1,b2 where b1 and b2 are the two slope coefficients and sb1,b2 the pooled standard error of the slope (b) which can be calculated in R this way: > df1 <-
2006 Nov 13
mongrel upload progress and nginx
Does anyone know whether the mongrel upload progress plugin works with nginx? It works fine for my app under pound, but not with nginx. I am using DRb to handle the uploads as detailed at . If I am using pound I can see the uploads with irb -r lib/upload_client.rb , but cannot if I am using nginx. Does anyone know anything more about this
2007 Dec 18
Mongrel + Lighttpd
Hi guys, I''ve been chasing a problem in my web-stack: Lighttpd -> Mongrel -> Rails, and found a problem with the interaction of Lighttpd and Mongrel. If a request takes more than 5 seconds, Lighty will retry it - and then the requests / responses get mixed up in Lighty and it returns a bad response to the client. Not good. I''m convinced that the problem is
2013 May 13
help: R GUI front-end has stopped working
Hello, I'm using the function nlminb of the package stats inside a loop and when the number of trials grows, R crashes and says "R GUI front-end has stopped working". Could you help me with this problem? I have try in versions 2.15.1,2.15.2 and 3.0.0. > sessionInfo() R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit) locale: [1]
2009 Jul 21
Toward a simple Nginx configuration for Puppet Mongrel
Hi, I''ve created two Nginx patches (see at the end of this message) to allow a simpler Nginx configuration for your Mongrel puppetmasters. The two main issues with Nginx in front of puppet were: * no CRL support * no optional certificate verification (and thus we''re forced to have two separate configs on two different ports, and to use --ca_port). Now, it is as simple as
2006 Nov 01
Nginx, Mongrel, Proxy and REMOTE_ADDR
I''m using a cluster of mongrels behind an apache 1.3 proxy pass. I''ve been passing the request to pen, which in turn balances the cluster of mongrels. Now, I''d like to be able to use a different server to send the static files created by the rails application, so I tried to replace pen with nginx. Everything seems to work fine except the environment variable REMOTE_ADDR.
2007 Aug 15
Nginx/Mongrel proxy_read_timeout issue
This may be a nginx issue more than a mongrel one but I though folks in this list might be interested. Anyway, I have a mongrel_cluster with 2 front nginx workers as proxy. I recently replaced apache/mod_proxy for nginx, and I wasn''t aware of the 60 seconds default proxy_read_timeout so I went a head and tried to run a process via http GET. Normally because of the 60 seconds the GET I
2007 Jan 26
Most reliable setup for mongrel
I''m looking for the most reliable setup for Mongrel. Reliable meaning avoiding things like sending too many requests to a single mongrel process, or sending requests to a mongrel process that has hung for some reason. The handler will most likely be rails, but it might be a custom handler. SSL is also a requirement, which limits the options a bit but it can''t be done away
2007 Jul 13
Mongrel + Insert Web Server Here
Which web server does mongrel fair best with? -Ron
2008 Feb 21
Difference between nginx and mongrel
Hi, I could never find out what''s the difference between nginx and mongrel. All my searches say "nginx is a HTTP server ..." and "Mongrel is a fast HTTP library and server for Ruby....". For me they both mean "...HTTP server...". I kept up with this question for some time till I came across this santence from the guys at Friend for Sale: -----------------
2010 Jun 08
Nginx/Mongrel Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 403 on SERVER
It works well when I use webrick. The config of nginx is from puppet wiki, some logs is below, what''s wrong? puppet version:0.25.4 client: ... ... debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem]: Autorequiring File[/ var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs] debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml]: Changing mode debug: /File[/var/lib/puppet/state/state.yaml]: 1 change(s) debug:
2006 Sep 18
Finally! Mongrel Official (for Unix)
Hello! Today I''m announcing a "soft but official" release of Mongrel for the Unix fans in the crowd. It''s been running stable for quite some time now for many people, and should be great for nearly everyone. You can read the announce at: This release includes new versions of mongrel_upload_progress and mongrel_cluster.
2007 Dec 16
mongrel and reverse proxy security
Hi, It seems that webrick cannot handle too much client and that luke is making mongrel the ''default'' server to use so i wanted to switch to mongrel. Then i read that i cannot use directly mongrel like webrick because it does not speak SSL. So my issue is : how to be sure things stay secure in the way that the proxy should be the one speaking ssl and making client ssl
2007 Nov 23
Mongrel+Apache 2.2 Proxy
Hi, I''m running a rails (mongrel) based web service behind an apache proxy, on windows 2003. Sometimes I see a POST in the apache log that returned a 404 but nothing about it in the rails log. It doesn''t happen every time, 9 out of 10 times it works just fine. The post (is actually a put) comes from a .NET application uploading a small xml-file. The log message in apache
2007 Feb 27
Mongrel upload progress not showing progress on production server
Hi all, Tried out the mongrel upload progress plugin with Drb and it works great on my OSX development box, but when putting it into production (Ubuntu Dapper), uploads complete but the app isn''t returning any values for upload progress, and uploads are not showing up in the queue when running upload_client.rb. Before anyone asks, yes, I''m running both the mongrel instances and
2007 Apr 03
FastCGI performing better than Mongrel - what am I doing wrong?
I tried benchmarking the same site behind an NGINX proxy with both fastcgi and mongrel, and for some reason mongrel is performing pretty poorly in comparison. Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Here''s my benchmarks for 1 fcgi: Server Software: nginx/0.4.0 Server Hostname: Server Port: 80 Document Path: / Document Length: 95
2011 Jan 17
Can't install mongrel with ruby 1.9.2p136
Hi, I''m getting this error message when I try to install Mongrel with "gem install mongrel" on Windows 7 x64 gem install mongrel Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5-x86-mingw32 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32... Installing EDoc documentation for mongrel-1.2.0.pre2-x86-mingw32... ERROR: While executing gem...
2008 Jan 24
#17446 [PATCH] Add option to mongrel_rails to force mongrel not to serve static files
Hi all, I''ve just added a patch that I''d appreciate some feedback on: Regards, Saimon -- Saimon Moore Freelance Web Developer (Available for hire - For details visit Skype: saimonmoore Yahoo IM: saimonmoore Google IM: saimonmoore -------------- next